《Hate Me Now, Love Me Later》Chapter 14


"We're here." Jennie says as she instructs Lisa to get their things from the car's trunk, which Lisa tiredly obliges to.

"Finally!" Lisa says as she takes each bag and suitcase off the trunk, "I thought we're going to live in the car forever."

Lisa looks at the sky which is already painted orange and a dark shade of blue. Some stars are already visible.

"Hey, Manoban," Lisa turns her head to see Jennie already standing on the front door's stairs, "How long are you going to stand there?"

"Mind helping with your things?"

Jennie stares at Lisa holding almost all of their bags up, the driver carrying what he can as well, Jennie then slyly smiles as she turns around to knock,


So Lisa is only left to sigh once more.



Lisa watches from the back as she watches Jennie's mom hug her and call her something Lisa assumes is a name for Jennie.

"And Lisa! How are you, darling?" Lisa was then the next one to be hugged by Jennie's mom. The accent too strong much to Lisa's amazement.

"I-I've been fine. Thank you so much for asking, Mrs. Kim." Lisa hugs back, out of courtesy. Jennie only scoffs and smiles as to tell Lisa that the latter is disgusting.

Lisa only squint her eyes as response to the shorter girl.

"Well, you must be tired from your trip." Jennie's mom says as she rubs both Lisa's arms in a motherly affectionate way. In that moment, Lisa admits that she misses this kind of tenderness.

Jennie's mother then turns to her daughter, "Your father will come home a bit later tonight. So you can take a rest for a while." She then looks back to smile at Lisa before turning back to Jennie, "Jendeuk-ah, I prepared your room for both you and Lisa to stay in. Make her comfortable, okay?"


"Yes, Mom." Jennie stretches her arms, "Wait, will she stay with me in the room?"

Her mother looks at her, "Why, of course! She is your guest, yes?"

"Don't we have a room specifically for the guests?"

"Yes, but your cousins will be staying there."

Lisa can see Jennie internally groaning to herself, and Lisa sees herself internally smiling in triumph.

Jennie exhales steadily first before smiling at her mom, though Lisa would like to think it was rather forced, Jennie then says, "Okay, Mom,"

Jennie then looks at Lisa, and if Lisa doesn't know any better, to what are calm eyes for Jennie's mom, Lisa sees the tiniest speck of evil written all over those eyes.

Jennie's lips then curved ever so slightly, the same devious glint on those things Jennie calls 'eyes',

"I will take care of her."


"Don't murder me in my sleep." Lisa threateningly and jokingly points at Jennie the moment Jennie closed the door of her bedroom.

"Like I'd wait for you to sleep." Jennie jokes back.

Lisa sees Jennie inspect the room, so she did the same.

It was bigger than what they had back in Han Nam-dong. Lisa sees two beds beside each other, a single lamp table separating them.

A bed can actually hold three people.

"Just how many are we going to sleep here?" Lisa slides her bag off her shoulder, the other bags were being brought by the other maids outside the room.

"Weren't you listening?" Jennie plops to her bed, a violet-covered one, "Just the two of us, unfortunately."

"Really?" Lisa touches the sheets first, unsure if she's worthy enough to even lay a hand on these beds. "Why the hell is it so big?! My whole family can sleep here!"


"Psh." Jennie gets a pillow to hug, "Ah! I miss this bed!"

Lisa laughs weakly as she watches Jennie roll side to side like a kid, the latter's accent quickly catching up.

"Your accent is showing." Lisa finally sits down, but only at the very edge of the bed.

"Huh?" Jennie stops rolling and looks at Lisa, "Damn, and I've been working on it."

Jennie closes her eyes, Lisa only watches her. Jennie says, "I guess you can take me out of Anyang but not get Anyang out of me."

"Why do you sound so upset?" Lisa lies down, she observes the beautifully built ceiling, she says without much thinking, "It's actually cute."

Lisa was closing her eyes when she suddenly feels a pillow thrown at her face. She opens her eyes to look at Jennie smiling with her fingers clenched in front of her mouth, "You're disgusting."

Lisa watches for one more second before finally picking up from how cute Jennie is at the very moment.

Lisa decides to face the other way so her tinted cheeks cannot be seen, "With the way you look right now," Lisa smiles,

"You are more disgusting."


"Hey, Lisa."

Lisa rubs her eyes to see Jennie rubbing her own pair.


"They're calling for us already."

"What for? Is it your reunion already? I was expecting something bigger to be honest." Lisa yawns.

"Of course it's not the reunion yet, you idiot." Jennie straightens the same shirt she has been wearing since morning, "It's still two days from now."

"Is it still Sunday today?"

"Yes, it's just 7 PM."

"What will I even do on your 'family reunion'? I'm not even part of your family."

"Well you're the servant of the family." Jennie shrugs, "That's still part, right?" She smiles.

"Gee, I feel proud to be part of this family." Lisa says sarcastically. "But seriously though, what will I even do there?"

"Just wear something nice."

Lisa stares at Jennie from the bed, "You didn't tell me to bring something nice to wear."

"It's alright." Jennie stretches one last time, "We'll buy tomorrow."

Lisa was about to say something again when Jennie cut her off, "Anyang is one of the fashion points of this country, we'll find something for your ill-fitted body." She snickers as she does not let Lisa speak again, "And payment is on me. Think of it as a token of the littlest of my gratitude to you for coming home with me."

Jennie smiles genuinely at Lisa, and Lisa only wishes hard that her heart stay still.

"But for now," Jennie walks closer to Lisa and pulls her gently up from the bed, "Father is already here and Mom has been calling for us to go downstairs,"

Lisa stands up on her own, but Jennie's hands were still lingering on Lisa's wrist,

Jennie continues with her smile,

"So let's have dinner."

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