《Hate Me Now, Love Me Later》Chapter 27


Jennie. Jennie. Jennie.

Is all that runs through Lisa’s mind as she holds the person bearing that name tightly and closer to her.

Lisa clenches her hands firmly on Jennie as her lips stay put on the latter’s skin.

Lisa feels the tingles run through her body as she also senses Jennie’s own pair on her.

Lisa must be crazy for even thinking of biting Jennie’s neck – sinking teeth on Jennie’s pulse point, labelling her with Lisa’s mark.

But Lisa does not.

She can’t even breathe Jennie’s name as her lips attach themselves to Jennie, never wanting to leave Jennie anymore.

She can feel the brunette’s hands tangle and untangle by her waist. Like Jennie doesn’t know where to place them next.

Has the situation gone awkward? Lisa hopes not.

Not when she finally admits to herself that she has been harbouring feelings for the older girl, not when she finally acknowledges the feelings stirring in her insides – stirring her insides.

Not when she finally confesses that she’s in love.

In love with her everyday pain in the neck.

In love with the bitch of a princess she had once loathed. In love with Jennie who messes with her mind, and with her heart.

Though Lisa lets it be now, now that she’s smitten.

She feels Jennie stir. Lisa wishes that Jennie speaks now so she will feel less awkward.

“Lisa,” Jennie softly calls, hands still twined on the blonde’s waist.

Lisa can feel her heart rising and falling in uneven beats as she fears that it might burst any second. Any second longer that she holds Jennie locked in her arms.

Safe, secured, protected.

Like something would harm the older girl.

Something really did because Jennie grunts as soon as she hears the voice of her cousin calling.

Calling for Lisa.

Even before Lisa can reply – to either him or Jennie.

“Damned jerk.” Lisa hears Jennie mutter in annoyance.

Lisa feels weight been put on her shoulders the moment Jennie pulls away from her. Unlatching their tangled bodies, taking her heat with her, taking the warmth in Lisa’s heart that only Jennie can bring.

“Stupid Sehun.” Jennie murmurs again.

Lisa only blinks as she doesn’t know what to do with her freed body – body searching for familiar touches. Surprising her in ways since she doesn’t usually crave for physical contact.

Jennie looks at her, and so Lisa dreads for her poor heart once more.

“Your boyfriend’s looking for you.” Jennie says without emotions.

“H-He’s not my boyfriend.” Lisa stutters, blinking rapidly as she does.

She only hears Jennie scoff as Jennie rolls her eyes indifferently,


Jennie then says, “Go to him.”

Lisa doesn’t move. Not even with Sehun’s tenth time calling for her name.

Lisa continues to keep her gazes with Jennie.

Oh, how suddenly hard it was.

Lisa feels her hands and voice tremble when she finally says, “I won’t go.”

“Don’t fight it.” Jennie ridicules, “I know how badly you want to go running towards his open arms.”

Lisa feels the gnawing at her insides.

How can Jennie just blurt these things out?

“Go on.” Jennie carelessly motions for her to get going.

“I won’t.” Lisa repeats firmly, “I won’t go until you’re with me.”

It momentarily shuts Jennie up. Lisa can still make up Jennie’s flustered face even in the darkness.

“Oh, please, Lisa.” Jennie scornfully hisses, “Spare me.”

“It’s true!” Lisa almost screams in frustration, “I won’t leave you here!”

Lisa might really shock Jennie as the time goes by because Jennie is not able to answer back immediately again.

After a few more seconds was Jennie able to come up with one, “Didn’t you want to be with him?”

I want to be with you.

Lisa thinks, but she says instead, “What makes you think that?"

I want to be with you.

“Enough with this nonsense, Jennie.” Lisa tugs Jennie’s arm – because she can’t hold Jennie’s hands yet, afraid that Jennie might pull it back, “Let’s go back before it gets colder and you get sick.”

Lisa internally thanks the heavens as Jennie is not pulling away.

They start walking out of the arc with Lisa leading their way.

“Lisa! There you are!” Sehun says cheerfully, but that cheerfulness is thrown at the window when he sees Jennie tagging behind, “… and Jennie.”

Jennie only makes a face at him, which he returns.

“Hi, Sehun.” Lisa lets go of Jennie's arm so she can reach out for the pool handles to get herself up. Sehun quickly grabs her hand to help her.

Even if Lisa knows she feels absolutely nothing for Sehun, she can’t help but blush, “Uh, th-thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” Sehun smiles, and Lisa feels like blushing mad once more.

But then they hear someone cough rather loudly, and it was only then that Lisa turns around to see Jennie waiting by the pool handles.

“Mind getting out of my way?” Jennie says. Lisa immediately moves aside as Jennie pulls herself up.

Lisa attends to her by assisting her, but Jennie only swats her hand away. That was when Lisa wishes that she shouldn’t have done it, because now, it hurts her more when Jennie rejects her.


“I’m going to my room.” Jennie says as she starts walking without turning to either Lisa or Sehun.

“I’ll go with you.” Lisa quickly follows behind the shorter girl, bowing apologies to Sehun as she walks.

Then Lisa feels herself bump something – someone – and it made her stop at her tracks.

“Jennie, why?” She asks the brunette by the latter’s sudden stop.

And it breaks Lisa’s poor, poor heart when Jennie – enveloped by her cold demeanour once more – says to Lisa,

“You won’t be going with me anywhere. Get your things out of my room and sleep with him.”


“Jennie, don’t do this.” Lisa repeatedly knocks at the shut door in front of her, her bags just lying on the ground.

No answer.

“Jennie.” Lisa tries once more, “Come on. Let me in.”

Still, Jennie doesn’t answer.

Lisa scratches her head in irritation and in annoyance and in disappointment and in other unexplainable feelings imposed on her by Jennie again.

How can an intimate moment go to a silly, heart-wrenching one the next second?

They’re not even a married couple to be doing stupid things as such!

“Jennie!” Lisa calls to her once more, “Don’t be like this!”

“Like ‘what’?!” Lisa faintly hears Jennie talking at the opposite end of the closed door.

“Like this!” Lisa motions with her hands, like Jennie will be able to see it.

“Like ‘what’, Lisa? Like the bitch that I am? Huh?”

Lisa scoffs at the argument Jennie is initiating right now, “I didn’t even say that! I’m just telling you to stop acting like this and let me in!”

“What for?!” Jennie yells from the other part, “So you could talk about how you’re swooned by my oh-so-great of a cousin? Huh, Lisa?”

“No!!!” Lisa groans. What a useless quarrel once more.

Lisa tortures her mind by thinking of how to convince Jennie that she doesn’t even like Sehun that way without actually telling Jennie that she likes the older girl that way.

She is only able to rest her forehead by the wooden door as she closes her eyes. Lisa’s tired physically, mentally, and emotionally, she lost all will to care anymore.

“I…” Lisa says weakly, “You’re more important than him, Jennie.”

Lisa says it softly for Jennie to even hear it. So imagine her surprise when she hears the clinking of the door being unlocked.

She stands up properly – bewildered and clearly disoriented – and sees Jennie slowly peeking out of the door.

Did she hear me?

Yes. Apparently Jennie did.

Because then Jennie says, “Do you mean that?”

Lisa was about to ask ‘what’, to play it dumb so she will get rid of the butterflies in her stomach, but she wasn’t able to.

Not when Jennie looks at her so fondly.

“Of-Of course, Jennie.” Lisa stammers, she stammers more when Jennie shyly looks down, “Wh-Why would you even think Sehun would equal to you?”

She sees Jennie clutch the door tighter as the brunette asks, “Isn’t it obvious that you like him?”

As much as Lisa wants to see this embarrassed and adorable and childish side of Jennie, she can’t help but giggle, “Jennie! I like him because he’s your cousin!”

Jennie looks up at her, eyebrows meeting in confusion already, “Exactly!!”

Lisa continues to softly laugh, “Yes! Exactly! I like him because he’s your relative!"

Lisa fully opens the door to see Jennie,

“And I want your relatives to like me, too."

She smiles at Jennie, who was blushing red,


“Don’t smooth talk your way in, Manoban.” Jennie pushes Lisa lightly out of the room again.

“Oh come on, Jennie.” Lisa whines, she jokes, “I thought that would work on you!”

“Go search for another room for you to stay in for the night.” Jennie manages to fully push Lisa outside.

“Are you serious?”

“Do I look like I’m joking?”

Lisa stares, like her stares can knock some sanity in Jennie, “You’re kidding, right. I’m in soaking clothes standing outside in a very cold night. Don’t you have a heart?”

“And you are a jerk for never listening to any of what I’m saying, and yes. I don’t have the heart for you.” Jennie smiles.

But even if it was supposed to be a joke – a tease – Lisa can’t help but feel the littlest pain when she heard Jennie say the last sentence.

Lisa’s mood unintentionally drops down as she slowly nods, she says weakly,

“… Fine.”

And Lisa’s mood shots straight up the moment she feels familiar, soft hands – the ones that she’s yearning for – pull her back.

She hears Jennie say softly, “Hey, I was just joking. Why are you like this?”

Lisa was made to turn and face the older girl, a small smile already forming on the blonde’s lips, “Why are you so confusing?”

And that same small smile keeps on getting wider and wider without her consent because Jennie just has to say with a smile of her own,

“Because you confuse me a whole lot more.”

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