《Hate Me Now, Love Me Later》Chapter 19


“What the hell was that?” Lisa asks as soon as Jennie lets go of her when the shorter girl thinks they got a good enough distance from the crowd, from Sehun.

“Never go near him again.” Jennie says, her back turned to Lisa, as she fixes her earrings.

“He was just being friendly with me, Jennie.” Lisa hears Jennie scoff and say, “Yeah, right.

“Yeah. Right.” Lisa walks closer to Jennie,

“Then you just have to go there and ruin the moment.”

“What moment, Lisa?” Jennie finally turns to her with the former girl’s eyes narrowed at Lisa. “The moment he was totally flirting with you? The moment you were so smitten by him? The moment he was undressing you with his very eyes, and you being so oblivious about it because you’re oh-so captivated by his charms?” Jennie speaks fast as she spews the words out of her mouth, “That moment, Lisa?”

Lisa’s mouth was already hanging open by the time Jennie stops talking. Jennie really, really confuses her all the time.

“Yeah… that moment.” Was all Lisa could think of as of now. And she knows too well that it rubbed Jennie the wrong way again.

For Jennie says back with disgust in her tone made more visible on her face, “Do you actually like him?”

Lisa was taken aback by Jennie’s question, “W-Well, he’s cute?”

“Ugh,” Jennie jeers, “You have such bad taste of men. I know how he is, he’s grown up somewhere and his culture has been mixed, so is his mind. So, sorry to break it to you but he’s playing with you and you’re about to fall for his trap so I needed to stop you.”

Lisa shakes her head in confusion, “What trap? He was simply being friendly.”


“’Friendly’ my ass, Lisa.” Jennie shakes her head to as well to mock Lisa, “He was only saying crap in front of you and I could see with my own two eyes how you’ve been swooning over him.”

Lisa chokes a breath and thinks that she has to at least defend Sehun, “Flirting or not, he’s doing a better job than you in making me feel that I’m part of this family of yours when you’re the one who told me not to worry since you’ll be there for me.”

“Oh, so now it’s about me again?” Jennie starts crossing her arms.

“Well, who else, Jennie?” Lisa scoffs, “I’ve been standing foolishly the whole night.

You left me alone and I am just left there waiting for your gathering to end.”

Lisa knows she should stop now with how Jennie is shooting her glares but Lisa needs to at least pour her feelings out when she remembers how Jennie completely neglected her, “It was thanks to Sehun for at least acknowledging my presence there and trying to actually make me not feel out of place.”

“You know you sound like a rejected girl right now.” Jennie says plainly.

“And you sound like a jealous boy.” Lisa snaps back.

Lisa sees Jennie jerk back from her response. It wasn’t until more seconds does Jennie finds an answer, “I do not! How dare you, stupid monkey!”

Lisa most likely would have believed Jennie if only Jennie didn’t look away to hide her crimson face, or Lisa would like to believe that Jennie was indeed blushing.

Lisa only giggles when Jennie smacks the taller girl’s arm, “Stupid, stupid monkey.”

“I just,” Jennie stops hitting Lisa, “I was talking to my relatives, not like I could multi-task and entertain you at the same time. I could not keep track of where you are when I constantly talk to different people and catch up with what they’re saying.”


Jennie looks at Lisa, and Lisa knows that Jennie is sincere. But Lisa decides to tease her with, “Are you apologizing?”

“Tch. Shut up.” Another smack, and another giggle from Lisa.

“Apology accepted.” Lisa laughs, so Jennie hits her again.

“Just…” Jennie looks down,

“Just… stay with me.” Jennie says weakly but Lisa was able to hear all of it.

And that was enough for Lisa to wonder one more time if one could stop their heart from beating for a moment,

and stop their blood from painting their face red all over.

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