《Hate Me Now, Love Me Later》Chapter 1



Lisa has heard her name at least a hundred times this morning already and it's not even past seven yet.

She has grown too tired of hearing it that even her own name seems unreal to her own ears.

"Lisa!" The unending chant never seems to end.

"I'm here." Lisa lazily says just so the ranting girl with brunette hair would shut up already. "I've always been here."

"Even if I don't want to." Lisa mutters under her breath.

"Why weren't you answering?!" The girl widens her cat like eyes at a bored Lisa.

"I was." Lisa replies rather lazily again.

"Then answer louder!!"

"I WAS!!!" Lisa expands her mouth as much as she can while still stopping herself from slapping the girl in front of her.

"How dare you answer back!"

"What?! You get mad when I don't answer, and then you get mad if I answer! What do you want me to do?!"

"I want you to serve me like you've been asked to do!"

Lisa grunts as she tries hard to control herself, her fingers bending with force as she tries to calm herself and let all the Zen come in to her.

"Alright." Lisa says calmly just after she exhales, "If that's what you want, Jennie."

"Princess. Princess Jennie." Jennie corrects Lisa.

"Okay, Princess Jennie." Lisa sarcastically and spitefully says.

"Good." Jennie turns her back at Lisa. Her long beautiful hair following her motion, "Carry my things to the car and let's go to school."

Lisa could only sigh and curse life - or Jennie - for being such a bitch.


"Leave." Jennie says with both her hands suspended on mid-air as she shoos Lisa away. "I don't want anyone seeing you with me. Not this early in the morning."


"Like i want to be seen with a bitch like you this early in the morning as well." Lisa crosses her arms.

"One more word from you and your family will be sleeping under a rock."

"I think I'd like that more."

"Don't dare me, Manoban."

"Stop being an ass, Kim."

"That's it." Jennie takes her phone out from her purse, "I'm going to call my Daddy to throw your Daddy away. Never mind your debt."

"God damn it, Jennie." Lisa hastily removes the phone from Jennie's soft hands. "Just go to your damn class."

"Give me back my phone, you peasant." Jennie wipes her phone with a tissue once she gets it back from Lisa.

"You're annoying." Lisa blatantly says.

"You're a jerk." Jennie replies back.

"I'm going." Lisa raises her hands as surrender as she starts walking to her class,

Or just to really walk away from the 'Princess'.


"Time to go home, Princess." Lisa fetches Jennie from the latter's classroom.

"Not a toe closer." Jennie points at Lisa's foot from the doorway to indicate the space needed between them.

Lisa, being born to piss Jennie off, puts a foot inside Jennie's classroom. When Jennie grunted in irritation, Lisa retreats the foot back outside and then puts it back inside the room. Her soft giggles mocking the already annoyed Jennie.

"Stop that, you monkey!" Jennie slaps Lisa's shoulder as Jennie walks by the taller girl.

"You really should come up with better names."

"You look and act like a monkey. What more is there to call you?" Jennie gives Lisa a one corner smile, "Here, Catch my things."

Lisa was on time in catching Jennie's bag.

"And walk a bit farther than me." Jennie instructs before fully walking forward like she owns the school hallway.


"I don't want to be seen with a monkey."



Lisa bashes her head onto her study table whenever her name is being called.


"What?!" Lisa shouts, her eyes wander themselves as she tries to focus on the answer that was supposed to be coming from another room.

No answer.

"Damn it, Jennie!" Lisa cries out as she is forced to finally stand up and go to Jennie's room.


"What do you want this time, Your Majesty?" Lisa asks as she busts the door open. Her sarcasm overflowing Jennie's room.

"Massage me." Jennie lightly punches her shoulder.

"Are you serious?" Lisa is begging Jennie to repeat her request.

"You heard me right. Massage me."

Lisa takes a moment to accept everything that is happening now and that has happened to her before.

Her father may have owed Jennie's father big time that she has to be the rich man's pesky daughter's 'companion' to pay all the money off.

This is not what Lisa thought of when she mentally signed the imaginary contract with the Kims.

"Well? Are you just going to stand there?" Jennie gapes at Lisa, "My shoulders are not going to massage themselves."

Lisa marches in defeat towards the older girl.

❗Author's Note❗

Thankyou @starlakimanoban for voting! :>

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