《Hate Me Now, Love Me Later》Chapter 11


Lisa feels bad, of course she does; but what can she do? She can only wish and hope that these weird feelings exit her body,

And fast.

This feeling is intoxicating to her. It does something wrong to her - with her - which in turn makes her do something wrong to 'someone else'.

Ironically, that someone else is Jennie.

The very same person giving her the intoxicating feelings, the very same feelings that drive her crazy to the point of lunacy, the very same feelings she wishes hard every moment to disappear and never come back.

The poison in her system that she prays hard she spews out soon.

It was unhealthy, this kind of sensation,

And Lisa desperately wants to cleanse herself off it.


Lisa stands like the idiot she is in front of Jennie's tightly shut door.

She can only shake her head at Jennie's immaturity at times, for the door has a poorly written note - which Lisa guesses from anger - saying in all capital letters, 'NO ASSES ALLOWED!!!'

The amount of exclamation points making Jennie's fury clear to whoever will read it.

"And she is allowed?" Lisa mutters to herself.

Lisa battles with herself whether she'll knock now or let Jennie get tired of waiting for her untouched breakfast downstairs to go to her.

Lisa chooses the first one because the second one, clearly, is not happening.

After Lisa makes awkward knocks in between awkward intervals, she turns the doorknob with shaky hands.

She confesses that she is somehow afraid to face Jennie, as Lisa is expecting that Jennie will either come at her and scratch her on the face like the bitchy feline that she is or worse, give her the deadly silent treatment.

It was only when Lisa sees Jennie staring at her callously that she wishes Jennie's nails were rather at her face by now.

The dead stares keep on giving Lisa chills, making her shiver to the spine.

"B-Breakfast in bed." Lisa was supposed to add another flimsy title after that but she's not dumb or insensitive enough to.


Jennie only continues to stare from her bed, and Lisa only continues to be a statue in front of the Princess.

"Sh-Should I just leave it here?" Lisa walks to the table near Jennie and puts it there very carefully, so careful that the tiny noise of the tray hitting the wooden table may be heard downstairs.

It was so quiet, and it has always been with Jennie.

Well, most of the time.

But this is not the quiet Lisa is used to, or Lisa wants.

This is not what she wants.

She wants to apologize, for what? For being an ass, maybe?

Lisa is not sure, either. She just knows that she wants this torment to end.

"I'm sorry, okay?" Lisa says beside Jennie's bed. She's still standing from in front of the small table, her eyes never leaving the tray. Lisa reasons that it's because it's easier to look at it than to look at Jennie.

"I didn't know that you went through the trouble to buy a sketchpad for me." Lisa honestly says the reason she thinks made Jennie flinch.

Lisa is honestly happy when she finally hears at least a scoff from Jennie.

But that's the only response Lisa got, at least Jennie responded.

Lisa faces Jennie's bed. She is only able to see Jennie's profile. Lisa continues, "Thank you, okay? I couldn't thank you enough. So please,please, for the love of all the gods out there, will you stop being mad at me?"

No proper response, just a small "Tch."

Lisa doesn't give up just yet, "I honestly appreciate what you did for me and yes I'm an ass for getting all worked out about you going home late. I over-reacted, okay? I'm sorry,"

Lisa can feel her heart beat fast again, and she doesn't want Jennie to get the wrong idea that Lisa is offering herself to Jennie, so Lisa says again,

"I'm just worried about what your parents will tell me if they find out I don't keep an eye on you."


That made Jennie finally talk,

"See?! That's the problem, Lisa!" Jennie faces a surprised Lisa, "You do this - all of this," Jennie motions her hands around her surrounding, "- Because you are asked to! Because you're afraid that you might get scolded by my parents?! For not keeping me home on time?!"

Poor Lisa could only let her eyebrows meet in utmost confusion, "Isn't that what I'm supposed to do? I'm asked to be your companion? To serve you? Haven't you made that clear?"

"It is your job! And you're doing pretty damn well! Getting all worked out when I passed my curfew because you're afraid of being reprimanded by my parents!"

"Well, what do you want me to do?! Let you off all night partying and going on dates or whatever it is you do?!" Lisa doesn't watch her words anymore. She doesn't know why she's feeling bitter all of a sudden.

"I want you to get mad at me for going home late!"

"I am mad at you for going home late!"

"I want you to get mad at me if I break my parents' rules! I want you to get mad at me if I don't do my assignments! I want you to get mad at me for not eating my meals! I want you to get mad at me because I don't listen to you!"

Lisa gets more and more confused with every word that comes out of Jennie's mouth, but she got the most perplexed when she hears what Jennie has to say next,

"I want you to get mad because you care for me!"

Jennie breathes out rapidly and loudly after all what she just said. Lisa does the opposite as she holds her breath with every phrase thrown at her.

"I want you to reprimand me not because you're afraid of what my parents will say," Jennie continues to stare at Lisa, though it's not one of those chilly ones, it was warm, soft even, "I want you to get mad at me because you worry about me, because you care about me."

Lisa knows in herself that she wanted to answer Jennie and say that she does care for Jennie, that she does worry about Jennie.

But there was also something in her that holds her back from saying all those, and it irritates her because she can't break free from whatever it is.

"I hate you, you know?"

Lisa snaps back to reality when she heard those words come out of Jennie's mouth.

"Well are you just going to stand there like the insensitive piece of shit you are?" Jennie continues to throw words at a still baffled Lisa.

Lisa realizes she had stared too long because Jennie starts to get up from the bed and walk out of the room, cursing and muttering.

"You are such an insensitive. Thoughtless. Dumb. Ass, Lisa!" Jennie nastily spit all the mean words out as she pass by Lisa. Not caring anymore if she'll hurt Lisa with these words or not.

"I really, really hate you!!" Jennie takes one last step to fully create an amount of distance between her and Lisa.

Jennie was about to walk to the door but a hand stops her from doing so.

Lisa was quick enough to snap off her thoughts and not allow Jennie to leave.

"Let me take you out." Lisa said without thinking, she mentally asks herself if she heard it right, "L-Let me make it up to you," Lisa gulps, "By taking you out. T-Today."

Lisa gets more confused when she sees Jennie getting flustered and confused as well.

"Don't mock me." Jennie tries to break away from Lisa's grip on her wrist.

"I'm serious!" Lisa tightens her hold, but not tight enough to hurt Jennie, "I hurt you, badly, and I want to apologize,"

Lisa then lock gazes with Jennie, and Lisa has never admitted to herself how much she wanted for Jennie to say 'yes',


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