《Hate Me Now, Love Me Later》Chapter 2


"Breakfast in bed, Your Highness." Lisa wants to shoot herself from all the titles she calls that bitch Jennie when all Lisa really wants to call her is simply 'that bitch'.

"You're late 47 seconds."

Lisa scoffs in disbelief, "Excuse me?" She makes sure that she heard Jennie right.

"The agreement is you bring my breakfast on 6:30 in the morning, and you brought it 47 seconds late.

Whoops, there you go, 6:31" Jennie explains like she's explaining it to a toddler.

"Well, I'm sorry. I still needed to prepare your things for school, Princess." Lisa fakes an apologetic face when deep inside, she just wants to strangle

the hell out of Jennie.

"Not my problem." Jennie says as she motions her hand as to call Lisa to bring the tray closer, "Feed me."

Lisa cleans her ear with her pinky finger, "What?"

"That's right, feed me. All my other maids do that when asked to"

"Well, I'm not just your maid. I was forced to, so I'm more of a slave."

"Great. When you're done correcting me, stuff some food in my mouth."

"I'll stuff the whole tray in your mouth."

"I'll stuff the whole tray in your butt."

That made Lisa gasp. She doesn't know if she should not laugh because the offense was given to her or she should laugh because, as much as she

doesn't want to admit it, it's actually funny.

"Here, I'll feed you just to shut you up" Lisa takes a spoonful of food and brings it closer to Jennie, disgust visible on how Lisa's hands are shaking and how her face looks that moment.

Jennie doesn't take the food yet, she blankly says, "You look dumb."

Lisa openly sighs, "Just.." She controls herself hard,


"Just take the goddamn food."


"We're running late, Jennie." Lisa calmly yells from outside as she waits beside the car.

"Don't you think I know how to tell time?!" Jennie comes running out of the house. "Open the door!"

Lisa rolls her eyes as she opens the door for Jennie.

"Move faster, Lisa! We're running late!"

Lisa can only be fascinated by how quickly Jennie can turn situations around.

"Part of royalty, I guess."

Lisa thinks to herself as their drive to school begins.


"See you after class, beggar." Jennie steadily walks away from Lisa with the former's hand waving a bitchy goodbye.

"See you after class, skank." Lisa

says, but only for her to hear.

Lisa walks to her own classroom when she chances upon Jennie's.

She decides to observe the Princess a little more. She convinces herself that it is still too early for classes to start.

Lisa sees Jennie walking to her usual circle of friends. Lisa assumes they're all snotty brats. Lisa sees Jennie talk to them and laugh with them like Jennie doesn't torture anyone back at home.

Even though Lisa despises the whole of Jennie, Lisa kinds of admit that Jennie is pretty cute when she smiles.

Lisa breathes out a grin of her own when Jennie smiled wider.

Her little stalking was only stopped when she sees Jennie look at her direction and sees her.

Lisa snaps out of her thoughts. She assumes Jennie will yell her name and call her off telling her to leave and mind her own business.

Surprisingly, Jennie simply ignored her.

"What a bitch." Lisa thinks as she starts walking to her own class for real.

She knows from the start - and because Jennie made it obvious every day that Jennie never wants to be


seen anywhere near Lisa.

Lisa knows that Jennie specifically set boundaries between them. Lisa

also knows that Jennie vocally pointed out that in school, they are complete strangers.

So why, when that actually happened, does Lisa feel a bit uneasy?


"Time to return back to your planet, Princess." Lisa opens the car door for Jennie.

"You" Jennie points at Lisa's face as she storms to the taller girl, "You did not fetch me from my room!"

"I thought you made it clear back there that I should not be seen with you in the school premises?"

"What 'back there'?" Jennie says in gritted teeth.

"This morning. You completely ignored me." Lisa shrugs as to say the obvious.

"Well, what do you expect?" Jennie shakes her head, "Were not close friends, we're no nothing, and we're

not even close to friends."

Lisa just stares at her for a moment before saying, "You're right. Fine. It's my fault. I'l fetch you in your room every day."

"Good" Jennie gets in the car, "Finally doing the job you are supposed to do."


Lisa was busy answering her assignments when Jennie decides to be on bitch-mode again.

"Lisa! Where are my notes?!" Jennie yells from her room.

"It's in your bag!" Lisa yells back.

"It's not here! I'm not stupid not to check it, you ingrate!"

"Ugh!" Lisa pulls some of her hair in irritation.

"Check your study desk!"

"I am on my study desk!"

"Then look for it there!"

"IT IS NOT HERE!! Don't you understand?!"

"Fuckfuckfuck." Lisa brashly stands up to go to the spoiled devil that took life in the form of Jennie.


"What is it this time?" Lisa angrily whispers.

"I cannot find my notes." Jennie exhales in annoyance.

"I told you to check your bag." Lisa takes the initiative to search Jennie's bag.

"Woah! Handle it with care!" Jennie quickly slaps Lisa's hands, "It's worth more than your life."

Lisa just deadpan stares at her.

"I told you I checked it." Jennie watches Lisa goes through her things.

"Maybe you left it at school?" Lisa gives up searching.

"Tch. This is all your fault." Jennie plops to her bed, a fluffy bed compare to Lisa's cardboard bed. Then again, Lisa might just be exaggerating things.

"How is it my fault? We're not even in the same class." Lisa sits on the floor.

"If you fetched me then maybe it'll be there."

Lisa scrunches her eyebrows, "How will my fetching you help in having your notes? Your notes Won't yell at me to get them."

"Tch. It's just your fault, okay?" Jennie says with her eyes wide open at Lisa.

Lisa could just laugh at Jennie's childishness, maybe not being seen with Jennie in school was a good idea.

Or so they both thought.

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