《Hate Me Now, Love Me Later》Chapter 28


“Why do you stare at me like that?” Jennie says – arms and legs crossed – across Lisa.

“Like what?” Lisa continues with her obvious gawking.

“Like a creep.”

Lisa only chuckles as she decides to look down as she folds her clothes, “Because you look creepy.”

“You’re creepy.” Jennie answers back childishly.

“If that’s what you say, Jennie.” Lisa shrugs as she purposely irritates Jennie by openly staring at the latter again.

Jennie only tilts her head to show how unfazed she is, “You know, Lisa,”

Lisa imitates Jennie’s action, “What?”

“If you keep on staring at me for too long,” Jennie leans closer – a devious grin plastered on that beautifully damned face, and Lisa resists the urge to put a hand on her pounding heart when Jennie continues to say,

“You might fall in love with me.”


Lisa is not able to look at Jennie anymore after that.

Not even when they prepared to go to sleep, not even when they were basically alone in the resort’s room and they had no one else to talk to but each other, not even when Lisa decided to just sleep it off.

Not even when Lisa woke up a few minutes just to feel Jennie beside her again.

“W-What are you doing?” Lisa says, her back still turned against the form beside her.

“The bed is too big.” Jennie replies. Lisa can feel the shorter girl settle herself comfortably in Lisa’s bed, even as going as far as taking half of the fully wrapped blanket off Lisa.

It finally made Lisa turn to face Jennie, and it might just be one of her worst decisions again because she finds Jennie’s face meeting hers in avery close distance.


So close that Jennie’s eyelashes are already touching hers, so close that Jennie’s eyes can pierce through Lisa’s and deeper into the latter’s soul, so close that Lisa’s not sure whose breath was hitting her mouth, so close that her lips can seal Jennie’s if she wanted to.

So very close that Lisa doesn’t know whose heartbeat’s who. Whose heartbeat was racing faster than the other, whose heart was skipping mad beats, whose heart was about to explode.

Lisa is not able to say anything. She is speechless.

She can’t help but find herself doing the thing she was avoiding to do the whole time – stare at Jennie.

How can you not if she was this close?

Lisa stares, and stares, and hopes.

Hopes that Jennie will not see through her, hopes that Jennie will not be able to realize what Lisa has realized earlier that night when they were hugging by the pool.

But Lisa hopes the most that her poor, poor heart stays silent and still, because Jennie says, “I told you not to stare too long,”

Lisa shudders when Jennie’s breath hits her lips, wishing that it wasn’t only the air that Lisa exhaled that she tasted.

“I’m warning you, Lisa,” A smile breaks out from Jennie, “You might really fall in love with me.”

A hitched breath escapes Lisa’s lips, her muscles contracting by Jennie’s words.

Lisa hears her own heart pumping blood and pumping all those unspeakable feelings. She only manages to scoff, to at least hide what she truly feels for Jennie,

“Y-You wish.”

I wish.

Lisa only hears Jennie giggle softly, and Lisa can only hear her heart breaking a bit because Jennie finally pulls away to turn to the other side.

Lisa was about to sigh, but that sigh turned into a smile when she also hears Jennie command – demand, as Jennie moves her back closer to Lisa,


“Keep me warm, monkey.”

And so Lisa smiles wider, because she has an excuse to feel Jennie against her again.


Lisa doesn’t pull away the very next morning when she opens her eyes and realizes who she’s currently cuddled with.

Cuddled with.

She doesn’t latch herself off the figure giving her warmth along with the sunlight that entered the room.

She only watches the other girl peacefully sleep in her arms. She studies Jennie’s features and wonder how she had fallen in love with her.

When all Jennie did was to boss her around, when all Jennie did was to make her life a living hell, when all Jennie did was torture her with feelings and thoughts that haunt her day and night, when all Jennie did was to make her feel.

When all Jennie did was to quickly pull her back whenever Jennie had pushed her away, when Jennie makes it seem so that Jennie does not want her but then makes it also seem so that she was the only one Jennie needs, when all that Jennie did was make her feel she’s not important to Jennie but also makes her feel that she was everything Jennie ever wanted.

Why do you confuse me so much?

Lisa closes her eyes as she lets her smile stay on her lips, the smile she never wants to fade away.

Because that smile is for Jennie – because Jennie made her smile.

“Why are you smiling like that?”

Lisa instantly opens her eyes when she hears the voice she had once loathed,

How could she even hate that voice?

Lisa hasn’t replied yet when Jennie adds – obvious teasing in her voice, “You creep.”

Jennie playfully yet gently pushes Lisa away as the older girl stands up and stretches.

Much to Lisa’s disappointment that the warmth she intends to keep insulating her would at least stay a bit longer.

She stands up and fixes their bed while Jennie continues to stretch.

“Hey, monkey,” Jennie calls to Lisa as the brunette stretches her arms, “What do you want to do today?”

Lisa looks up at Jennie after the blonde finishes fixing the bed, “I thought we’ll watch a movie with your cousins?”

“‘We’?” Jennie teasingly lifts a corner of her mouth.

Lisa flushes red with that one word, “I-I mean, you. You will watch a movie with your cousins.”

Jennie only laughs at her, and Lisa only bows her head in embarrassment. Why did she even include herself?

“It’s alright, Lisa!” Jennie says as she starts walking to the door, “Finally feeling part of the family, huh?

“It’s okay,” Jennie turns to her, and Lisa curses herself because her heart is already running laps as she sees Jennie smile at her,

“You are.”


A part of their family.

A part of Jennie Kim’s family.

Wouldn’t Lisa like that?

Just the thought of being able to see Jennie every day gives Lisa sudden good chills and wide smiles, what more to spend every day with her?

But Lisa is nothing more than the servant of the family, the farthest she could get and be as part of Jennie's kin.

Then again, at least Lisa is able to see her every day.

At least she is able to spend every day with Jennie.

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