《Hate Me Now, Love Me Later》Chapter 31


“I thought you won’t be going?” Jennie asks her the moment they set foot at Jennie’s bedroom.

Lisa bites her lips as she doesn’t want to mention Sehun as reason, or all the people who she knows will ring around Jennie later, so she simply says, “I-I had a change of mind.”

But Lisa might have underestimated Jennie’s telepathic skills as Jennie asks – questions, “It’s Sehun, isn’t it?”

“W-What?” Lisa tries to play it dumb, “What are you talking about?”

Jennie scoffs, “Oh, please, Lisa. Stab me with a fork. I know Sehun talked you into this, and you being the love-struck girl that you are willingly agreed.”

There goes Lisa’s heart rate again, the heart rate that keeps on increasing and increasing. With Jennie acting like a possessive, crazed girlfriend without actually being the girlfriend.

“It’s not that, Jennie.”

“Yeah, it’s not that.” Jennie finishes their conversation.

Though Lisa thinks Jennie is correct.

Lisa was a love-struck girl alright.

Love-struck with you.


The nightclub is completely jammed with all kinds of people. The drunk, the friend who doesn’t drink much because he will be the one to drive the drunk friend home, the one person draggedinto this place, and the countless people dancing and drinking and socializing.

Lisa’s vision starts to blur as her head gets hazy from the loud sounds and the smell of alcohol filling the entire vicinity.

Jennie’s cousins already find their way to the dance floor and act like deranged people who recently got out of prison.

Lisa stays close to Jennie afraid that any second, someone else will steal Jennie from her.

And it didn’t even take a second to prove Lisai’s theory.

She searches for Jennie only to find a group of guys already flocking around Jennie.

Jealousy fills her already hazy mind as she watches how Jennie smiles at them and acknowledges everything they say.

Why the hell are you giggling?

Lisa wonders what those jerks said to make Jennie giggle so softly like that. It bites on Lisa more when one of the jerks pass a shot glass to Jennie and she sees Jennie momentarily gets baffled but decides to chug it in one go anyway. Even going as far as raising a hand after drinking it.

Lisa could only watch in pain as she continues to stare at Jennie starting to get in the groove and dance along with the boys she just recently got acquainted with.

Damn it, Jennie!

And Lisa continues to bite her lips as she witnesses how one of the boys – the most good-looking one out of the batch – pulls Jennie a little bit closer to him, And Jennie obliges.

Lisa unintentionally winces when she saw it, but could not do anything but watch in agony.


She can’t take this anymore. Why did she even agree to go here? When she knows exactly this would happen.

Lisa decides to stay seated at their place in the dance club as she sees the drink one of Jennie’s cousins offered her but politely rejected it.

The anger in her brain might have hit her too hard that she decides to take it and finish it in a go.

She slams the shot glass hard back on the table, wishing some of her frustrations go along with it.

She sees another drink one of Jennie’s relatives left there and decides to gulp it in. Slamming it the same way she did to the previous one.

“Woah, who knew you drink that much?”

Lisa turns to her left only to find who else but Sehun sit beside her.

“Hey.” He softly says.

“… Hey.” She replies as softly.

“You really are not one to socialize, are you?” Sehun hands her another drink as Lisa keeps on eyeing the one on his hand.

Lisa looks at him before taking the drink and gulping it down once more. She wipes her mouth with her backhand before saying, “Yeah.”

Sehun only nods as Lisa feels the weight of his stares on her.

He then says as he offers Lisa his hand, “Want to practice socializing now?”

Lisa looks at him once more and sees the same reassuring smile Lisa has started to like.

She glances over Jennie’s direction again.

She shouldn’t have had as she feels her heart gets rammed by a heavy lift by the way Jennie is close to him as she stares directly at his eyes.

Lisa decides that she will not sulk about it like a kid stolen of candy. She decides that she will have fun. Just as much as Jennie is having.

Why the hell not, right?

So she takes Sehun’s hand in hers as she smiles back at him,


Sehun leads Lisa into the dance floor.

Though she leads Sehun into a farther point away from Jennie as she does not want Jennie to see them.

Because even if Lisa feels mad, and feels hurt, she doesn’t want Jennie seeing her disobey any more of the older girl’s words. She also doesn’t want Jennie interrupting them again, if ever Jennie decides to.

She tries to squeeze herself in the room full of people, and she can hear the music basicallyblaring.

It’s a good feeling, though. Lisa admits.

Because then she finds herself jumping to the rhythm and bobbing into the beat.

Her smiles grow wider with each bass dropped by the DJ and by the way Sehun across her smiles widely as well.

They continue to dance, and it was only then that Lisa realizes why the people there dance like lunatics because then they start to dance like them.


Lisa occasionally laughs at Sehun’s crazy tactics and dance moves, that she actually forgot where they were, where Jennie was.

Alcohol is not a good thing. No, especially when it clouds your mind the wrong way.

She feels so free waving and dancing to the music with Sehun’s laughter drowning her senses. She feels so free that she was not able to notice how his hands are already on her waist, and how hers are on his chest.

She feels so free that she didn’t notice how close they – Sehun and her – are.

The same closeness that she could taste the alcohol Sehun had taken, the same proximity where – one wrong move – and they could be accidentally closing the gap between them.

But that gap soon becomes more distant, wider, farther, with each passing second.

Because then Lisa feels herself being pulled,yanked, by the same soft hand she desperately wishes to even touch her the slightest the whole night.

Because then Lisa feels herself sink in the sea of people as she continues to be snatched by the person giving her the hurting in her heart the entire evening.

“Jennie.” Lisa mutters the name she had grown to love, because it was the only one that came out of her mouth.

“We’re leaving.” Jennie says coldly as she continues to drag Lisa, not even having the decency to turn around to see the girl she’s pulling.

Jennie continues to drag Lisa away from the dance floor, from the sick beats dropping, from the alcohol-filled room,

From Sehun.

Jennie continues to pull Lisa until they got out of the night club itself.

“Jennie.” Lisa says again.

Jennie doesn’t speak, doesn’t look at her, doesn’t even turn to face her properly.

“What’s wrong?” She asks as she can’t stand the silence, “Why did you drag me out here?”

“I…” Jennie starts to speak, and Lisa moves closer to at least hear her, “… I don’t know.”

Lisa only gets confused by Jennie’s answer.

Jennie adds, “I-I just need some fresh air.”

Jennie doesn’t face her still, so Lisa decides to go in front of Jennie to talk to her appropriately.

And Lisa can’t help but let some of the alcohol seep into her brain again as she fools herself that Jennie looks troubled and worried with the way the latter bites a lip.

Lisa’s heart is going crazy along with her mind as she looks at an uneasy Jennie who can’t bring herself to gaze at the taller girl.

“We’re getting fresh air now.” Lisa says, “Are you feeling better?”

Jennie nods, but her head still bowed.

Lisa gulps as she warily asks the question flooding her mind the moment she saw Jennie with a guy, “I… I thought you were having fun?”

That made Jennie finally look at her, Jennie says, “I-I was.”

Lisa only nods as she starts to feel the fume in her body rising up again.

Jennie was having fun with someone else, someone else that is not Lisa.

What the hell is wrong with that?

“Well, if you’re done ‘freshening up’, and if you don’t mind,” Lisa cautiously says, afraid her jealousy will burst out and betray her, “I-I’ll go back inside.”

Jennie doesn’t respond so Lisa nods one last time and proceeds to walk back to the club.

But Lisa doesn’t take much so a step when she feels a familiar hand curl around her arm and stop her from walking.

She instantly turns back to Jennie, who was still facing away from her. Though Lisa does hear Jennie say,

“Don’t go.”

Lisa only breathes as she awaits another word from Jennie, “Stay.”

Lisa clenches her teeth to restrain herself from tackling Jennie and embracing her.

Jennie continues to say weakly, “Stay with me.”

For the millionth time that Jennie has asked Lisa something so softly, how can Lisa resist?

Lisa slowly walks back in front of Jennie to face the older girl, Lisa gently says,

“… Okay.”

Lisa feels Jennie’s hand go lower from her arm until it reaches her hand, and that was enough to send shivers – the good kind – down Lisa's being.

Jennie finally looks up to meet Lisa’s gaze as Lisa unconsciously stares fondly at Jennie again, only to be cut off when Jennie smiles as she asks,

“Why do you stare at me like that?”

Lisa feels a smile creeping out her lips as they have this conversation again, she asks back,

“Like what?”

Lisa feels her heart pound in her chest, deafening her ears and numbing her insides. Though Lisa decides to not mind her beating heart – because it was beating for Jennie.

Lisa feels her heart pound harder – expecting the same statement from Jennie when the brunette had first asked her.

Lisa feels her heart struggling to break loose with what Jennie says next,

“Like you’re in love with me.”

Lisa remains speechless with Jennie’s sudden reply. Words are not enough to say how greatly confused and elated Lisa is.

So Lisa doesn’t say anything back to Jennie.

She only closes her eyes and simply smiles at Jennie’s words,

“Like you’re in love with me.”

She simply smiles,

Because she knows that she is.


Another update for u guys! I hope you all are enjoying this story ^_________^

What genre do you prefer for my next Jenlisa story? :> Fantasy or Angst? Thank you in advance for answering. I love u all!

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