《Hate Me Now, Love Me Later》Chapter 34


Their lunch ended, and it was one of the longest lunches Lisa had ever been in.

But Lisa does not complain. Why would she when she enjoyed it herself?

With all their stories about each other came out, with all their memories recounted and remembered. Laughing and crying as they reminisced.

Why would Lisa complain when she was content seeing Jennie happy?

Lisa is unaware that she's looking at Jennie as the latter covers her mouth as she laughs.

Lisa is unaware that she smiles when Jennie does, when she creases her eyebrows as Jennie does, when she laughs when Jennie also laughs.

Lisa is unaware that she's looking endearingly at Jennie again.

A clenched hand supporting her head as she continues to stare at the wonder beside her.

She traces Jennie's features with her eyes. From Jennie's brown eyes, to her cute nose, to her rosy lips.

Lisa smiles again.

She is busy smiling and staring that she did not notice Jennie already looking back at her.

Lisa only stops when Jennie starts to have a smile on her own. She teasingly asks, "Done with all your gawking?"

Lisa sits properly. She coughs, "I-I'm not gawking." But the blush across her face says otherwise.

Jennie softly giggles, "Of course you weren't."

Though she continues to tease, "You never did."

"Sh-Shut up, Jennie." Lisa continues to bow her red face.

And Lisa's face keeps on getting redder and redder because Jennie continues with her teasing,

"Do you know you actually look cute when you're embarrassed?"

Lisa turns to her, mouth agape and eyes searching, "Wh-What are you saying? S-Stop it."

"Aww, the monkey is blushing!" Jennie whispers as she laughs.

Lisa covers both her ears as she feels them get too hot, and for her to stop hearing Jennie's words so she will stop embarrassing herself with how red she is already.

But Jennie keeps on proving and proving that she can make Lisa's heart beat louder with anything she does.

Because then she rests a hand on Lisa's lap – and Lisa thinks it's unconsciously – as Jennie teasingly says once more,

"I like it when you're blushing, too."


"Hey, monkey. Accompany me in an hour?"

"Okay. I'll just prepare our things." Lisa stands up from the bed and stretches,

"What will we bring?"

"Not much."

"Where are we even going?"

"Just somewhere I used to go to when I stay here." Jennie shrugs.

"Aww. Being sentimental, Kim?" Lisa now teases.

"Aww. Being a jerk, Manoban?" Jennie pouts back.

And Jennie shouldn't have had because even with that smallest gesture sent pulses of blood all over Lisa's face that Lisa could not help but mutter,

"... Cute."



There goes Lisa's tad bit of dignity and self-control out of the window as Jennie bursts into another fit of laughter.

"What have you been eating lately, Lisa?" Jennie slaps Lisa's arm as she continues with her grins, "What has Anyang done to you?"

What have you done to me?

"L-Leave me alone, Kim." Lisa bites her lip to stop herself from blushing. Both from embarrassment and for what Jennie does next,

Jennie rests her head on the taller girl's shoulder as she pulls Lisa closer by the arm again, that same smile put upon her lips,

"I know you don't want me to, Manoban."

And Jennie's right, Lisa doesn't really want her to.


Lisa tries her best to hold on to the running girl who is dragging her, "W-Wait, Jennie. Where are we even going?"

She huffs for some air as Jennie stops their running.

"We're here!" Jennie spreads her arms as to show the scenery.

But it was only the plain blue evening sky dotted with some stars that Lisa sees.

Don't get Lisa wrong, she thinks it's beautiful but it's almost the same sky they see in Seoul or in Jennie's room.

"Great?" Lisa looks for proper wording in case Jennie throws her another childish act for not saying things properly.

"Not the sky, you idiot." Jennie presses Lisa's nose, "There!"

Lisa looks to where Jennie is pointing.

Down the slope they are standing at, is a small, narrow river reflecting the evening sky and the stars that paint it.

If this is one of the dramas Lisa watches, one may think it's romantic.

The love of your life bringing you into a cliché place he or she loves as you say the cliché word 'Beautiful' as the scene should have been breath taking, But life has its own way on playing with Lisa's feeling, because the scenes in the dramas that she's immersed with doesn't happen to her.

It would have been romantic, Jennie bringing her here, but it was a very rather plain baby river. The common, almost-dried out river in any part of anywhere.

Lisa searches for the word, but is only able to come up with an unintentional less enthusiastic, "... Wow."

Jennie only laughs when she hears Lisa's reaction, "Why do you sound so disappointed?"

Lisa knows she has a reply, but only a soft giggle leaves her mouth.

And so Jennie looks at her and giggles once more, and so Lisa laughs with Jennie as well.

Until they are only laughing at their stupidity.

"This is pitiful." Lisa says in between short laughs and intakes of air.

Jennie doesn't disagree, "What? It's the only place near our house that I can actually reflect whenever I felt like it."


So that's why we're here.

Lisa genuinely smiles.

Even if it was not a grand place that Jennie showed her, even if it was not the most awe-striking scene that Jennie took her, Lisa feels that it's the perfect place.

Because Lisa knows that she can go to the deepest hollows of hell, and it would still be the most heavenly place as long as Jennie is with her.


"I used to go here every time, even when I was young."

Jennie starts reminiscing the moment she led Lisa down to the riverbank.

"Because it's the only place your short legs got you?" Lisa teases as they walk.

Lisa was honestly waiting for a punch in the arm but she only gets an Jennie smiling and muttering a weak yet content, "Yes."

Lisa softly laughs as she shakes her head.

"Do you ever just have those moments when you want to be alone and sort your thoughts?" Jennie, surprisingly, intelligently inquires.

Lisa looks at her, "Is that what you're feeling right now?"

Jennie continues to look at the riverbank,

"... Yes."

"Why did you bring me here? Won't it be better if you reflect alone?" Lisa concernedly asks.

"Yeah, but I won't like it."

Lisa turns to Jennie again, and Jennie doesn't stare back. The older girl sits on the grass, she only turns to Lisa to instruct the latter to do the same.

So Lisa does.

"You're weird." Lisa smiles.

Jennie smiles back before turning to look at the horizon again, "I know."

Silence takes over them again.

Lisa can't take the silence. She has to break it.

Break it with the stupidest idea she is currently thinking of.

Should I confess?

Lisa feels the need to breathe heavily and rapidly as her heart starts to pump more blood faster than normal.

She clenches her hands as her throat gets dry.

Even just the thought of saying it to Jennie is enough to mute her fully.

"Lisa, are you alright?"

It was enough for Lisa to snap her neck to the one beside her.

"You're shaking and red." Jennie pats her clenched hand, "Are you cold already?"

"N-No." Lisa shakes her head quickly, "I'm fine."

Jennie only nods, "Okay. Tell me if you want to go already."

I don't.

Lisa doesn't want to. If possible, they stay like this for a long time.

Lisa grits her teeth harder as her mind and heart fight each other for having different thoughts.

She knows it's the perfect time, the perfect place.

And maybe Lisa didn't think anymore, for she says,


The said girl turns to her, and so Lisa flushes a deep shade of red again. She thanks the stars for dragging the sun down already.

"Yes, Lisa?"

"I..." Lisa breathes, she wishes her voice stay still – not like what her heart is doing right now, "I want to tell you something."

Jennie blinks, "What is it?"

Lisa bites a lip, closes her eyes.

Now, Lisa.

When she opens them again, she stares right at Jennie's beautiful pair,

"Jennie... I think I..."

"You think? That's scary, Lisa." Jennie jeers.

Lisa deadpans as she tries to focus back on what she's supposed to say, "Jennie, be serious here."

Jennie doesn't stop giggling, "You're scaring me."

You're scaring me.

"Jennie Kim," Lisa turns to fully look at Jennie, "I think I l—"

And life really might not be on Lisa's side as Jennie's phone starts ringing.

"You think you what?" Jennie prompts Lisa to continue, but the ringing prompts Lisa to tell Jennie to get it.

Jennie hesitates at first but when she sees who's calling, she looks at the blonde, "It's Dad, I need to get this."

Lisa only nods, as she defeatedly rests her forehead on the farthest end of Jennie's shoulder.

"Hi, Dad." Jennie speaks, "I'm with Lisa. We're just hanging out by the river."

Lisa feels vibration from Jennie's voice.

"Yeah, we'll go home after this," Jennie pauses, "Okay, okay. We'll be there in a minute."

Lisa looks up.

"Yes, Dad. Okay, Dad. Bye." Jennie hangs up, then turns to Lisa, "He's calling for us to go home already. Says it's already dark."

Lisa bites a lip again before nodding,

"... Okay."

"But what were you saying?" Jennie tries to look at Lisa, "You can say it as we walk back home."

Lisa looks back at her.

It's another split second moment where her mind says no, but her heart says go.

And Lisa might have thought too deeply this time – and with how life played her a while ago – she let her mind win over her heart.

She thinks it cliché now. Saying it here. On Jennie's favourite place at her home town just the two of them sitting by the river.

It's stupid.

Lisa smiles as she thinks.

No, she will not confess here. The phone call made her realize it.

Maybe when we go back to our house in Seoul. She thinks.

She will wait until the most improper time arrives and she'll let her stupidity get the best of her and she'll accidentally blurt it out to Jennie.

Isn't that more romantic?

When you don't think what you'll do next, or what you'll say next.

Letting things fall perfectly into their places. Without you forcing them to, without you over thinking about them to.

So Lisa only smiles, she has been good at that now.

She only smiles because she knows she'll cherish this moment forever.

The moment she knows her feelings for Jennie.

The love she admits she has for Jennie.

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