《The Pentagon》Chapter 47: Bully


Simba gets me from my dorm in the morning for breakfast. We walk out the foyer and we find them waiting outside our building. Leo spots me first before they all turn, and they rise from the benches.

Simba falters and his eyes dart from me to them, but I just continue talking to him like they are air, and I can't see them. We pass them and I don't say anything.

A few more feet, I hook my arm on Simba's as we walk. I feel Simba stiffen and he gives me a look like he wants to swat me. I roll my eyes.

"Willow," he whisper-yells through gritted teeth

"Oh, don't be a pussy, Sim."

"They will kill me." He responds

"No, they won't."

I hear a loud throat clearing behind us and I stop and turn. Simba tries to pull his hands from me, but I hold him, not letting him go.

"Is there a problem?" I snap, my ire in full force

Their jaws tick and I can tell they want to rip Simba's arms off but tough shit.

"Zara, this is not okay." Mason says with an even tone, but his gaze is fixed where me and Simba are touching, and I can see the malice and hurt behind his eyes. But I don't care.

"I am not talking to you. Leave me and my friend alone. Don't fucking stress me. I didn't ask you to follow me." I don't move immediately to make sure I'm understood

"We are trying to be here for you, star." Bas says

"Then you can be there for me all the way over there, Bas. Otherwise, leave me alone."

"Fuck, baby, just let us make it up to you. We'll do anything." Jose says and I see the sincerity and desperation in his eyes.

A lightbulb moment.

"Anything?" I say and Leo's eyes are the first to widen

"Um, babe.... We'll..." he sighs. "For you, anything."

I look at all of them.

"Is this true? Will all of you do anything for me?"

"Zara..." Mason's warning comes in and I frown

"Jose?" I tilt my head to him. He needs to talk to his friend.

Jose glares at Mason. "Man, just...fucking say yes."

My eyes turn to Mason with a tight, thin lip smile that doesn't reach my eyes.

"Fine. We'll do anything. But you have to let us in."

"You don't tell me what to do, Mase. I'm the boss now. And you..." I look at all of them. "You are at my mercy."

"Zara, this isn't a game." He grits out.

"You think I think this is a fucking game? I am fucking pregnant!" I spit out but lower my voice for that last one. I'm not ready for that gossip. "You fucking destroyed my heart. It doesn't get more real than that to me." I swing my index in his face.

Fuck, he makes me so mad.

He wants me in line? We are over but he still wants me to behave in a way that's acceptable to him? Why? Because it hurts his little feelings that I have other people to cling to that aren't them? He wants to dictate to me what I should and shouldn't do like he does them? He wants me behaved and to listen to them and soften my heart and take them back. Nah. Fuck that very much.

"Okay okay, baby. Anything. We'll do it." Jose says, trying to calm the situation.


Mason and I have always been the ones to butt heads mostly in the group, fighting for dominance and power. He always liked telling us all what to do, where to go, what we shouldn't do because he has always been of the mind that he is our leader because he's oldest. But I will not be dictated to. I will not be told what to do. Least of all by him. And least of all times now.

I am the fucking boss now.

"Okay, first, you need to keep ten-feet away from me at all times, except in class, it can be five feet cause it's a small space. Don't come near me unless you have been granted permission. Two, you are not my bosses, you won't tell me what to do, who to hang with, I am not your girlfriend. Three, you have to do everything I say at all times. No matter what."

I give them a moment to absorb that one and I see the underlying horror in their faces, but it is what it is. They know how inventive and punishing I can be sometimes. But they also know, if they want to make it up to me then they must do anything. Anything I say. They are at my mercy.

"Can you do that?" I ask when I think enough time has passed and it has sunk in.

I see them grappling with the conditions and they look at each other.

"Um, can we discuss it first?" Bas asks

"No, you either decide now or leave me alone, for real. But everyone needs to answer for themselves." My face is straight as it rakes through all of them. I see Mason looking like he wants to tell me to go fuck myself.

"I am in." Leo is the first one to say

"I agree too." Bas says

"I'll do it. like I said, anything." Jose says with the utmost determination.

Then its Mason. He looks at me for a long moment before he nods. "Yes."

I nod then I turn with Simba still in my hand. I hook our hands together once more and I see him side eyeing me like I am a magician.

The boys keep their 10-feet but in the dining hall they go to their table. I wait for them to sit down before I snap my fingers and they all rise. They must have not heard me.

They stand 10 feet away in a line and I don't fail to notice the other students looking in with curiosity. Though they only steal glances because the boys are still the syndicate, they can't be caught staring obviously. But like it's always been, I don't care about these kids.

"I said 10 feet at all times. Is that 10 feet, or you want me to walk to you, your highnesses?"

Their mouths open and move like they don't understand what I'm saying.

Bas scratches his head. "Zar, we thought when we..."

"No, I said 10. And you are not here to think, but only do my bidding. If I need something urgent from the vending machine or I need something in the woods, how will you hear me?"

Mason furrows his brows and Leo just opens and closes his mouth. In all honesty I want to laugh but I need to keep a leash on this. Simba turns and I feel his vibration behind me.

Jose clears his throat, but I can see his amusement. "Yes, queen, sorry. It won't happen again."


Mason elbows him and I snort. But I clear my throat quickly and I turn. Me and Simba get our food. I nudge Simba to give his food to them too, but he refuses. Though I kinda don't blame him, Mason's growl almost scared even me. I let it slide with a strike one. He tried to complain but when I threatened another strike, he shut his pizza hole. I don't know who the fuck he thinks he is, growling in my presence, but I am not the one.

We go to our table, and we find Mariah and jasmine.

They are a bit quiet when they see the guys in tow. The guys stand 10 feet with Leo holding my food like a servant boy. I wave my hand giving him permission to come closer with my food.

He has a small smirk when he places it. Then he retreats and they move some students from a table that is about 10 feet from us, and they sit there. They look like they will snap anyone's neck who even dares have an opinion and I don't care.

We high 5 with the girls and get the niceties out the way before they ask about Switzerland. I tell them this and that. None of them still know anything about my pregnancy and I am wearing a jacket and winter clothing is perfect for hiding pregnancy. Everyone is dressed so you aren't the odd man out.

"Do you have their sex tapes or something, Willow, they are dancing to your guitar?" Mariah asks with the utmost amusement. Her voice low so only we hear it.

I just smirk. "Something like that."

"What happened between you guys anyway. Last time you didn't even want to see them. But now..."

"Mind your business." Simba barks at her and I appreciate it. But I had it. I don't need defenders or champions. I am my own army. Me and peanut.

They roll their eyes and I resign myself to my food. I don't make them run around too much during lunch, I just make Mason run to get me and my friends ice cream sandwiches, and then Bas and Jose to get me a book I wasn't going to need from my dorm, 8 minutes before break was over so they had to run. They keep up with everything without complaining...much. They know they can't say much. After school, they walk us back to our dorm. Outside of my dorm I turn to them.

"Okay, boys. That will be all for today. But, uh, keep your phones close to you, you know, just in case..." I shrug.

They nod with mostly amusement. Mason is the only one who at times looked like he wanted to tell me to go fuck myself, but the others are being great sports. I am done playing inside his little box. We aren't kids anymore and he isn't the boss of me.

"And tomorrow, I expect you outside my door at 6:30 am sharp. That's when your duties commence. And um, am I forgetting anything else?" I think. They look genuinely afraid whenever I say I'm thinking. "Nah, I'll text if I do." I turn with Simba in tow.

Simba waits until we are in the lift, and it's closed, to say. "You are my hero, woman. You should be leader of the free world."

I roll my eyes. In all honesty I don't know why I'm doing all this. It's a little fun and a little embarrassing for them but I feel like I am giving them false hope. I don't know if I'm ready to forgive and just forget. But there aren't any rules, I guess. I can do this for as long as I like. But maybe they'll feel a little what it's like to have little power and not controlling everything and everyone.

I leave Simba on his floor, and I go to mine. When the lift opens, I almost think I'm on the wrong floor. There are bags outside the rooms like some people are going somewhere. I stop at one of the rooms and I find it packed.

"Beck." I call

"Yeah. Willow?"

"Yeah. Where, uh, where is everyone going and why wasn't I told?"

The girl emerges with her signature pigtails and skimpy, Harley Quinn inspired clothes from her bathroom with a cosmetics bag.

"Oh, we are moving. We were told yesterday we need to be out today."

I feel my heart drum as I hope it's not what I think.

"Can they do that? And why didn't I get that message?"

"They cleared it with the parents and people are coming to help us move. I think it's those boyfriends of yours." She shrugs like she hasn't just slapped my face

"They aren't my fucking boyfriends." I snap before I turn to leave. I am not going to get anything from her either.

I pull my phone and keys from my bag.

I create a group chat quickly.

They all type for a few eternal seconds before a message comes through. I walk in my room and head to the bathroom.

I exit the chat and I block all of them.

I light my candles trying to calm myself before I shower. When I sit down to do homework, I can hear the movements outside. I want to go tell them to keep quiet, but I am mad at their stupid faces.

Halfway through homework I get a strong craving for tacos. I missed dinner at the dining hall, honestly not in the mood for the pasta. I remember I blocked all of them. But this child is determined to have these tacos and I feel like I'm gonna die if I don't get these tacos soon.

I unblock them and I write in the group chat.

I see them typing before Mason responds.

They are back in half an hour and a knock comes to my door. I am dying of hunger at this point. It feels like I haven't eaten in weeks. I jump to the door, and I open it.

I scowl looking at them carrying two bags. I take the first bag and it has the tacos and the other things I asked for. I tentatively take the second bag too. It has my favorite dessert. My insides and face smile but it falls when I look up. I wouldn't want them thinking I'm impressed. I shut the door in their stupid faces.

"You could say thanks, it won't kill you." Jose sasses me from the other side and I open the door quickly.

"Are you saying something, Jose?"

He bites his lower lip.

"Um, babe, we could help serve you the food." Bas says with a small smile

"I don't need help. Goodbye." I close my door. Feeling satisfaction at the act.

My heart dances as I stuff my face of the tacos and the dessert. I tried but I couldn't finish them. But like a good soldier, I fought well.


Anyway, we are on the last leg of this book. The last 20% and I am both excited and terrified. I don't want to give away much, but let's get into it (yuh)

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