《Hate Me Now, Love Me Later》Chapter 18


Lisa's slumber was interrupted when she feels slight tugging and an alluring voice call out to her,

"Lisa, I'll go downstairs to check on my relatives. Will you be okay here?"

Lisa looks up to see Jennie. She's still getting used to Jennie's new look for Lisa feels her heart pound harder as she looks at the girl's face inches away from hers.

"Y-Yeah, I'll be okay here."

Jennie nods, "Or you could come with me if you want. I'll introduce them to you already so you won't feel as awkward tomorrow at dinner."

Lisa forms a small grin, "Is that a question or a demand?"

Jennie only punches Lisa's arm, "Do whatever you want."

"Fine, fine. I'll go down with you," Lisa smiles as she stands up and stretches.

She walks to the door to open it for Jennie.

Jennie was about to walk out of the door when she sees Lisa still wearing that same hideous smile on her face.

"Why do you smile so creepily?" She asks the taller girl.

Lisa's grin grows wider as she says, "Why don't you just admit that you want me to go with you?"

And that earns her another punch at her arm.


Lisa gets a glimpse of how she'll fare tomorrow night at the reunion of a family she was not even acquainted with, by being present in the living room with Jennie and the latter's cousins.

It was awkward.

Lisa from time to time smiles warily whenever one of Jennie's cousins would unknowingly look at her direction. It was not Lisa's intention to look straight at their eyes but Lisa can't help but jerk her head to whoever was moving because of the awkwardness she feels.

One little movement from whoever was at the room stirs Lisa's inside and automatically, she'd be looking at the one who moved.

She continues to watch as Jennie sits beside her as the now-brunette talks to her relatives.

When Lisa is not looking down, she was looking around. So when she raises her head and looks at her surrounding, she could not help but be more at unease when she sees some of Jennie's relatives directly looking at her. They were not even shy to hide their stares.

Lisa could only hide away from the smallest of space she was in between Jennie and the end of the couch.

Was it because of her new hair? Yeah, that must be. She should have just protested a bit more to the hairstylist from giving her a bloody bright blonde hair.

Or was it because she's a new face? She should have just stayed at the Kim's residence in Seoul and tend to the goddamn house instead.

Why did she even come here in the first place, anyway? She should have just shoved on Jennie's face the truth that she never wanted to accompany Jennie in going here.


She should have just pushed her way out forcefully when Jennie insisted. She should have just acted normally when she found out the Kims wanted to see her.

She should have just stopped her heart from beating fast and stopped her blood from colouring her cheeks when she found out it was Jennie who wanted her there.

Damn it, Lisa!

And all those thoughts were put away when she feels soft hand cover her clenched one.

If Lisa could only really just stop her heart from beating too fast and stop her blood from colouring her face.

For when Lisa turns to look at the owner of the soft hand, and finds out that it really was Jennie – Jennie who was nodding and smiling and still talking to her relatives while stroking Lisa's hand softly and repeatedly, rubbing a thumb in a circular pattern as to calm her down, as to reassure her that Jennie has not forgotten her, as to make Lisa feel that she's not out of place, as to let Lisa know that she really is part of this family.

Oh, if Lisa could only really just stop her heart from beating too fast and her blood from colouring her face red all over.


Lisa runs her hands over and over against her knees in anxiety and discomfort. It was the reunion itself, the formal dinner-slash-gathering the Kims have anticipated and prepared.

Lisa has just finished dressing and she surprises herself at how she kind of look amazing in the black dress with her blonde hair.

It was reassured when she hears Jennie stuttering the words, "Y-You l-look normal for a second there."

Then it was Lisa's turn to stutter the words when she looks in front and sees Jennie in her white dress, "Y-You, too."

They stay facing each other, fully dressed and fully ready for the gathering. No one staring directly at each other's eyes.

Why the hell was this awkward?

"C-Come on, Lisa. Let's go."

"Yeah, you're right." Lisa nods, "But you go first. I'm shy as hell! Can't I really just stay here?"

"Stop that nonsense, you fool!" Jennie takes Lisa's hand and starts to tug her out of the door, "You'll be fine!"

And Lisa was reassured once more when she sees Jennie smile at her,

"I'm with you."


But then maybe Jennie was just really good with words because Lisa finds herself in the serving table drowning herself with the punch that goes so well with the buffet of food behind her.

Jennie seems to have forgotten her as the brunette was busy talking and laughing and bowing and nodding at relatives Lisa's not even sure if Jennie really knows them all.

The dinner itself has just ended a little while ago and the whole army of Jennie's relatives start to swarm each other and talk altogether that Lisa can't help but watch and listen in amazement. The thick accent covering the entire well and beautifully lit garden they were presently staying at the moment.


Lisa finds herself glancing over Jennie's direction casually as the former takes small sips of her drink.

Was she hoping for Jennie to look back at her? Was she hoping to see Jennie actually look for her? Was she hoping Jennie notices that she's not around anymore and actually search for her?

Lisa lets out a distressed sigh when she had stared for at least a good ten minutes with at least a hundred times but Jennie doesn't seem to mind where Lisa was anymore.

Maybe Lisa was just hoping a bit too high that she somehow meant a little bit more something to Jennie that just a servant, or guest.

Lisa decides to look one last time before gulping her twentieth punch that night. If Jennie doesn't look or budge, Lisa will go upstairs and sleep the remainder of the night off. Because, seriously? How can one be so numb and insensitive not to feel that someone is staring at you constantly for the past hour?

Lisa was on her twenty-first punch when she nearly chokes it all back to the glass she was drinking from when someone startles her with, "Hi."

She quickly wipes her lips and composes herself as so not to embarrass herself from anyone who greeted her.

She coughs first before turning to the person with a nervous, "Hi."

It wasn't Lisa's fault when her eyes suddenly dilate from the sight of a pretty boy so close to her.

"H-Hi." She nervously repeats while unintentionally tucking her hair behind an ear.

"Hello." The pretty boy nods casually, but his voice doesn't waver, making Lisa think that he already had this scene mastered. Like he had this kind of conversation a bit too often.

But a pretty boy is a pretty boy so Lisa doesn't mind and continues to involuntarily be shy around him. Lisa becomes more shy when he smiled.

Lisa observes his features quickly – thin eyes, fair skin, plump lips – wait, plump lips?

Holy hell, Lisa. Get yourself together.

Lisa nearly loses it when he suddenly licks his lips maybe because it started to dry.

He then says as he stretches a hand, "I'm Sehun."

Lisa stares at the stretched hand in front of her before finally picking up and returning the handshake. His hand – as Lisa thinks and smiles to herself – is soft and his handshake, firm.

Surprisingly, he doesn't let go of Lisa's hand yet as he says, "I am wishing hard right now that you are not part of my family. Please, by any chance, you are not my relative, are you?"

Lisa blinks repeatedly, "I-I guess not. Not that I could remember."

He sighs of relief, "Thank God. It would be weird if I think of my possible cousin as cute."

He smiles again, and Lisa swears she is blushing hard.

"Uh, th-thanks." Damn the god of all the flirts, why didn't he give Lisa an ounce of it?!

He simply nods but he doesn't let go of her hand still, his tempting smile still playing on his lips, "I haven't quite catch your name yet."

"L-Lisa." Lisa shakes his hand again, "My name is Lisa."

"Lisa," He repeats, and Lisa swears his smile grows wider, "I like that."

She knows too well that she's had too many drinks as she can feel her face gets hot. She doesn't know anymore if it was from the drinks, from his voice, his words or his touches. Lisa's just sure that their moment was broken when another hand tightly gripped on their joined hands.

Lisa was also sure of whose hand it belongs to when the owner spitefully says, "Back off, Sehun."

Sehun and Lisa simultaneously turns to whoever said that, and Lisa was right as ever.

Lisa's blood hastily goes amok all over her face when she realizes who it was.

It was Jennie.

Lisa could feel Jennie's grip starting to get tighter and tighter, hurting both Lisa and Sehun.

"Oh, hey, Jennie!" Sehun says with a smile, "I wasn't doing anything wrong! I was just talking to Lisa, you know, getting to kno-"

"I said back off." Jennie says it again, but in gritted teeth and with piercing eyes.

And Lisa has never seen Jennie like that.

"What?" Sehun's eyebrows knit together in confusion, "I was just trying to be friendly! She was all alone here and I thought she needed the company!" He defends himself.

"Well, I'm already here," Jennie strongly breaks their hands off each other, Lisa internally winces from the force, "So you don't need to give her company anymore."

She smiles a split second, and Lisa knows it was a fake, forced one.

"Why are you being like this?" He questions Jennie's sudden actions.

"I know what you're up to, Sehun. I'm not your cousin for nothing." Jennie sassily smiles again as Lisa continue to look at how Jennie keeps on holding her hand.

"I wasn't trying on anything, Jennie. I swear."

He's smile suddenly drops from his face.

"Well, I don't know about that, Sehun."

Jennie starts walking away, dragging Lisa along with her, "But Lisa is my guest and we have to go. Bye!"

Sehun could just click his tongue and Lisa could only continue to be pulled by Jennie, leaving both Lisa and Sehun confused.

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