《Hate Me Now, Love Me Later》Chapter 12


"I swear to God, if you bring me to one of those peasantry places you poor people go to, I will skin you alive." Jennie threatens Lisa as they walk out of the house.

Lisa cannot hide the smile already plastered on her face as they walk. She was thankful to the heavens that Jennie agreed to go with her as apology.

"I won't." Lisa continues to be amazed, "Besides, I'd rather skin myself than let you do it.

"I am warning you, Manoban." Jennie points at the taller girl, "Do not bring me to your kind of places."

Lisa stops to face the shorter girl, "And I am telling you, Kim,"

Lisa sees Jennie cower a little from the closeness they have, Lisa smirks,

"I won't bring you there."


"Why can't we take the car instead?! That's why we have it!" Jennie complains as she stops from her tracks.

"Jennie, if you keep on whining, I will leave you." Lisa only stops walking when she doesn't see Jennie following behind her anymore.

Jennie only bossily crosses her arms, "I won't move until you say that we'll take the car instead."

"Walking is good for you." Lisa steps closer to the annoying bitch in the form of Jennie.

"I. Don't. Want. To."

"Don't make me drag you, Princess."

"Try me."

That is all the permission Lisa needs.

Lisa walks closer to Jennie, which made Jennie say, "Don't you dare, Manoban."

Lisa chooses to not mind it as she takes the sleeves of Jennie's sweater as she pulls the latter from place.

"I will sue you, Manoban! I will see you in court! You know I'll do that!" Jennie swears as she tries to yank her sleeves off Lisa's clutch.

"Yeah, yeah. Jennie. Whatever you say." Lisa triumphantly smiles as she continues to tug the whiny bitch along.


"Where do you want to eat?" Lisa walks in front of Jennie, one of the rare times she is the one leading. Though she can still tell that there is this physical distance between them. The same distance Jennie is putting among the two of them.

"Anywhere you don't want." Jennie says feebly as she hugs herself for being 'mistreated' by Lisa, her supposed to be servant.


"Come on, Jennie." Lisa looks over her shoulder, she teases, "Do you want to go to that restaurant? I heard they have the best pizza there."


"Oww!" Lisa rubs her arm as she giggles.

"You know I don't like pizza!" Jennie says in gritted teeth.

"Well if you don't answer properly, we'll end up not eating at all."

"Ugh. Fine! Since your taste buds are as bad as you are." Jennie cringes.

Lisa only scoffs a laugh.

"Wait, will you be the one to pay?" Jennie walks beside Lisa to ask.

"Yeah, why?"

Lisa soon regrets asking, because then she sees Jennie smirk.

Soon, Jennie evilly says, "Then I know just the place."


"Holy shit, you are out of your mind if you think I can afford this!" Lisa brashly pulls Jennie to one side so the latter would not enter the restaurant yet.

"What? You said I'll choose." Jennie continues with her fake innocent smile.

"Yeah," Lisa widens the smallest of her eyes, "But when I said that, I never thought you'll want to eat at this fancy, pretentious restaurant!"

Jennie only watches in wonder.

"You know that I am financially deprived!" Lisa whispered angrily.

"And I know that you wanted to 'take me out' as an apology?" Jennie raises her eyebrows.



Lisa bites her lower lip as her right foot repeatedly taps the ground.

"I'm waiting, Manoban." Jennie crosses her arms again.

After sighing, Lisa says in defeat, "Fine. Here goes my savings."

Jennie smiles like a kid winning over a candy, "Good."

Even with the thought of losing her hard-earned money, Lisa could only return the smile.


"Stop cracking your knuckles." Jennie swats Lisa's hands from across the table.

"You're not my mom." Lisa immaturely protests.

"It's common courtesy not to do that at the dining table." Jennie separates Lisa's hands, "Seriously, it's become a bad habit of yours."

"Bad habits are hard to break." Lisa toothily answers back.

"And so is your head."

"And so is your face."

"You're stupid."

"You're more stupid."

"You're a jerk."

"Your feet smell."

Jennie gasps, "How dare you!"

Lisa covers her mouth as she laughs.

Maybe today will be a good day.



"Say 'Aah!'." Lisa mocks Jennie by trying to feed her, with pizza.

"I will throw that at your face."

"Come on, Jennie. It's not that bad." Lisa eats a slice and insultingly chews slowly.

Jennie scoffs as she watches, "You're disgusting."

"You're missing out on life."

"You'll be missing your teeth."

Lisa stares deadpan at a giggling Jennie, then Lisa says,

"I honestly thank your mom for that whole week of feeding you pizza."


"Keep your poorly kept wallet." Jennie tells Lisa as soon as Lisa pulls it out.

"Why? I'm about to pay."

Jennie searches her bag as she says, "They don't take money from beggars."

"Really, Jennie? That far?"

Lisa takes the bill but Jennie was quick to get a hold of it from the other side.

"I said I'll pay." Lisa pulls the bill closer to her.

"And I said keep your money." Jennie then pulls it closer to her.



"Give it to me."

"Let go."

"I'm trying to make it up to you, remember?" Lisa pulls a bit harder this time.

"I want you to make it up to me some other way."

"What?" Lisa unintentionally loses her grip which made Jennie finally take the check, "What do you mean?"

"You think I'll let you off that easily?" Jennie puts the money inside the bill holder and calls for the waiter to give it to.

Lisa looks at her agape, then she narrows her eyes at the girl in front of her who is wearing a wicked smile, "What are you planning, you devil?"

Jennie takes her things as she starts walking out of the restaurant, Lisa could only follow.

Jennie says over her shoulder, "Take me out to the movies."


"That was horrible!" Jennie smacks Lisa's arm as they walk out of the cinema.

"You did say anything!" Lisa chuckles as she rubs her hit arm.

"Yeah! And by 'anything' means 'anything but horror'!" Jennie infuriatingly takes some hair strands off her face.

"You said 'Surprise me'!" Lisa defends herself.

"Well you really did." Jennie says sarcastically.

Lisa could only smirk. She then slyly looks at Jennie and teasingly says, "You scream like a girl."

"Because I am a girl, you dweeb."

Lisa immediately froze in her place when she suddenly felt Jennie's hand link to hers.

She was sure that it was not Jennie's intention to do so, because it seems like Jennie did it out of habit.

"Uh..." Lisa continues to stare at their linked arms, "What are you doing?"

Jennie only stares at their arms when she sees where Lisa was looking at, she then looks back at Lisa having an indescribable expression on her face, Jennie mockingly asks back, "Uh, what are you doing?"

"I'm," Lisa tries to casually take her arm off Jennie's, "I'm not used to this touchy type of things."

When Lisa was about to get her arm fully off Jennie, Jennie only grabs it back harder.

Lisa sees the big smile on Jennie's face as the shorter girl says, "Well, I'm the clingy type,"

And Lisa can't help but feel her blood rushing to her face when Jennie leans her head on Lisa's shoulder as Jennie adds,

"So you better get used to it."


"I think it's time to go home." Jennie looks at her wristwatch, "My parents might get mad if I exceed my curfew."

Lisa shakes her head at the cynical tone in Jennie's teasing, "You're an ass, Kim."

Lisa walks closer to the sidewalk as she awaits a taxi to pass by. She was about to call one when Jennie tugs her by the sleeve, making Lisa turn to the shorter girl, "What?"

"I want to walk."

Lisa creases her eyebrows, "I thought you wanted a ride home?"

"I changed my mind." Jennie bows her head, Lisa would like to think it's because of embarrassment.

Lisa then tilts her head to have a better look at Jennie's face, "You really are bipolar, aren't you?"

She chuckles as she lets Jennie steal another punch at her arm.

"Alright, we'll walk." Lisa smiles widely as she starts taking the lead in walking, "But you can't cling to me like a koala."

Before Lisa could even finish her sentence, Jennie already made her way in latching herself onto Lisa's arm.

And Lisa doesn't protest.

Not because she can't, but because she doesn't want to.

"I still hate you, you know that?" Jennie decides to break their silence.

Lisa looks at the one cuddling up to her arm, Lisa smiles as she says,

"I still hate you, too."

And Lisa only lets her smile stay on her lips because she can see from the corner of her eyes that Jennie, too, was smiling.

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