《Hate Me Now, Love Me Later》Chapter 10


Lisa doesn't get it. No, she really doesn't.

The image she saw right before the Kim's car started moving keeps on replaying on her mind over and over again, with or without her intention to do so.

It was just a simple, normal image.


With a guy.




Lisa's eyebrows meet at once from the frustration she's feeling. She's not sure anymore if it is from the picture on her mind or from her unwillingness to think about it but keeps on doing so.

She tries so bad to avert her attention to the Math problem she's supposed to be finished by now.

"Leave my mind, Jennie!" She tells herself.

Lisa can't help but let her wandering mind continue to wander and imagine things.

What are they doing now? Are they eating? Is Jennie laughing? Is he making her laugh?

Or maybe he's feeding her the way Jennie asks Lisa to? The way Lisa used to?

Or worse, are they holding hands? Are they hugging? Are they that close?!

Doesn't Jennie have assignments to do that Lisa now willingly wants to help with?

Doesn't she have orders for Lisa to follow?

Anything that requires Jennie to just stay at their freaking house?!

Lisa goes beyond the extreme when her thoughts start to be too exaggerated.

Are they holding hands?! Is Jennie clinging to him? Is he putting his hand around her shoulder? Around her waist?

And the worst thought that Lisa's poor mind comes out with?

"Are they kissing?!" Lisa suddenly blurts out loudly to herself.

And just when did Lisa start to care where Jennie goes or who she's with? Or what Jennie does to them or with them and vice versa?

Was she jealous?

Lisa wishes hard that she's not.

That she never will.


"Goddamn it, Jennie." Lisa sighs in defeat.

She's not solving this Math problem anytime soon,

So is her problem about what she's feeling.


Lisa wakes up from the hard nudges at her arm and shoulders.

"Ouch, that hurts." She lazily says, sleep still on her eyes.

When the nudging didn't stop and just got stronger did Lisa only fully wakes up thinking to punch whoever it is doing that.

Though before she could even form her hand into a fist does she realize who it was who disturbed her slumber,

The source of her insanity,


"Is your skin really that thick?" Jennie crosses her arms, "Seriously, you are so hard to wake up!"

Lisa only scratches the back of her head. Words are still hard to process just after waking up, especially when the person giving you a hard time sleeping last night is the very first one you wake up to.

"What time is it?" Lisa asks as she yawns.

"Time for you to do your job."

Lisa only blinks, "Wait," She scrunches her eyebrows, "Have you just returned?"

Without even waiting for Jennie to respond, Lisa quickly checks the time.

9:03 PM.

"Jennie!! It's past your curfew!! You know you should be at home before 8!"

"I came here 7:30." Jennie looks at the side before shrugging. She did not even bother to think of a proper excuse, making it as obvious that she was lying.

"Jennie! You can't go home this late!" No more traces of sleep are left in Lisa's face. It was replaced by either anger or worry; or maybe the mix of both.

Lisa really doesn't get it.

Being worried is normal, but why should she worry too much? It's not the first time Jennie came home after curfew.


Now being mad was beyond normal for Lisa. Why should she even be mad at Jennie going home late? It was clear that Lisa doesn't run any part of Jennie's life, but then Lisa remembers that Jennie was out with a guy, and for some reason, just the thought of it angered Lisa.

Lisa knows that she gets through Jennie because she sees the shorter girl's eyes soften into almost apologetic ones.

"Aww, are you concerned about me that badly?" Jennie was still able to joke around and tease the already furious Lisa.

Lisa is taken aback from the question. She knows that shock was evident from her reaction. She was only able to cover up for it when she unstably says, "Th-This is not a joking matter!"

When Jennie continues to give her teasing smile did Lisa fear that the same warmth she's been feeling around Jennie starting to creep back up all over her body.

Afraid that this might show, Lisa decides to brush it off – and to brush any of Jennie's thought of Lisa being worried about her – by saying instead,

"What will your father tell me?!"

Lisa knows she succeeded with her plan because she sees the same pain occupy Jennie's very eyes, the same pain that Lisa unintentionally inflicted Jennie with when Lisa was accompanying Jennie that one time.

Jennie's eyes instantly, almost as instinct, turn cold and piercing.

Lisa shivers at sight, because in the million times that Jennie looked at her, Lisa admits that Jennie never looked at her like this.

Jennie callously bats her eyes as she grimly says, "And here I thought you are actually worried about me,"

Lisa gulps when Jennie starts to walk out of the room,

"How stupid of me to actually think that."

Lisa could only look down, the atmosphere she just created getting heavier and heavier by the second.

"Here." Jennie forcefully throws something at Lisa. The throw was really hard based on the impact on Lisa's stomach when the latter was able to catch it on time. Now Lisa knows that Jennie is mad at a different level, "Thought you needed it."

Before Jennie finally walks away, she spitefully says, "You really are an ass, aren't you?"

Lisa was not able to say or do anything more after that. She only watches Jennie walk away from her bedroom.

She clutches at the paper bag recently – and strongly – thrown at her. It's brand new, meaning Jennie just bought it.

When Lisa reaches for what's inside, her guts lurched back and forth. Her already contracting muscles contract harder the moment she realizes what she's done and said to Jennie.

She admits that she hurt Jennie and that she herself really is an ass.

Because inside the paper bag is one of the most important things to Lisa,

A sketchpad.

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