《Hate Me Now, Love Me Later》Chapter 26


After their 'deadly' game of 'Catch the Dragon's Tail' which turned into a heated fight of restrained punches, contained curses, venomous glares, and toxic insults between Jennie and Sehun, Jennie's clan decides to just play the kids' game as it proves to be a better idea with less drama and fewer 'accidents'.

Lisa sits by an outdoor chair as she watches Jennie's smaller cousins play better and fairer than them. She involuntarily smiles as she thinks back how Jennie acted like the way she did a while ago.

Lisa then questions why she feels somehow happy about it.

She should be awkward, she should be weirded out right now. She should be teasing Jennie right now, but she doesn't.

Because she can't.

She can't bring herself to mock, and make fun of Jennie because she herself is troubled with what she feels.

She smiles again as she recalls how Jennie acts hot and cold towards her, leaning a bit more to the hotter side whenever Lisa's attention is not on her anymore.

Was Jennie jealous?

Lisa shakes her head to shake the thought off. What was she even thinking?

Jennie is not, Jennie will never be.

Lisa is still sorting her thoughts - and her feelings - out when she sees Jennie pass by, but it was not the same cheerful aura they had. It was sickeningly cold.

"H-Hi." Lisa tries to ease the tension she's feeling around them, tries to ease the flame burning in her heart.

That flame was quickly extinguished when Jennie says directly and spitefully,

"Shut up."


"What did I do wrong now?" Lisa picks her pace to catch up with Jennie who was walking faster than normal.

"Are you going to ignore me the rest of the day?" Lisa doesn't give up just yet,

"Jennie! Talk to me properly!"

"What?!" Jennie finally turns to her.

"Don't 'what' me! You're the one who should answer that!"

"What do you want, Lisa?"

"I want you to tell me what's wrong."

Lisa steps forward.

"Nothing's wrong!" Jennie turns away as she starts walking again, but Lisa doesn't let her.

Lisa grabs Jennie's arm and turns her back so the brunette will be facing the blonde, "This is what 'nothing's wrong' is? You walking away from me who doesn't even know what she did to make you this angry at her? What the hell is wrong, Jennie?"

"You could have put his hands on your shoulders instead! You could have put your hands on his shoulders instead! But no, you decided to drape your arms all over him and let him drape his arms all over you." Jennie says fast and strong Lisa needs to listen intently to catch all of it, "That's what's wrong, Lisa."

"It was a game!" Lisa resigns, they had this fight over and over again. She's already getting exhausted of it, "Jennie, we've been through this conversation a thousand times. Why do you always have to put extra meaning to whatever Sehun and I do? There's nothing wrong with it!"

"Everything is wrong with it!" Jennie screams, "I've been trying to spare you from him but you wouldn't keep still! Do you really want to be with him?!"

Lisa finds herself being confused of Jennie once again.


The same push-and-pull, hating-one-moment-then-loving-the-next feeling Jennie constantly makes her feel is driving Lisa crazy.

It even drives her more crazy because she can't figure out what these damned feelings are, and it scares her. It scares her to the point that in a moment, she'd be pouring these unknown feelings all at once.

"Jennie," Lisa sighs, and she finally decides to once again throw these pestering feelings away by saying,

"For the thousand times, it has nothing to do with you."

And Lisa knows she succeeds with it, because Jennie stares coldly at her. The same dead, cold stare Jennie gave her that made her take Jennie out the first time as apology.

Jennie suspends her hands in mid-air, "You know what, Lisa? Do what you want."

She starts walking backwards as she shrugs, "Do whatever you want with Sehun, I don't care. I'm tired of this. I'm so tired I can't even care anymore."

With that, Jennie finally walks away.

Leaving Lisa to regret everything she had said once more.


It was already evening and almost dark the time Lisa decides to apologize to Jennie. She won't take this anymore, she can't take this anymore.

Even with Sehun hanging around her the rest of the day, it just doesn't feel right.

To not have Jennie interrupt them, to not have Jennie yell at her time to time to stay away from him, to not have Jennie command her to do anything, to not have Jennie 'flaunt' her to her relatives, to not have Jennie beside her, to not have Jennie with her.

No, it doesn't feel right. Most especially when Jennie is just inside a cottage and is just a stare away. When Lisa can clearly see her - and Jennie can clearly see her - but have not do anything. Not even an exchange of stares. Like the other doesn't exist, like they don't know each other. Like it was not Jennie who brought her in this freaking family reunion. Like it was not Jennie who plays and toys with her feelings.

No, Lisa can't take this.

So she waits for the proper moment to have Jennie alone and admit - this time - that she's the jerk.


It was when all the night lamps of the resort turned on, and almost all of Jennie's relatives have gone back to their respective rooms - save for the children and some teens - that Lisa decides to talk to Jennie.

Lisa searches where the brunette could be, the darkness of the evening not helping her. But the light of the moon and the brightness of the lamps aided her in spotting the person she was looking for.

Jennie was resting on one side of the pool and Lisa takes this opportunity to corner her. Lisa cautiously immerse herself in the pool as she swims closer to Jennie.

"Jennie," She softly calls.

Jennie turns to her, then turns away as she starts swimming away from the blonde.

"Come on, don't do this. We're both physically tired, our muscles are sore. I'm sure of it." Lisa tries to charm Jennie over, but Jennie doesn't stop.

Lisa has never thanked the gods for her long legs until the moment she walks through the ripples of water and catches up to Jennie's short walks.


Lisa turns her around and corners her to a pool wall, her arms on either side of Jennie, "Hey."

Jennie stares directly at her, no hint of enthusiasm visible in them.

Lisa shivers, but she doesn't stop, "I'm... I'm sorry."

Jennie doesn't reply, so Lisa continues, "I didn't mean what I said. I'm sorry. I'm a jerk."


"Come on, Jennie. It's already getting cold. You might get sick if you stay in the water any longer." Lisa means that.

And Lisa's eyes widen with Jennie's answer, "Why do you care?"

"What?" Lisa leans closer, she heard it correctly - crystal clear - she just doesn't know what to reply to that question.

"What is it to you if I'm cold, or if I get sick? What is it to you?" Jennie doesn't blink even once.

Lisa wonders Jennie's face before asking, "Wh-What are you saying? It's normal to worry about someone."

Jennie doesn't seem to mind what Lisa just said because then Jennie says, "I thought you want to have absolutely nothing to do with me," Jennie spews the words out, "So why are you here now?"

"Jennie!" Lisa closes her eyes in frustration, the same feelings playing inside her. Just with the way Jennie looks so hurt at her right now, for Jennie to question her concern about the older girl right now, for Jennie to sound so much in pain - the pain Lisa has given her - was enough for Lisa to feel those sickening emotions battling in her heart once more.

The venom that clouds her mind, the sting that plays in her eyes, the words that dangle in her tongue.

Lisa's thoughts are a blur.

But her next words are not,

"I care for you."

Lisa opens her eyes to look at an appalled Jennie, she leans forward to close the physical gap between them as she presses herself gently on Jennie's, her hands never leaving the pool side,

"Of course I care for you, you idiot. Why would I even go with you here if I don't? Why would I even go as far as dyeing my hair because you wanted to? Why would I even try to blend in with your relatives? Why would I even agree to play games just to impress them? Why would I even want for your whole family to like me? Why would I do all those things if I don't care for you?"

Lisa says it in a calm and soft manner as she pulls away to look straight at Jennie's eyes, "Jennie. I would never admit that, why would I? When you could easily mock me and tease me with it. But now I don't care, I want you to know all of those."

Lisa breathes as she continues to lock gazes with Jennie, "I want you to know that I care about you a lot."


Jennie doesn't reply, she only stares back at Lisa. Lisa doesn't say anything more, she only feels happy inside to see Jennie looking intently at her.

Maybe Lisa would like to believe that Jennie was blushing.

"Jennie, I, I'm really sorr-"

Lisa was cut off when Jennie says, "Don't speak.

"Don't speak anymore."

Lisa only blinks when she feels Jennie wrap her shaking hands around Lisa's waist.

It was another moment when Lisa doesn't mind their physical proximity with their skin touching the other's through soaked clothing.

As if their skins were really touching.

Lisa's hands separate from the poolside when she feels Jennie pushing her softly as the shorter girl walks. Not untangling her body from Lisa's as she does.

Jennie walks and walks until they reached the ark the bridge has formed under it, the water level almost near their chest areas.

Lisa would be lying if she says that her heart stays still because her heart was clearly beating mad and pumping crazy with just the mere thought that they are secluded and well-hidden in that place.

But that was not the main reason Lisa's heart would leap out of her mouth, it is because of how close Jennie is to her.

Jennie is hugging her, Jennie's hands on her waist pinning Lisa to the wall all the way she does.


No response, only an inch less - if there are still any to deduct - between them.

Jennie rests her chin on the curve of Lisa's neck, she says - she breathes, "Don't apologize anymore."

Lisa bites her lip when Jennie's whisper hit her neck. Shivers running back and forth her spine, both from the coolness of the water and of the hot sensation of Jennie's breath.

"Lisa," Jennie softly calls again.


"You said it was getting cold."

"Yes, I did. W-Why?"

"I am feeling cold."

Lisa tries to tilt her head, but fails because Jennie's face is so close she might be in a situation she is not ready for, "D-Do you want to go out of the water already?"

And Lisa continues to fear for her heart because Jennie has just to demand,

"Hug me."

Lisa might as well be losing her mind, because she did what she's told.

She pulls Jennie closer - closer than they could get, closer that even water would not be able to pass through them - and she rests her lips on Jennie's skin.

Lisa doesn't care if Jennie pulls away because of that, if Jennie finally comes to her senses and realizes how slammed their bodies are against each other, if Jennie comprehends the situation they are at - with Jennie's lips on her neck, and hers on Jennie's.

Because Lisa finally realizes what these bothering feelings are. These feelings that bud and poison Lisa's system. These sickening feelings that want to make Lisa throw up. These nuisances of feelings she feels whenever she's with Jennie.

The feeling where Lisa feels the tiniest of happiness when she sees Jennie, or when Jennie calls for her, or when Jennie touches her. The feeling where Lisa feels the most depressed and bothered to see Jennie with someone else, to hear Jennie talk of someone else, to think of Jennie being with someone else. The feeling of great sadness when Jennie is upset because of her, because of thoughtless words she said that hurt Jennie.

The feeling of complete over joy when Jennie implies that she needs Lisa, that she wants Lisa just like how Lisa has come to want her, that she desires and longs for Lisa's touches just like how Lisa has grown to long for hers.

It took all these time, all these confusion, all these moments, for Lisa to finally, finally, realize what these feelings are,

I'm in love with Jennie.

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