《Hate Me Now, Love Me Later》Chapter 3


"Oh my God, Lisa!" Jennie shakes Lisa hard, "Wake up"

"Huh?" Lisa rubs her eyes.

"Don't 'huh' me! Why are you still sleeping?!! It's already 7 in the morning! I've been trying to wake

you up for what seems like eternity! You haven't even brought me breakfast, you haven't prepared

my things and you haven't gotten up from your bed yet!"

Jennie continues to nag but Lisa is fresh from sleep to understand anything Jennie is saying.

"Do it yourself" Lisa sleep-drunk says.

Jennie gasps, "How dare you!" She decides to shake Lisa harder, accompanied by light slaps.

"Okay! Okay! Alright! I'll get up! Jesus" Lisa takes the blanket off her and starts to fix her bed. "Move!", Lisa commands Jennie to get off her bed.

"You slob! What are we paying you for?!"

The question made both of them crease their eyebrows.

"Wait, we don't pay you" Jennie puts her index finger to her mouth, "You do this... to pay us."

Lisa continues to watch Jennie rhetorically ask herself, or rather, make a fool of herself.

"So, the question should be 'What are you paying us for?" Jennie's eyebrows are meeting together already, "I don't get it."

"Just let it go, Jennie." A giggle betrays Lisa, "Just let it go."


"This is all your fault! If you didn't oversleep, wouldn't be running to class with you!" Jennie blames Lisa as they run to school.

"I'm sorry I'm a heavy sleeper!" Lisa apologizes- though not whole-heartedly - just to stop Jennie from having her bitchfit.

"I will see you after class." Jennie pokes Lisa hard by the shoulder, "Come fetch me."

"Will do, Princess." Lisa watches Jennie enters the classroom, "Will do."



"Present, Your Majesty of the Asses." Lisa fakes curtsy to Jennie when the latter called her.

"Here, carry my things. I got a lot of school work to do at home." Jennie piles every textbook she lays her

hands on to Lisa's, not minding if the taller girl is having a problem holding all of it. "I should totally rally

about the amount of school work teachers are required to give. I mean, seriously, who could finish all of these in one night?!"

Jennie continues with her rants as Lisa tries to keep her balance, she says, "Uhmm, Princess? A little help here would be nice?"

"What?" Jennie stops packing her things and look at the large heap of books Lisa is holding, "That's not

even half of it"

"Are you kidding me?!" Lisa says in gritted teeth, "No way in hell l'll carry all those!"

"Yes way in hell you will!" Jennie piles another textbook onto the big pile Lisa is already carrying, "Plus, you'll help me answering all these,"

Jennie smugly smiles at Lisa before tapping the latter's nose,



"I don't get any of this!" Jennie massages her temples as she tries to understand what is written on her


"Neither do I" Lisa, on the other hand, holds the book upside down as she tries to figure out how it should really look.

"God, you're useless!" Jennie flops to the floor, "Of all the people in the world who could be my helper is

the most helpless!"

"Wow, talk about yourself." Lisa coolly shrugs.

"Just," Jennie controls herself, "Just get me something to eat. You're way more useful when you're away than when you're here."

Lisa raises her eyebrows as she cynically says, "Just the motivation I need"



"What time is it?" Jennie tiredly asks.

Lisa looks at the clock that says 11:11 PM.

"Great, make a wish." Lisa exhaustingly puts an arm over her eyes, "Wish for the school to stop

giving out projects."

"We're halfway there!" Jennie jolts which made Lisa jump a little from shock, "Come on, Lisa! We don't have all night!"

"We don't have anything, Jennie." Lisa rests her head on Jennie's study table, "I'm tired"

"Come on, servant! Help me out here!" Jennie shakes Lisa, "This is due on second period"

"Why didn't you tell it earlier?" Lisa replies with her head still glued to the table, "We should have done that first!"

"I'm bad at making decisions, okay?"

Lisa could just grunt as she's too tired to argue, "After this, I'm sleeping."

"But what about the others?"

"Stop whining like a bitch and do it yourself"

"Watch your mouth, Manoban" Jennie steals a slap on Lisa's arm, "You are still serving me."

With that, Lisa starts whacking her head on the table again.


Imagine Lisa's surprise when she wakes up still on Jennie's studly table.

She observes the room and sees that all Jennie's things are properly arranged and are ready to be brought back to school. Both their uniforms are appropriately ironed out and their bags ready to go.

Imagine Lisa rubbing her eyes in disbelief when she sees Jennie's bed neat and tidy without a trace of Satan's spawn on it.

Lisa likes to think that Jennie ate her own breakfast downstairs.

"Wow," Lisa unintentionally mutters, "Bitch can be responsible at times, too."

Lisa scratches the back of her head as she remembers how early they slept last night, as early as 2 in the morning just finishing all of Jennie's school work.

"What a pain" Lisa says as she stretches, "Ass didn't even wake me up or put me to bed properly."

Lisa might just be eating her own words when she suddenly feels something sliding down from her


She looks at the floor and feels a gush of warmth run through her when she finds out it was a blanket.

Jennie's blanket.


"I know what you did." Lisa grimaces as she playfully bumps her shoulder with Jennie's.

"What do you mean?" Jennie slightly and sassily bobs her head.

"The blanket" Lisa continues with her grin, "The one you covered me with last night."

"Ugh," Jennie scoffs, "You poor souls really don't use your minds, do you? What do you take me for? I'm not that heartless."

Lisa smiles.

"Besides," Jennie adds, "It's a one-time thing. Don't get it through to your head"

Jennie stares dead-on at Lisa's eyes, "Remember that you're still my slave."

Lisa should be punching her right now, but Lisa could swear that she caught even the smallest of a smile playing on Jennie's lips as she said it.

Making Lisa feel that maybe, just maybe, Jennie really is happy that Lisa is hers.

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