《Hate Me Now, Love Me Later》Chapter 8



Lisa has heard her name at least a hundred times this morning already and it's not even past seven yet.

Though, oddly, she does not tire of hearing her name over and over.

"Lisa!" The unending chant never seems to end.

Strangely, it became music to her ears.

Especially when it's Jennie calling her.

"I'm here!" Lisa shouts from her room.

"Let's have breakfast already!"

"Yes! I'll be there in a minute!"


When did Jennie start eating in the dining room for breakfast?

And just when did Jennie allow Lisa to eat breakfast with her?

"Pass me the bread." Jennie bosses bitchily.

At least that part of Jennie still exists.

"Yes, Ma'am." Lisa hands it to her.

"Princess." Jennie stares at Lisa as she corrects the younger, "Princess Jennie."

Lisa could only stare back, the basket of bread still between their hands.

It's only when a corner of Jennie's lips curved into a small smile that Lisa gives a smile of her own.

"Okay, Princess Jennie."


"Bye, monkey!"

Though there is still this thing about Jennie and not being seen with Lisa at school.

Jennie still demands Lisa to be meters away from her in school premises.

It's like they're not living in the same house after every dismissal.

"Bye." Lisa says as weakly as possible, though as not what she intends to.

Why should not being with Jennie in school even affect her?

It's not like they're friends or anything.

Perfectly what Jennie said and still says every day.

They're still strangers.

They're still nothing.


Jennie makes it more clear to Lisa when Jennie tells Lisa that she will not be going home with the taller girl. It's clearer because Jennie says it more frequently these days.


Lisa could only nod her head as she enters the car and asks the driver to take her home because the Princess would either be hanging out with friends or, as Lisa has already expected since the very first day that she laid eyes on the Bitch Princess,

Going on dates.


It was never new to Lisa. Jennie has always been popular before.

Before her family owed their family.

Not really panty-dropping popular, just popular.

It was not new to Lisa when she would unknowingly look at one direction and sees Jennie casually talking to a guy.

Laughing and lightly slapping him.

Typical scenario.

So why, when Lisa knows all these even before, does it somehow bother her now?


Lisa has heard things about Jennie and all her admirers, way before Lisa was vested the title of the mighty 'servant' of the conceited 'Princess'.

She has heard of a boy named TaeHyung, that one who was said to follow Jennie with his doe-eyes whenever she passes by; smiling all the way he does.

There was also a guy called Hanbin who was assumed to leave his traces on some of Jennie's pictures in social media, though Lisa knows that Jennie is having a hard time using technology and barely ever visits her account to update it.

There was also a guy named Mino. Now this one is different from all the others since Lisa has heard that Mino was supposed to have a shot with Jennie. It was rumoured that he was seen with Jennie quite a few times here and there; but Jennie has never mentioned him before. Or maybe not to Lisa. Either way, why does or should Lisa even care?

Another one who the people in their school thought that will ever get together with Jennie is a guy identified as Kai. He was said to be very charming and very boyfriend material. God knows what happened with them since Lisa can't seem to see Jennie around Kai for quite some time now. Maybe he didn't make it to the final cut? Or maybe they already broke up? Lisa doesn't know either, nor does she ever want to know.


Though one of the most complex ones that Lisa ever heard about is the one named Jiyong. Not only because he was believed to be head over heels for Jennie, but because he openly confessed to the whole school that he has a 'little' crush on the bitchy Princess; and take note that he mentioned another girl not long before his announcement.

Last of Jennie's admirers that Lisa remembers is the younger chap named Taeyeong. Lisa doesn't know when it started but Lisa started hearing stories about Taeyeong admiring Jennie and her well-known beauty from afar and then later being reported to be seen with her.

Lisa tries – hard – to lose count of all the things she hears about Jennie and her admirers. It never bothered her before.

No, it didn't bother her before,

Not this bad.


"Just how many boyfriends do you have? Really?" Lisa decides to ask out of nowhere.

The sudden question made Jennie spat some water she was drinking, she says in between coughs, "Where did that come from?"

"Nowhere. I'm just curious." Lisa shrugs.

Jennie observes Lisa first before scorning a smile, "It's none of your business."

"I'm just asking, not like I'll steal them."

"'Them'? Just how many do you think I have?" Jennie finally puts down the glass of water to turn to Lisa as Jennie slowly gains interest from what Lisa is talking about.

This made Lisa cower a little, "I-I don't know. A few, I guess."

"A few?" A smile started creeping up on Jennie's lips again, "How many are 'a few' for you?"

"F-Five, I don't know."

"Five?!" Jennie suppresses a laugh but fails, "That many?! Really, just who are you talking to lately? He or she is clearly feeding you nonsense!"

Jennie continues to laugh while Lisa tries not to shoot herself from embarrassment.

Why is she feeling embarrassed even?

"H-How will I know?! It was just a guess." Lisa stutters, then asks, "So, three?"

Jennie only giggles again, "Ah, Lisa. You really are duped."

Jennie then stares at Lisa, "You shouldn't believe everything you hear."

Lisa keeps silent after that. Lisa hesitates at first but then she decides to ask something again, "So, none?"

Lisa can hear her heartbeat as she awaits Jennie's answer. Jennie's stares are not helping with any of it.

Though Lisa's heartbeat quickly drops when she finally hears Jennie's answer,

"Who says I have none?"

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