《The Pentagon》Chapter 60: The Pentagon


The rest of the day we spend setting up ourselves for online classes and eating and another nap.

We bid farewell to the parents, and they leave us at the Bianchi Mansion. Mason's parents are going to move in with Jose's parents and they all seem to be okay with that.

After they help situate me in my old room with the clothes the mothers went to buy for me, we all head downstairs. We all sit on the couch and talk about nothing. I suspect all of us are stalling, we all know the conversation that is due.

Mason is the first one to get up and he comes closer and kneels before me. He takes my hands, and he holds my gaze with his intense one. I see nothing but sincerity in his eyes.

"I know you hate sorries." he sighs. "You were right, we took a conscious decision to hurt you. I did. I won't blame being angry at you and your father because it was more than that." He swallows as he starts getting blurry. "it wasn't about you betraying us, mostly it was because you left, left me. I was so angry for so many years. I never told them you called." He looks back at the others before he turns to me.

"It is all my fault. His eyes glaze over, he looks around the room. "I apologize to all of you. It was foul letting you think she never looked back. I was most insistent we betray you. I just wanted what I wanted, and I didn't care about anything else. But you have to know I have always loved you. I have always needed you.

"You have always been everything to me, Zahara. Even when we were young, I didn't know then, but I was in love with you even then. It's always been you for me. But I fucked it up, sweetheart. I didn't think of you and the consequences of what I was doing. Lying to you, giving you false promises, I betrayed you all... and I am so fucking apologetic. I don't deserve any of your forgiveness."

I can't talk as tears don't stop sliding down my face. My heart is coming undone. I just sob into his hands as he wipes my tears. I see his heart and he gives me everything I've wanted from him. we stay in our moment for what feels like an eternity. Just me and my Mason.

The others sit next to me, and we all hurdle in a group hug. We cry together for a few minutes. Or I mostly cry, and they pretend they aren't crying.

"I guess the first round of tears is over. Who's next?" Bas says and we all chuckle.

"You are insane."

"Oh no babe, this is the apology tour you've been waiting for."

"But no one can top Mason," I say

"Oh, you have no idea, I've been practicing my speech for weeks." Jose says from my left.

"Move, asshole. My turn now." Jose gets up. Mason rolls his eyes, but he moves.

Jose smiles before he too takes my hand, and we all laugh. "I hope you don't mean to copy my speech too, Bowie."

"Shut up."

Then he turns serious. We stare at each other for a few moments before we laugh again. We are laughing because we are both idiots who don't know how to be serious now.

"Okay, okay, Estrellita, I'm ready, I'm ready." He blows a sharp breath and I quip my eyebrow.


"Okay, I also know you hate apologies..."

None of us can keep a straight face. We burst out laughing and we go for minutes. Every time we stop, we laugh again. Jose is such an idiot.

"Bowie, you are an idiot." Leo says holding his tummy. Mason and Bas are rolling on the floor. Jose is vibrating holding my center and he keeps looking at me and we laugh more.

After about 15 minutes we finally collect ourselves.

"Okay, I'm hungry. Can we get to the apologies as we chow down?" I request.

"Yeah, we also have homework. And we have to study for the missed tests." Bas says and we all groan loudly. I think we all had forgotten we are in high school, and we still have things like homework.

Leo throws him with a cushion. I throw one too.

"Even you, Zar!?"

"You deserve it for being a nerd." I say.

Jose pulls from my center. I see he didn't want to let go. I smile and I kiss his forehead.

There is silence before Leo says, "Hoshi, did you just kiss Bowie like a baby girl?"

That causes another round of fits of laughter.

"No..." I struggle to talk between laughs. We laugh harder this time as we can't stop looking at the baby girl. This time we all end up on the floor laughing. We start tickling the baby girl at some point and he did squeal.

When we finally crawl to the kitchen, Bas, Jose and Leo make food. They all help Leo as he makes pasta because that's what peanut wanted.

"You guys do know you can eat other things, right?"

"We want to eat everything you eat. We want to experience everything with you." Leo turns to me with a spatula dripping the creamy sauce. I taste and I nod.

"Maybe a little more parsley."

He nods and gets into it.

As the food is almost ready, Mason and I set the table. though he barely allowed me to move too much.

We sit to eat. I nod at the food. I sigh a happy sigh as the sauce and the pasta slides down my throat.

"it's good." I say to the table.

They all smile.

When we finish our dessert Mason collects the dishes and we sit. I can tell the mood is serious again.

"I think we all want to clear the air, babe." Bas says

The mood goes back to serious.

"We all owe you explanations. No more excuses." Leo says

"I think you are right, sorries are too miniscule, too simple to make up for all the shit we did to you. I was on board with everything." He pauses to clear his throat. 'I think we all can't lie. We did it, Estrellita. We did. We decided to hurt you chasing our own means. I think we were all also looking for closure. We thought it was a last kick to a hopefully dying horse but even when we thought that we always knew it was more. I don't know how you even stand to be in the same room as us. but I feel shame every day for how everything happened. I want you to know I am never going to betray you again. I love both of you and peanut and you are my life. I know the relationship is maybe a long road but when you are ready, whenever that will be, take all the time you need, and I will be here waiting for you." He gets up and we hug in a long, warm hug that communicates more than we could say.


When we pull apart, I look at him and he sighs seeing what I'm thinking because, again, I am an idiot. I tip toe and he leans in and I kiss his forehead. He kisses my cheek.

When I am seated again. Leo turns his chair to me. he takes my one hand. I see everything he means to say behind his eyes.

"Hoshi. My brightest star. We fucked up. We fucked up everything. I am sorry you were given idiots like us instead of someone better and smarter who knows how to treat the treasure you are. Like my brothers have said, we did do it. There is no denying anything now. We did it. it is something I don't think I'll ever forgive myself for, my participation and everything I did. Everything I did that lead to you almost losing your life and that of our son. We are flawed humans and I want to promise that I'll never hurt you again but what I do know is I love you, and I love him, and I will try every day to show you how devoted I am to both of you. I am yours, whenever you will have me."

I pull his hands to me, and I kiss them. I nod.

We all turn to Bas.

"Stop looking at me all of you. This isn't for you, but my star here." He comes closer to me. "Hey, can I dance my apology?" he asks, and we all laugh.

"What the fuck, number 2?"

When we finish laughing, he pulls me to my feet. He holds me by my waist and looks down at me with that tenderness I am used to from him.

"My brothers have said everything, and it would just be repetition if I said it. but I will say I take responsibility and accountability for my role too. But we never lied about loving you. Star, you were all our first love and you have always been everything to us. Even when we did what we did, we knew we loved you more than anything and I don't think we would have ever let you go even then. You, just you. We love peanut but you are our girl. We still want everything with you, but we now accept if that's not where you are or want to be in the immediate future." He pauses to clear his throat. "We want to let you know there isn't pressure. If you only want the friendship and only to coparent, then we will step back and give that to you too. We will take whatever you give us."

I look around the room as Bas and I sway slowly to the beat of our hearts. His eyes give me everything. We stop and then I turn to the others too as I let go of Bas's hand. I swallow.

"I guess it's my turn." I say.

"Zara, no. You did nothing wrong."

"No, but I did, and please...just listen. I need to say my peace too." I ask and they all settle down.

"I knew what we were. I may not have known the plan, but I knew it wasn't pure. The series of events that has happened may have been because of our actions and some not. I would like to apologize for my personal actions and reactions. I know we were all caught in a difficult situation but how I reacted was immature, especially when it comes to Darrell. I was being spiteful, and I put our child in danger, and I will never forgive myself for that. But I am asking for your forgiveness and our friendship."

They all flinch a little at the mention of friendship.

I sigh. "Listen, I am not running. I am here. But I think we need to take it day by day. We are starting a new journey on a clean slate. You guys were right, we were meant to be. So, I am here... if you will have me."

"Star, there isn't a universe where we wouldn't want you. We all made mistakes, but we are just glad that you are giving us another chance."

Mason fishes me from the couch and he spins me around bridal style and I squeal. "Oh my god, Number 3, put me down!"

He just chuckles.

He puts me down and kisses my cheeks and I am dizzy as I plop back down. I don't sit for long before. Jose pulls me to his lap, and he holds me.

"You know I said to take it slow, Number 1. None of this lap sitting business." I say and they all laugh. Jose grins wide and gives me a fat wet kiss on my cheek and I pretend I don't like it.


"Oh, come on, you love it."

We fall into a silence before Bas asks with a smirk. "So how slow is slow? Mouth stuff?"

He ducks when I throw cushions at him, and Jose throws one too.

"What? I don't know why you hitting me, you other asshole, cause you all wanna know too."

I roll my eyes. "It's as slow as I want it."

I regret that as soon as I say it and their smirks only make me groan and hit my forehead. Still idiots.

"So, there is also something I want to talk about. I don't know if you are ready though."

The subject is a bit heavy, and they all look at me with furrowed brows.

"Your coping mechanisms." I pause and I look around. I visibly see all of them stiffen. "I am not going to force you to talk to me... but I would like us to be open with our struggles and maybe we can help each other." I look down at Jose on his covered index.

At first, I thought it had been an accident, but I remembered seeing bandages last week on his arms when his shirt rode up, and I could be wrong on my conclusions, but I doubt it. he used to tell me about his urges when we were kids.

He stiffens when I take his hand, but he lets me. I see the shame behind his eyes, and I feel like shit. I did this to him. my heart bleeds for him. I undo the cover and I see a hole on his finger. My tears flow hot and his pain and sorrow hits me all at once and I sob on his chest.

"Shh, don't cry, Estrellita, I'm okay."

"Its my fault, Joseph. I'm so sorry." I say to the crook of his neck. I feel comforting arms around me. When I turn, we are both surrounded by them; Leo sitting on Jose's left and Bas and Mason knelt.

"It got fucked up, babe, but we will get better for you and him. we will all pull through." Bas says

Mason's hand on my cheek soothes me deep in my soul. I look around. "I guess it's all the past now. I look at Jose. "No more cutting, okay? You are better than your compulsions, Joseph."

I see his shame and but also something akin to the strength I know he houses. I kiss his lone tear. "I'm here. No more, please."

He kisses my lips briefly and I lean into him, but he retreats, and he smirks. "Taking it slow, babe. Don't seduce me."

We all chuckle and I grab his throat playfully.

"Thank you for another chance, Hoshi." Leo kisses my cheek and I grin widely.

"Okay, so enough of the sentimental shit. I think its time. its overdue." Bas says to all of us, and I am confused for a second. Mason rolls his eyes first then Leo and I remember.

"Babe, would you lead us." Bas puts his hand out in the middle. They all place them with pretense displeasure. I place mine on top. The seal.

I look around before I start. "I believe in The Pentagon."

"Whether comes Megatron..." Bas continues

"...Armageddon..." Leo says

"...Or Ultron..." Jose adds

"...The Pentagon will never fall." Mason comes last

"Together forever..." I say

"Forever..." my loves say in unison, sealing us in our new vow to each other.

We link our heads together for a few moments after.

"Okay, we do need to update the chant." Mason says as we pull apart.

"Why, it's awesome." I protest.

"We aren't babies anymore." He responds.

"it's still relevant as ever." Jose snakes his arms around my waste and pulling me slightly to him and I melt in him.

"No, maybe we could find something more mature." Mason says.

"Oh, come on, sour puss. Welcome a little magic in your life." Leo pretends to sprinkle magic dust on his head, and we all quip our eyebrows in amusement but he just shrugs.

"Can you imagine what Junior will say?" Mason blurts out


He grins widely. "Yeah, Mason Junior."

"You are not the sperm donor, idiot." Jose says as he kisses the line of my jaw lightly and I find it quite distracting.

"Nah, my soldiers are the strongest. Of course, peanut has Italian blood."

"That is not possible. I know I'm the biological father. I feel it." Bas says

They argue like that and by the 5th minute I stopped trying to convince any of them otherwise because I am with idiots and those are the loves of my life.

... for now.


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