《Hate Me Now, Love Me Later》Chapter 32


Lisa can only follow with her eyes as Jennie holds her hand as the shorter girl leads them back inside the club.

“We’ll just get our things and we’ll be on our way.” Jennie says as she continues to pull on Lisa.

“W-We’re leaving? So soon?”

Jennie stops walking, “Why? You still want to stay there? To finally kiss Sehun?”

“No!!” Lisa immediately defends herself.

Kissing Sehun is one of the last things Lisa wants to happen, “I already told you that there is absolutely nothing between me and Sehun.”

“Then why do you make it seem that there is something!” Jennie strongly breaks her contact of Lisa.

Lisa only stares and gapes as she studies Jennie’s frowned face. With the latter breathing heavily once more.

“Jennie, it’s only you who put meaning behind our every action. We were just having fun!” Lisa runs a hand through her hair, “And wasn’t it you who was having more fun with random guys you just met?”

It was Lisa’s turn to question Jennie, wishing that the envy chewing at her won’t come off her voice.

Jennie steps back, obviously caught off guard by Lisa’s question. After a few more seconds does she find a reply, “Isn’t that what you do in clubs? Dance?!”

“And that’s what exactly Sehun and I were doing!”

“You were too close!”

“You were too close!!” Lisa snaps back, the jealousy filling her being slowly getting the best of her as she remembers how Jennie seems to happy with the close distance the latter was having with another guy.

No one utter anymore word after that.

Only open mouths and suppressed responses.

“Let’s just…” Jennie sighs, “Let’s just go home. I, I think it’s the alcohol making us like this.”

Yeah, the alcohol.

Lisa only nods as she somehow agrees with Jennie's assumption.

Maybe it was indeed the alcohol making them act like this, and say words like that,

But Lisa is damn sure it was not the alcohol that makes her feel for Jennie.


“Lisa! There you are!” Sehun squeezes himself amidst the people-infested room.

Lisa smiles back but she sees Jennie only glare at him as the older girl hurriedly takes their – Jennie’s and Lisa’s – things with her, Jennie hastily yet unemotionally says, “We’re leaving.”

“What? Already?” Sehun shouts the words as the sounds are louder than their voices.

“Yeah, too crowded.” Jennie signals her surroundings, trying to make her point.

But Lisa guesses Sehun doesn’t get it as he then takes Lisa’s hand and tries to pull her back to him.

“Don’t touch her! Goddamnit, Sehun!” Jennie yells the words fast as she snatches Lisa’s hand back forcefully, she snatches Lisa’s hand back immediately after Sehun seized it.


Even with the booming music, Jennie’s words are clear and bold. The way she spit the words indicating the gravity of the sentence. The way she pierces Sehun with her glares making what she said more serious than ever. The strength she puts on her hold on Lisa’s hand implying that she means it.

“Don’t touch her.” Jennie repeats slowly and firmly, adding more emphasis than the first time she threatened Sehun with it.

Lisa feels the heat rise to her face as she both feel bad for Sehun and feel good at how protective Jennie is of her.

She was not able to compose herself back when Jennie takes one last glare at Sehun before dragging a perplexed and a panicked Lisa back outside,

Not letting Sehun say anything anymore.


Their ride back home was uncomfortable.

Dead awkward and darn silent.

Lisa crumples the hem of her dress in uneasiness as Jennie sit farther beside her in the cab – arms and legs crossed like the princess that she is.

Even with their safe distance, Lisa can feel the cold aura Jennie is emitting.

Why the hell is Jennie so mad when it was her who started the fight?!

Lisa nervously chews her lower lip, thinking on how to break the silence without sounding desperate and needy.


“I’ll apologize to him tomorrow,” Jennie cuts her off, without even looking at her.

Lisa keeps her mouth open and quickly closes them when Jennie finally turns to her. Jennie adds,coldly, “If that’s what you’re worried about.”

Lisa stares at first, until she can’t maintain their eye contact, and she quickly nods. She says instead, “W-Will your cousins be okay there?”

“They’re with Sehun. They’ll be fine.” Jennie turns her head back to face the window, still having her arms and legs crossed.

“… Okay.” Lisa decides to just face the window as well.

She is praying for the cab to go faster so they’ll be home already and Lisa need not tolerate this kind of atmosphere with Jennie.

She doesn’t know what to feel anymore. If she’s scared, sad, happy, ecstatic.

All because of Jennie’s sudden actions.

The train of her thoughts was put into a brief stop when Jennie spoke,

“I’m sorry I acted like that.”

Lisa quickly turns her head back to face the brunette, but Jennie does not face her.

Jennie only says, “I startled you, didn’t I?”

Lisa blinks, her heart racing once again, “A… A bit.”

Silence takes over them again until Jennie suddenly says, “Sehun... He…” Jennie gulps then continues, she rests her chin on one hand as she stares outside, “He used to steal things from me when we were still young. So…” Jennie ends with a nonchalant shrug.


Lisa feels heat spreading fast inside her body by Jennie’s sudden statement.

Why is Jennie suddenly saying things like this to her? Is Jennie trying to point out something?

Did it feel like Sehun is stealing Lisa from her?

But Lisa’s dreaming stops when Lisa sees Jennie shake her head as Jennie says, “I... I don’t know what got in me. I just… suddenly felt like we needed to leave.”

Lisa lowers her gaze, “It’s alright,” Her hope starting to fade as she says with a partly broken heart, “Maybe you had one too many drinks.”


Then Jennie says meekly, adding more salt to the already open wound, “Maybe.”

Lisa raises her stare back at the girl who she feels indescribable things for, wishing it really wasn’t just the alcohol that made Jennie act like that.


“We’re already home,” Jennie tucks her phone in one ear as she removes a bracelet, “Yeah, I brought Lisa home with me. Stay with Sehun, okay?”

Lisa watches Jennie pace the bedroom as the latter talks with – which Lisa assumes – one of her cousins.

“Don’t be out too late. I’ll ask the driver to pick you up. I really don’t trust Sehun to get you home safely, though. He might be the drunk you need to take home.” Jennie adjusts her phone.

Lisa continues to watch as Jennie’s eyebrows start to crease. Then her eyes start to widen along with her mouth, and so Lisa wonders what they’re talking about. Or who she’s talking to, even.

Lisa finally knows the answer as Jennie then says rather loudly, “Shut up, Sehun! I saw how you stared at her!”

Lisa cowers a little as Jennie starts going back and forth the room faster, the latter’s voice getting higher and higher with each second.

“Your hands are on her waist!!” Jennie says in an inconvenient tone not proper considering the time of the night already,

“Where the hell is ‘helping her socialize’ there?!”

Lisa feels her muscles unintentionally tense up. Even if it was not her Jennie is yelling at, she feels bad that she’s somehow the reason why the cousins are fighting again.

“You’re a jerk! Never go near her again!”

Jennie spews the words out as she hangs up with her thumb pressing on the button too strongly.

Lisa gulps as she sees Jennie starting to breathe heavily again, the older girl’s anger filling the room.

Suddenly, Lisa doesn’t like to be with Jennie at that moment. Afraid that any more minute Jennie stays with her, she’ll be sputtering her feelings out to the older girl.

Lisa shifts on her bed, feeling her insides getting heavier and heavier with the thoughts of how Jennie feels about her.

Why is Jennie even this mad? Lisa’s not hers, even if Lisa wishes that she is.

Jennie continues to breathe sturdily as Lisa holds her breath.

Lisa holds it more when Jennie chances upon her direction – her wintry eyes meeting Lisa’s warm ones. Warm from the flame burning in Lisa’s heart.

Then Lisa sees Jennie’s bleak eyes started to soften the longer they hold each other’s gaze. Like Lisa’s stares calm Jennie – if Lisa is dumb enough to fool herself with that thought.

“I…” Jennie huffs one last time before running a hand through her hair, “I’ll really apologize to him once he’s not drunk anymore.”

Lisa only nods. What else can she do, anyway?

But she does scoot aside when Jennie motions for her to. She does and Jennie sits beside her on the blonde’s bed.

“I’m sorry, Lisa.” Jennie’s eyes start to wander the floor, “I frightened you a lot of times today.”

Every day.

Jennie frightens Lisa everyday with thoughts that Jennie wants her as much as she wants Jennie. Jennie frightens Lisa everyday with thoughts that Jennie will leave her hanging the moment Lisa is already falling.

That Jennie can leave her, that Jennie will leave her.

Without any second thoughts.

Not any second thoughts that Lisa has every damn day. When she starts to feel weird emotions inside her body that she just can’t explain. Feelings she has no intention on keeping or even having in the first place.

Questions and doubts that she fears she’ll be living with for a very long time.

When Jennie acts all selfish and jealous when others have Lisa, when Jennie gets all mad and resentful when Lisa is not with her. When Jennie becomes all Lisa wishes Jennie will ever be.

But Jennie isn’t.

Jennie doesn’t.

Jennie isn’t what Lisa wants her to be, because Jennie only acts it at times, because Jennie doesn’t say it. Because Jennie doesn’t prove it.

How can Lisa feel reassured of her feelings when Jennie herself gives Lisa mixed signals and vague signs? How can Lisa brace herself from the impact that would hit her when she feels herself smash on the ground when Jennie doesn’t catch her from her fall?

Questions and doubts that flood Lisa’s poor, poor mind.

A question that remains unanswered because she doesn’t want to ask.

Because she can’t ask.

Afraid that the answers – the lies – that she’s hoping to hear would not come out of Jennie’s mouth.

So she let the question stay in her mind – in her heart,

What are we?

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