《Hate Me Now, Love Me Later》Chapter 30



Lisa was about to turn her head to the guy who called her, but it was Jennie who turns her head first.

Lisa feels Jennie tighten her hold on the former’s hand.

Jennie pulls Lisa behind her, as if to hide the obviously taller girl from Sehun. As if Jennie can.

“Hi, Deukie.” Sehun greets with the same teasing tone every time he greets his cousin.

Jennie doesn’t respond, she only continues to stare degradingly at him.

“What’s with the look?” Sehun jeers once more, “It feels like I stole your cookies or something.”

“Shut up.” Jennie barks at him.

Sehun only laughs again as he ruffles Jennie’s hair, which Jennie tries to bite his hand in return.

“Hi, Lisa.” Sehun moves to the side to talk to Lisa, “Can I sit beside you later?”

Lisa’s smile quickly turns into a mild frown. She knows Jennie would not like the idea – evident with how Jennie is staring at her right now – but she also knows that it is very impolite and rude of her to turn his offer down. More pressure is pressed on her because then some of Jennie’s cousins are looking at her and waiting for her answer.

So Lisa internally sighs as she knows she’ll hate herself later.

She smiles – tries to smile, “Sure.”

She knows she hates herself now, because she immediately feels her hand gets empty the moment she agreed to Sehun.


Jennie sits at the farthest side of the row that they are currently sitting on. The farthest side from Sehun.

The farthest side from Lisa.

Lisa can’t help but glance time to time at Jennies direction. Having the light of the screen as her guide.

Making sure if Jennie was still okay.

Checking if she was laughing at the funny parts, checking if she’s crying at deep moments, cringing at cheesy moments.


Checking if Jennie is also looking at her, hoping that Jennie glances at her direction as well. Checking if Jennie has the littlest of heart to check on her, too.

Lisa only sighs when she sees Jennie watching with a hand under the chin.

Smiling time to time but looks similarly bored on most parts.


She quickly snaps out of her thoughts and turns to the person sitting beside her.

“Yes, Sehun?”

“Don’t you like the movie?”

“W-What?” Lisa glances at the screen, “Oh, no, no. I like the movie! It’s sweet.”

She nervously chuckles.

What the hell.

“You seem bored.” Sehun says, and Lisa isn’t sure if it was sullen.

“I’m sorry I made you think that.” Lisa says in regret, “I’m really enjoying it, really.

I’m sorry, Sehun.”

Sehun didn’t reply at once, but then Lisa jumps a little from shock when he bursts into laughter.

Earning him a lot of shushes, and coughs. Making everyone turn to his direction – everyone­.

Lisa embarrassedly taps his hand to calm him down from laughing as she quickly bows to people as apology for thinking that it was her that made him laugh out loud.

And Lisa feels the same butterflies hitting her insides when she chances upon Jennie’s direction, and finally sees Jennie looking back at her.

Lisa was lost in that mini-second they shared.

She was even more lost when Jennie slowly –painfully – turns her head away to face the screen again.

Lisa feels the same gnawing at her heart, but was quickly lessened when Sehun manages to laugh silently.

“Sorry,” Sehun says, but the smile on his lips says otherwise, “You’re just so cute!”

That made Lisa blink, flush a bright red beneath all the darkness, and wonder if the mad beating of her heart was because of that,


Or if it was because of that stupid, cold girl in the farthest row of the cinema.


“It was great!!” Sehun excitedly shouts the moment they got out of the cinema.

“You laughed out loud… on a depressing scene!” One of Jennie’s cousins slaps his back.

“Can’t blame Lisa for being cute!” He simply shrugs as he simply smiles.

And there goes another train of teases and nudges from the relatives.

Lisa politely smiles as she walks her way to Jennie.

“Hey, how was the movie?” She says casually, so as not to startle any of them both.

“Horrible.” Jennie replies without much thought.

“Oh,” Lisa walks in a slower pace to walk with Jennie, “You did not like it?”

“Yeah,” Jennie stares at her – glares at her, “I did not like it.”

So Lisa unintentionally stops at her tracks while Jennie keeps walking,

Leaving Lisa to wonder once more what Jennie was really referring to.


Lisa’s mouth was ajar.

It continues to be more and more open as she continues to hear what Jennie’s cousins are planning to go next.

“Let’s go to a night club!”

Lisa immediately looks at Jennie whose ears are already perking up by the mere mention of the place.

“Are they serious?” Lisa whispers to the older girl.

“Do they look like they’re joking?” Jennie asks back.

“You’re the older one here, talk some sense to them.” Lisa reasons.

“Why are you so bothered?”

“Uhm, I don’t know, because it’s clearly a nightclub?” Lisa's eyes start to widen.

“And my cousins are clearly settled about it.” Jennie hisses back.

Lisa only blinks because she has nothing else to do to lessen her shock, “I’m not going with you.”

And for the first time, after all the times that Lisa wishes Jennie would understand, Jennie decides to break her heart once more by saying callously and ironically,


Lisa is not able to contemplate about anything anymore after that. They just mindlessly walk- with Jennie in front, and with Lisa at the back. Just like what they were before.

Except it is not like before anymore because then Lisa sees Sehun turn to her and waits for her.

Lisa only looks up at him when she catches up with his pace – a smile already plastered on his face.

“Yes?” Lisa decides to ask him.

“Will you go later?” He continues to smile.


“Yeah!” He nods enthusiastically.

She only furrows her eyebrows, “I… I don’t think so.”

So did Sehun's eyebrows, “Why? It’ll be fun.”

“Yeah,” Lisa scratches her arm, “But I… I don’t know.”

“Jennie’s telling you not to go?”

“What?” That made Lisa shot her eyes up to look at Sehun’s, “N-No. Why would you think that?”

She may be in love with Jennie, but she doesn’t want others thinking that Jennie controls her or her decisions.

But Lisa then thinks of all the men that will go up and ask for Jennie’s name, or number, or ask for a drink, or a dance, and that was enough for Lisa to clench her hands into fists in raging jealousy.

“I don’t know,” Sehun scratches the back of his head, “But she seems too protective of you. Obviously, she won’t let you go there if that’s the case.”

“N-No!” Lisa shakes her head, and she might have shaken it too hard for she was not thinking properly when she suddenly says,

“I’ll go!”

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