《Hate Me Now, Love Me Later》Chapter 29


Though her thoughts of being a part of Jennie's family disappears the moment they entered the Kim's residence because Jennie's cousins start rounding up the living room again to discuss their plans that day.

She feels out of place once more.

But who is she to feel like that? She is a guest, she is a servant, she is a 'school mate'. Whatever she is to Jennie.

Whatever she is to Jennie that is not a friend, not an acquaintance, not anything else.

What right does Lisa even have to feel like that? When she was only given this opportunity because Jennie 'wanted' her there.

Lisa decides to just put her and Jennie's things upstairs like the 'slave' that she is.

Though her steps are quick to stop when she hears, "Lisa!"

She turns around, not needing to know whose that voice came from, "Yes, Jennie?"

"Come back down after, okay?"

Lisa – as much as she doesn't want to – stares, Again, how can she resist? When Jennie said it so softly?

So Lisa only smiles as she mutters,



Lisa finds herself a loss for words once more when she sits at the farthest corner of the couch as she listens to what they – Jennie and her cousins – are planning to do for today and for tomorrow. With tomorrow being the last day of the reunion.

Lisa finds herself a lot more at loss for words when she doesn't feel as out of place once more because Jennie instantly – Lisa doesn't know if Jennie is aware or not – rests a hand on Lisa's knee as the older girl taps and softly rubs it.

Maybe to give her the same reassurance when they were in the living room the previous time.


Lisa was in her own world when she feels Jennie pats her knee. She looks at Jennie, and her heartbeat speeds again, "Yes?"

"Do you want to go home tomorrow already?"


The place where Lisa and Jennie lives in together, and for Jennie to call it 'home'.

Lisa is high in the heavens.

"Don't you want to spend it with your relatives?" Lisa asks, wishing her voice didn't shake as she did.

And Lisa wishes harder that it really won't when Jennie says, "Not when you wanted to go already."

Lisa bites her lips – to stop her trembling – before answering, "No, no. I-I mean, we'll see how it goes. Though I rather you spend it with your relatives instead."

Jennie only nods but then she adds, and Lisa would think Jennie was joking if Jennie didn't say it in a cold voice, "Maybe you just want to spend more time with Sehun."

Lisa gapes, but then she decides to go along with Jennie. She jokingly says,

"Maybe I do."

And Lisa shouldn't just have had because now Jennie's piercing her with icy glares. Jennie's hand leaves Lisa's knee but not after punching it rather strongly.

"Oww! What was that for?" Lisa quickly rubs her hit knee as she tries not to laugh at Jennie's childishness.

"For being a jerk."

"I was just kidding, Jennie." Lisa playfully pushes Jennie away.

Jennie doesn't reply at once, only crosses her arms, "You always say that, maybe you really do want to."

Lisa knows she is enjoying this way too much as her smile keeps getting bigger and bigger with every silly antics Jennie makes.

"Oh, Jennie," Lisa pulls Jennie back, putting into jest the words she cannot express properly,


"I only want to spend time with you."


"We'll go to the movies." Jennie says to Lisa.


"We'll go at 3PM."

Lisa nods, and Jennie only stares. So Lisa asks, "What? Take care?"

Jennie only burrows her eyebrows, Lisa does the same as she adds, "Am I supposed to go, too?"

"Well, what else?" Jennie says it in such a tone, Lisa feels a tad bit more stupid.

"I'll just stay here. Save your money."

Jennie openly sighs, "Idiot. You'll go with us."

"I'll just tend to your room."

Jennie clicks her tongue in annoyance, she says with her eyes wide open, "I told you that you'll go with us. Don't argue with me on this one, Manoban."

Lisa is left speechless once again.

And she keeps on being so.

Jennie says, "But don't leave my sight."

Lisa suddenly blurts out, "Is Sehun going?"

"... Yes."


Jennie nods, and Lisa nods. Like they had the consensus behind Jennie's orders.

"So... what will we watch?" Lisa tries to ask eagerly.

"Some sappy, romantic movie I don't really care about."

"Who chose?"

"My 12-year-old cousin."

Lisa suppresses a laugh, "Cute."

Jennie only scoffs, silence followed after.

Only to be broken by Jennie, "Stay by my side, Lisa."

Lisa blushes. She knows she does. She also knows that Jennie refers to when they watch the movie later, but she will like to fool herself that Jennie means it a whole lot more.

"You really are clingy, aren't you?" Lisa smiles as she closes her eyes,

I could get used to it.


Lisa need not turn her head when she feels a hand hold hers the moment they arrived at the cinemas.

"Hold this," Jennie hands her the popcorn they bought, Jennie manages to hold it with only one hand as the other one is currently occupied.

Lisa thought she'll only have the popcorn but then Jennie adds, "Hold my purse as well."

Lisa blanks out for a second, trying to process how she'll loop Jennie's purse on her shoulder when both her hands are in use already, and it doesn't seem Jennie is ready to let go of one of them.

Lisa need not think anymore since Jennie was the one who takes her purse and carefully loops it on Lisa's left shoulder as to not touch the popcorn.

"There." Jennie smiles then turns to a baffled Lisa, "Complaints?"

The blonde only shakes her head quickly, as quick as her heart pounds against her chest.

Because Jennie pulls her closer, both of Jennie's hand clinging onto hers as Jennie says with another smile,


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