《The Pentagon》Chapter 34: Studio In The Mansion


I want to jump I'm so happy. We are finally going to the club the guys promised me. It's been such a stressful term. Our teachers have been like the avengers with the school projects, not giving us room to recover; hit after hit. But its two weekends till end of term and we have only one exam left on Wednesday.

I also can't wait to see my mom. I am flying straight to her after we close. We fly over LA, and we land on the building that houses the club we are visiting.

"You look beautiful." Tatsu kisses my cheek after he takes my hand, and we walk to the elevator. Their men are waiting on the roof but like always they do their job. I see there's Mason's and Jose's men here. Italians and Cuban's run Cali in harmony...well as much harmony as hot blood thirsty made man can.

"You look hot too." I grin to him, and he smirks smugly. He throws his hand over my shoulder. My dress hugs my body and I check myself out in the mirror. The others smile small smiles. We have two of their men with us in the elevator and I guess they are in don mode. But Leo is the more relaxed tonight, which is rare.

But it's been like that since we had that conversation in my room two months ago about understanding where we are, and enjoying the now.

It had felt like a curtain got removed. I guess we needed to have that understanding communicated.

The elevator opens and we are met with more of their men. The floor is elegantly decorated. There is a round desk for a receptionist. A beautiful brown girl is manning the desk. Her smile brightens when she sees us. A professional smile.

"Mr. Bianchi, Mr. Cirilo, Mr. Saito, Mr. Cabrera, Miss Clark. Good evening." She flashes us with her tv perfect teeth, and I automatically smile back.

"Precious." Jose greets, I guess for us all

"Would you like anything to drink, Miss Clark?" she asks as she gets up and comes to our side. I am impressed. That's some good hospitality.

"Um, a cocktail?"

She smiles. "Of course."

Then she moves to the other side of the floor and Leo pulls me when I stand to watch her go. I roll my eyes.

"Hey, she works for us. No ogling our employees." Jose says

I chuckle.

"Oh, come on, she's hot. I can look." I shrug with a smile

"No, you can't." Leo gives me a side eye and I kiss his cheek.

We walk into a large, very large office. It has 3 workstations, I guess they still do share everything. Bas picks up a remote and a covering slides open revealing the club. The club below is visible on 180 degrees. I move close to the window.

"Nice view." I watch people gyrating on each other and that makes me want to be a part of it all the more. I want to dance. I hope they don't plan to keep me in this office because I'm here for more.

Mason comes behind me and he snakes his arms around my waist. "You want to go dancing?"

I nod. "Look at all those sweaty bodies."

He chuckles lightly. "Well, you will not be touching any sweaty bodies, sweetheart, but you will go down to the VIP with Leo and Bas."


I look back to him. "You and Jose working?"

He nods. "We just have small business to take care of. But you can go and enjoy yourself." He kisses my left eyelid. I grin and kiss his cheek.

I let them both hold my hand and lead me downstairs. I square my shoulders a little more. I know they have a reputation. This is their club, and all of these are their employees. Those thoughts fight with ones that want me to throw myself on the dance floor to grind on a sexy body.

We sit down on the VIP are. It's a nice seating area but there's also a railing for looking down. I sit down and Leo pulls me on his lap and Bas mixes me a drink.

Bas lights a blunt for me. They don't smoke. They just stay vigilant and low key. I dance on top of Leo's very hard cock, puffing the blunt.

I lose my mind when I hear, 'What's a little liquor to a cold heart.'

I can't sit anymore. I get up and I pull Bas to the dance floor. I grin like a fool, and I see and feel Bas's smile as we dance and grind on each other. We throw our hands in the air and dance with no abandon.

'Imagine' comes in next and we both dab as we sing, 'Put the studio in the mansion.'

I stick my tongue out. I feel so fucking happy. He pulls me away from the dance floor too soon. I notice other people had stopped to watch us. But I don't care. I just wanted to dance some more with my boyfriend. We are met with Leo's smirk.

I go and I sit on him again. His hands feel like they are seeping fire into my skin, and I just want to sink deeper into him. It feels so nice. I just want to close my eyes relish this feeling. It feels like a lifetime of happiness bottled in these little moments.

Fuck, I'm high.

I smile and open my eyes. I find both Leo and Bas eying me with curious eyees.

"I just realized I'm really high." I giggle into Leo's ear. He laughs and playfully bites my jaw.

"That smile looks perfect on you." I see his eyes full of so much truth, desire and determination. I kiss his lips because he looks so fucking hot. I just need to taste those pink lips. He kisses me back and I forget everything else. My whole world is this world in this kiss. He pulls away too soon and I am slammed back in the noisy club.

I find Jose standing next to us. He sits on the other side of us. I look around expecting Mason, but he doesn't come. Bas gives me another drink and I take it gladly.

"Hoshi, I have to go quickly to the office." Leo whispers in my ear and I nod. He kisses my lips before he places me on the seat. Jose and Bas move closer to me. Jose leans into my ear and he brushes my thigh. Bas brushes the other one too.

"You having fun, Estrellita?" he squeezes my thigh and Bas does the same. I close my eyes and lick my lips. I fixate on their hands. When I open my eyes I find mason standing in front of me. He eyes me with a smirk. He extends his hand to me, and I take it.


Lust has overtaken all my faculties and I know what I need. I give my drink to Jose. He chuckles. I bat my eyelashes to him. I let him know what I want. I see his demeanor change completely, as he looks at me like he wants to eat me alive right there. He looks at Bas and Jose, communicating something. I look to them.

I feel warmth near my face. "You still wanna dance or you want to sit on my face?"

My face falls, as intense thrill takes over my body, my legs getting weaker. I hold on to his chest. I lift myself to his ear, and he brings his ear closer, "I want you to eat it."

He grabs my waist. I crash on his chest, and he doesn't move his lips on my ear. My eyes land on Bas on our right. He has his eyes intent on me, like I'm the only thing in the universe. The way he's looking at me makes me wetter. I want them, and now.

"Don't play with fire, little girl. You'll get burned."

I turn my face to him before I pull his face and I whisper in his ear. "I'm a big girl. I can take it... sir."

I feel his whole body go rigid then he lets me go. I stagger back but I land on a warm body. Hands circle me. My eyes don't move from Mason.

"If you keep looking at him like that, you won't be able to walk by the time we leave this club, baby." Jose's breath tickles my neck, driving me wilder.

Fuck, I need them.

I turn my face to Jose. "I can take it."

He just chuckles and shakes his head.

I ask for another drink from Bas. My aim is to get fucked up. I am now threading that line between very tipsy and drunk.

Leo comes back and I ask him to accompany me to the bathroom. He takes me upstairs to the office. I didn't need the bathroom, I just wanted to get him alone.

When he closes the door, I pull his face to mine, and I kiss him. I feel his growl all over my body and I smile in the kiss. Hands grab be and he pulls away, gaze fiery.

"You didn't need the bathroom, did you?" he assesses me with an amused raised eyebrow.

"I just need it once, Leo. I'm so turned on. All of you are just-"

He kisses me before I finish, and he lifts me off the ground. The kiss is fast. I kiss his neck. We are both moaning.

"Yes." I say as I taste his flesh. He sets us down on the couch and I straddle him. His hands travel all over my body making me hotter for him. I pull back. I run my hands under his shirt. I want to feel his body. I undo his buttons. And he undoes his buckle. I want to jump up and down on him I'm so happy. I lean down to kiss him, but I halt.

Oh, fuck.

I stagger away from him, and I hold my mouth. My stomach feeling hot and acidic, and I feel it ascending. I push the bathroom door and I make it just in time. I fall on my knees as I empty my stomach on the bowl. My face is on the seat. I feel hands on me, but my ears are ringing and I can't hear anything. He holds my hair as I continue throwing up. It just keeps coming.

Fuck, this is so gross.

When nothing else comes up when I heave, I pant, saliva dripping.


I feel hands around me and I see we aren't alone anymore.

"You okay there, sweetheart?" I hear mason's concerned face and he comes in front of my drool filled puking face. I nod slightly before he opens the tap and Leo helps keep me steady. I splash my face with water. Somebody flushes the toilet.

I rinse my mouth. I splash another round on my face. Leo is still holding my hair and he is rubbing soothing strokes on my back, and I am grateful. I rinse my mouth again. I hear them asking me things, but I can't focus on that right now. I need to not feel gross first before I can answer them.

I look around for mouth wash and I see it next to me. I rinse my mouth again.

"You are worrying us, baby. Are you okay?" Bas's voice registers and I sigh a little. I smile.

"Fuck, I'm sober now." I say and they all look at me confused before they chuckle.

I take the towel and I wipe my face and I remove all the ruined makeup. Jose hands me a hair band.

I look at all their worried faces when I turn in Leo's closeness, and I roll my eyes. "I'm fine. I just probably had too much to drink, also the smoking. My body isn't used to anything that strong."

"Okay, let's go home." Jose says

I sigh. I can't say I want to stay so I nod. Leo gives me what looks like an almost panicked look before he masks it. Bas pulls me and we walk to the car. I sit between Bas and Mason. They keep caressing me, trying to soothe me and I am grateful. I lay my head on Bas.

I see the big yellow sign.

"Can I please have McDonalds." I yawn after I say it

"It's 2am, Zaza." Jose shakes his head from the passenger side. Leo says nothing.

"Hey, I just threw up everything I ate the past few days, I'm hungry as shit. McDonalds, mister Saito."

Leo smirks and looks at me from the rearview mirror. I wink at him and he smiles.

When we get to the window, I order nuggets, fries, a chicken sandwich, three donuts and a fudge sundae.

I am waiting for any of them to tell me something about it being late. They will meet my ire. They order a few things themselves. Luckily, they don't say anything. We eat in the car on our way to the helicopter.

We are out of LA in half an hour, and we are back to school in 2 more hours. I slept in the helicopter, and I only was woken by Mason picking me to place me in the car. I was so tired after everything. The night, the dancing, the throwing up and all the food.

Light is seeping in in the horizon when we get to school, and Leo carries me upstairs to his room. We fall asleep immediately. I sleep happy in the arms of one of the men I love.



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