《Hate Me Now, Love Me Later》Chapter 24


When they reached the poolside where Jennie's other relatives are, Lisa feels her hand gets quickly occupied by Jennie's.

"What?" Lisa asks. She feels the need to ask, because her heart won't keep still.

Jennie doesn't answer, not even look at her.

So Lisa follows where Jennie is actually looking at.

And as if all light decide to brighten Lisa's vision as she finally realizes why Jennie acts as such.


Sehun's there.

Standing near a cottage, wearing black trunks and an awe-strikingly fitting white sleeveless shirt revealing all those biceps and all those muscles.

Sehun who was already looking at their direction.

Sehun who was already looking at her.

So Lisa can't help but shy away a bit as she smiles back when their eyes met and Sehun smiles.


Lisa breaks contact with Sehun and snaps to Jennie's direction. It was intended to be a soft whisper, Lisa was sure, but she was also sure that it was what she heard coming out of Jennie's mouth.

"Let's go." Jennie says seriously as she tugs on the taller girl, making Lisa quickly follow her.

"Where are we going?"

"Away from him," Lisa hears Jennie mumbles, but then Jennie says louder, "I want to eat."

Lisa looks down at their joined hands, and she doesn't protest, "Okay."

When Lisa was sure Jennie will not as much flip a hair strand to her their entire walk, Jennie glances over a shoulder, "Stay with me, okay?"

And when Lisa was sure that she will tease Jennie because of it, her words quickly twist in her mouth as her heart starts to pound, because Jennie also says as she holds tighter on to Lisa's hand,

"Don't leave my sight, okay, Lisa?"

Of course, how could Lisa resist?



"Jendeuk-ah! Lisa!" Jennie's mom motions for the both of them when she spots them approaching, "The food is here!"

Lisa bows as thanks but Jennie brashly pulls her to the table full of food.


"Get a plate." Jennie instructs and Lisa obliges. Lisa gets two and hands Jennie one but Jennie doesn't take it as she was too consumed at how much food was on the table. So Lisa was left to put one under the other as she holds on to the plates.

"Oh!" Jennie points at a dish, "That one's good!"

Jennie doesn't need to say much for Lisa to understand that it was an order to get food from that dish, so Lisa does.

But then Jennie starts stuffing different dishes on the plate Lisa was holding.

"This one is delicious, too. And this one, and this. And this."

Jennie continues to put food on the plate.

"Are you seriously going to eat all this?" Jennie asks as the plate is already full.

Jennie glares at her, "No, idiot.

"It's our food."

Lisa blinks once, twice, before saying, "Are we sharing?"

Jennie shrugs irritatingly, obvious that Lisa's questions start to annoy her,


Jennie smiles first before adding, "Who else will I share food with?"

And that is all it takes to shut Lisa up.


Jennie's clan start to assemble again after eating. After they had gathered in the pool, one of Jennie's teenager cousins announces the pool games they will play.

Some games are only for kids, some are only for teenagers, and some are for the aged people.

In the list includes the mighty, never-gets-old 'Chicken Fight', and Lisa finds herself somehow being bullied to be one of the contestants as part of the 'initiation'.

It is a light-hearted gesture, Lisa's sure of it. She knows that Jennie's relatives are trying their best to make Lisa feel at home with them, and they succeeded.

"Alright, I'll do it." Lisa smiles as she agrees to be a participant of the game.

"Are you sure?" Jennie says in a hushed tone, "You don't have to do it if you don't want to."

Lisa only laughs at Jennie's statement, "It's alright. I want to do it."


Lisa doesn't understand why, but she feels that she wants to make Jennie's family actually like her, "I'll do it."

Lisa smiles, and so Jennie can't help but smile back.

Though Jennie's smile fades away quickly when they hear a manly, "I'll do it!!"

When they turn to whoever said it, Lisa feels her heart thump again when she sees Sehun raising his hand as he eagerly says, "I'll play as Lisa's partner."

Lisa feels warmth run all over her face and reach her ears because Jennie's relatives start cheering and teasing them together.

"Slick move, Sehun."

"Don't do anything funny, Sehun!"

"That's my boy!"

It was only some of what Lisa heard but it was enough for her to feel her ears get hot.

And if stares could kill, Sehun would be dead by now. Because when Lisa turns her head, she sees Jennie glaring at her own cousin.

Lisa knows that the brunette is breathing heavily with how her shoulders rise and fall continuously.

"Jennie?" Lisa calls her attention.

Jennie doesn't much as look at her. The older girl continues to stare at Sehun until Lisa feels him get closer.

"Let's go, Lisa?" He asks with a smile - a smile Lisa knows that shouts how victorious he is, a smile she knows that mocks Jennie.

Because after Sehun had said it, he turns to Jennie to smile, "Hello, Jennie."

"Jerk." Jennie spits the word.

"I'll take that as permission." Sehun continues to smirk.

Sehun turns back to Lisa and his devious smirk turns 360 degrees into an angelic smile, "Shall we?"

He offers his arm and Lisa thinks it's impolite not to take it so she cautiously loops her fingers around his arm.

Damn these biceps!

But before they could fully walk away, Jennie quickly grabs Sehun's shirt to turn him around and face the older girl,

Jennie - with the same intensity in her eyes - speaks in a gentle voice,

"Be very careful with her."

And that was enough for Lisa to feel warmth reach her ears once more.


"Hop on!"

Lisa simply stares at Sehun's words.

When she agrees to play, she completely forgot what the mechanics of the game are.

One very common rule of the game,

Hopping on the bottom partner's shoulders.

"Are you sure? I'm pretty heavy." Lisa warns Sehun as she dips her feet in the pool where Sehun is currently settled in.

"It's okay. I can carry you." Sehun reaches for Lisa's hands as he turns and presses his back to the side of the pool so Lisa can hop on his shoulders.

"I'm sorry." Lisa says as she balances herself.

"I'm sorry, too." Sehun apologizes back as his hands have to make contact with Lisa's thigh.

And Lisa shivers with his sudden touch, and she shivers harder when she sees - or what Lisa wants to believe - Jennie staring distastefully at them.


"Are you alright?"

Lisa feels herself get pulled to one side.

When her eyes are able to fix their selves to whoever dragged her, she stutters, "Y-Yeah. I'm fine, Jennie. Why?"

"That was a pretty hard fall." Jennie tilts her head to take a look at Lisa's nostrils, which Lisa quickly covers.

"What are you doing?" Lisa playfully swats Jennie's arm.

"Checking. Are you sure you're alright? You're not hurt? No water in your nose? Or in your ears?"

Lisa can't help but laugh at how worried Jennie sounds at the moment. It's not like Jennie to be like this, "I'm fine, Jennie. It's part of the game, though I have to admit that your cousin is pretty strong pushing me off Sehun."

She laughs.

Jennie doesn't.

"Jennie?" Now Lisa is the one worried of Jennie's silence.

The brunette only looks down as she timidly says, "Let's go back."

"Okay." Lisa replies as timidly.

But that timidity was soon turned into a smile when Lisa feels Jennie quickly brush off Lisa's thighs before running away like the kid she is.


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