《Hate Me Now, Love Me Later》Chapter 33


Lisa wakes up with no Jennie beside her.

She wakes up with Jennie sleeping on the brunette’s own bed.

Not much happened anymore after Lisa’s phone conversation with Sehun last night.

Lisa stands up and fixes her bed.

She gets her clothes and proceeds to the bathroom,

But not before she glances at Jennie one last time.


“Good morning, Lisa.” Jennie’s mother says the moment Lisa steps in the dining room.

“Good morning, Ma’am.” She bows.

“Is Jendeuk-ah still sleeping?”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“Did she have too many drinks?”

Lisa’s about to answer but then she realizes she doesn’t know what to answer, “I-I honestly don’t know, Ma’am.”

Jennie’s mom only nods, “Well, at least you all got home safe. Though her cousins came home later?”

Lisa quickly nods, “Y-Yes, Ma’am. Jennie wanted to go home earlier last night so we came here before them.”

The older girl only nods again, “Okay. So, ready for breakfast?”

“I’ll just wait for Jennie, Ma’am.” Lisa politely bows.

“Oh, Lisa,” Jennie’s mother holds one of Lisa’s hands as Lisa hopes that it’s neither cold nor shaking, “Stop calling me ‘Ma’am’, okay?

And Lisa wishes harder because then Jennie's mother says with a smile,

“Call me ‘Mom’.”


Jennie doesn’t walk into the dining room for another 15 minutes. So Lisa spends time with the brunette’s mother instead.

“How is Jendeuk-ah in school, darling?” Said mother inquires.

Lisa looks for an answer. She thinks, because she does not know.

Not when Jennie pushes her away every time whenever they’re in campus.

“Sh-She’s fine, I guess, Ma-” Lisa stops because Jennie’s mom glares at her with how the former would have had called the latter, “Mom.” Lisa is quick to change her use of honorific.

Lisa still feels tongue-tied with how she addresses Jennie’s mother all of a sudden.

Because now she feels a bit more ecstatic. She feels a bit closer to finally being a part of Jennie’s family, she feels a bit more of an ­– save her soul for even thinking this – in-law.

“Is that so?” Jennie’s mother nods, “Well, thank you for taking care of our daughter, Lisa. I’m pretty sure she’s hard to handle.” She chuckles.


And Lisa can’t help but do so, “It’s my pleasure… M-Mom.”

“And I thought I’m your only daughter.”

Lisa hastily snaps her head to the voice who said it.

“Good morning.” Jennie says as she kisses her mother’s cheek before turning to Lisa, “To you too, monkey.”

“G-Good morning.” Lisa shuffles to stand up and offer her seat to Jennie, which Jennie takes.

“Lisa and I were talking about school before you came.” Jennie’s mom says.

Jennie nods at first, then, “So how did calling you ‘Mom’ get into the picture?”

She teasingly asks.

“Well, isn’t she basically my daughter as well?” Jennie’s mother says it like it’s the most mundane thing to say.

Jennie only stares, before bursting in a soft giggle.

“Of all the people, Mom,” Jennie teases as she looks at Lisa, then to her mother, “And you chose Lisa.”

Jennie’s mother shrugs, “I like Lisa. She’s a good daughter.”

Lisa feels herself getting warm and red all over once more.

Damn this family.

She’s feeling embarrassed and happy.

Too happy.

Damn myself.

“Okay, Mom,” Jennie sits properly to ready herself for breakfast,

She looks at Lisa one last time, and Lisa feels her heart thunder in her chest,

Jennie continues with a smile,

“If that’s what you say so.”


“Where do you plan to go today?” Jennie’s dad asks.

“We haven’t talked about it yet, Dad.” Jennie replies.

“Some of your cousins will be leaving later in the afternoon so they can rest tomorrow and get ready for school.”

Jennie only nods.

“I’m planning to have a concluding lunch before they finally go.” Jennie’s father suggests.

“It’s okay with me.” Jennie shrugs, “Maybe we can leave tomorrow morning, though?”

Jennie turns to Lisa, and Lisa swears she almost choke on her food.

“S-Sure.” Lisa nervously says.

“Alright. It’s settled.” Jennie dad nods, “I’ll just tell them later.”

“Is Sehun also leaving?” Jennie quickly asks. Which made both her parents turn to her direction.

“I’m not sure, dear.” Jennie’s mom says, “Why don’t you ask him later?”

Jennie scoffs.

“Speaking of Sehun,” Jennie’s father starts to talk, “I chanced upon him last night – no, a while ago, Jesus you’re still awake at 3 in the morning? – and he told me you shouted at him?”


Jennie only stares again, and Lisa stares at her.

“Yes, I did.” Jennie confesses straight away, “Why?”

“Ruby Jane,” He massages his temples, “Why are you so hard on your cousin?”

“Because he’s stubborn.”

“He told me he was just being friendly to Lisa.”

Now it was Jennie’s turn to massage her temples, “Dad, if you were there – which I am thankful you were not – you would see how he’s too ‘friendly’ to Lisa.”

Lisa was sure Jennie’s dad is to reply again and maybe give Jennie some words of wisdom but then Jennie’s cousins start to come down and assemble in the dining hall.

So attention is turned to them.

And Lisa thinks Jennie is thankful for that at how the latter heaved a deep sigh of relief.


“Is it okay to you if we leave tomorrow instead?”

Lisa feels the same warmth pour all over the moment Jennie basically latch her petite body on Lisa’s arm.

“Of-Of course,” Lisa stammers, “I want you to spend time with your family the most you can.”

“Aww, isn’t that sweet of you?” Jennie coos as she dawdle a finger near Lisa's lips.

Lisa openly scoffs but deep within she feels the happiest.

Feeling Jennie lean on her shoulder even more doesn’t help.

“After some of my cousins leave later, accompany me somewhere?” Jennie asks, but Lisa knows her too well to identify it as a command.

“What choices do I have?” Lisa teases.

“Yes or hell yes.” Jennie teases back.

Lisa only chuckles, but she does answer.

A smile already painted on her lips,

“Hell yes.”


So they have lunch.

Without Jennie occupying any of Lisa’s hands. Without Jennie gripping on any of Lisa’s skin.

So Lisa decides to gamble.

She inhales and exhales as she nervously dry her sweating hands at her sides.

She nods as she nervously – cautiously­ – takes Jennie’s hand in her own.

If Jennie is tired of doing so, then Lisa will do it instead.

She made up her mind that she will not let Jennie worry anymore, if that’s what Jennie is feeling.

She takes Jennie’s hand, the moment Sehun enters the room.

She tightens her hold on Jennie’s hand, the moment he greets them – her – and she greets back.

She keeps her hold of Jennie’s hand, the moment she felt Jennie somehow pulling it away.

She doesn’t let go of Jennie’s hand, the moment Sehun asks if they can sit together again – and with all of Lisa’s will and sanity – politely rejects his offer.

All for Jennie’s sake.

“Need to feed the baby.” Lisa tensely jokes, as she refers to Jennie.

And Lisa thanks all the gods that Sehun is a sport and laughs along with her – unlike Jennie who quickly jabs her arm.

Sehun says, “I totally agree,” He nods with a smile, “It’s alright.”

So Lisa can’t help but smile back, her hand tightening her hold of Jennie’s.

“Go apologize to him.” Lisa whispers to the shorter girl as Sehun starts walking away.

Jennie gets baffled but with maybe with what Lisa just did affect Jennie because the brunette quickly nods and unlatches her hand with Lisa to go her cousin.


He turns his head to find Jennie already behind him, but then his face turns resentful. He asks coldly, “What?”

Lisa sees Jennie shift. Immediately, Lisa knew she’s nervous.

Jennie closes her eyes and exhales, she then looks at Sehun as she says firmly and honestly, “I’m sorry.”

Sehun only stares back, then he asks, “What for?”

“For… Everything.”

He doesn’t speak. He only smiles.

Which made Jennie smack his arm.

“I’m sorry too, Deukie.” He finally says, sincerely, “And I swear, I swear on my own mother’s name, that I’m not trying to do anything funny with Lisa.”

Jennie breathes a laugh, “Really, Sehun? As far as swearing on auntie’s name?”

“Yes, I’m that serious.” He chuckles.

Lisa doesn’t know if the both of them are not aware that she can perfectly hear their conversation, but Lisa smiles as well.

She smiles because they’re okay.

“Well, Sehun,” Jennie puts an arm around his shoulder, making Sehun squat a bit,

“Tough luck.”

Sehun only sneers and Jennie laughs,

And Lisa continues to smile.

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