《Hate Me Now, Love Me Later》Chapter 43


They decide to watch a movie for that day.

Jennie automatically holds Lisa's hand. Even she herself can't explain why she does that often now.

She tells Lisa to never leave her sight but Lisa is just plain stubborn. Because Lisa still agrees to have Sehun sit beside her during the movie.

Jennie immediately feels the same poisonous feelings back inside of her. Making her sit farther from the two, forcing the movie seem more interesting than having to hear Sehun laugh because of Lisa.

What the hell are they even talking about?!

She immediately feels the same venomous feelings back when she accidentally turns her head to their direction and sees how Lisa is already looking at her, too.

When she knows that she'll be held imprisoned by Lisa's stares again, she turns away.

Trying to take her mind off whatever it is Sehun and Lisa were doing.


Jennie's anger fuels more when Lisa says she won't go to the night club but then changes her mind because of Sehun.

Jennie's anger stays with her until they reached the night club.

She doesn't know why but she wants to teach Lisa a lesson, for never listening to a word she says.

She manages to still ignore Lisa, the boys swarming over her helping her with her plan in mind.

She actually does forget about Lisa for a moment – having to drink and dance with some of them.

Even having the most handsome of them pulling her closer as they dance.

They could have stayed a bit more like that if Jennie not turn her head to their table and see no Lisa sitting on it.

It hits her that Lisa is in the club with them.

It hits her more when she can't find Sehun, as well.

She continues to dance with the handsome guy but when she finally sees who she's looking for, she can't help but excuse herself and storm straight to their – Sehun's and Lisa's – direction.


Maybe the drinks did fog Jennie's mind because she doesn't know what triggered her to yank Lisa off Sehun – seeing how close they had become.

It burns Jennie's insides to see that sight.

She brashly leads Lisa out of the club as she tries to understand herself.

She doesn't understand herself anymore, she confirms it when she was not able to answer Lisa's question on why Jennie has brought Lisa outside.

She admits that she doesn't know. She makes up a lame excuse such as wanting some fresh air.

And maybe Lisa did buy it, but not that much. For Lisa then says that she'll go back inside, and Jennie practically had to stop her again.

Because then Jennie holds onto Lisa as she says – more like pleads – for Lisa to not go and stay with her instead.

And she feels her heart constrict once more as Lisa agrees and even as far as going in front of her.

She lowers her hold on Lisa's arm to Lisa's hand – and that was enough to send shivers, the good kind, down her spine.

She raises her gaze to meet Lisa's eyes, and she shouldn't have had as she once feels the same erratic beating of her heart again.

She can't help but ask Lisa the same question on why Lisa stares at her as such.

And Jennie only sees Lisa smile as Lisa again asks how she stares at Jennie.

And Jennie – finally – was able to say the words she has been dying to say,

"Like you're in love with me."


She reasons it's the alcohol that made Lisa and her act as such.

Maybe it's also the alcohol that made her scream and yell at Sehun to not touch Lisa. Maybe it's the alcohol that made her feel like Sehun is stealing something – someone – from her again.

Maybe it's still the alcohol that made her shout at Sehun once more through the phone.


And Jennie wishes it really was the alcohol making her feel these confusing feelings.


Jennie apologizes to Sehun the next day, partly because she did feel bad.

But maybe mostly because Lisa finally rejects Sehun's offer and decides to stay by Jennie's side.

Jennie doesn't know why her mood suddenly lifts up again after that. She goes back to her usual teasing and making fun of Lisa. Which never fails to make her the tad bit happy whenever Lisa blushes.

Her mood is so high she decides to bring Lisa to a place she's fond of.

They reach the place and she knows what Lisa's reaction would be like.

The place was nothing special, so she expects Lisa to not feel as enthusiastic.

When Lisa gives her the exact reaction she was expecting, they burst into laughter. The kind of laughter Jennie doesn't want to subside, the kind of laughter she's willing to have every day.

Because she was laughing with Lisa.

They sit on the river side and Jennie sees how Lisa is spacing out – it has been a habit of the blonde.

Jennie calls to her and imagine her surprise when Lisa actually looks serious.

Lisa calls Jennie's name, and Jennie's heart starts pounding again when Lisa says,

"I want to tell you something."

Jennie tries not to put a hand over her chest – for she knows her heart might jump out any time soon.

Why was she even feeling like this?

Lisa starts what she's about to say,

"Jennie Kim, I... I think I l–"

Only to be cut off by her own darned phone ringing.

Jennie doesn't pay mind to her phone. She wants Lisa to finish whatever it is the blonde is to say.

She needs to hear it.

The ringing continues and Jennie sees Lisa prompting for her to answer it first.

Jennie sighs internally as she looks at her phone.

It's her father, and of course she can't not answer it.

So she does,

And all what Lisa's supposed to say, was left unsaid.


They go back to their – the Kim's – house to have dinner.

And Jennie's father just have to bring up her childhood friend who she has not kept contact with.

She dismisses the idea but her father insisted on bringing up another one.

Kai, this time.


Kai who she has not seen the past months because he was sent to other countries to study.

Kai who she did date, but was never her boyfriend.

They only went into dates, not in a relationship.

Jennie admits she's attracted to him. Everything she wants from a man, Kai has – Kai is.

Of all those who showed interest in her, Kai is the one she had taken a liking the most.

She doesn't want to put labels on their relationship so she kept it like that.

They were going steady, but they did fight time to time.

It did not help when Kai was sent abroad.

But it doesn't mean Jennie forgot about him.

Jennie loves him. Jennie knows she does.

So even when he did go out, they somehow maintained contact.

Though Jennie also knows that that love was also fading.

She doesn't know why, but she knows it is.

And she still doesn't know why she feels as mad when Lisa starts giving her the cold shoulder all of a sudden.

When Lisa only answers with sighs and one-word replies.

Jennie is angered once more when Lisa asks about her life again, the same way Lisa had easily asked her.

Making it still seem that it was not hard enough to ask.

So Jennie callously says that it's never Lisa's business,

Not when Lisa doesn't know of the struggle Jennie is facing herself.

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