《The Pentagon》Chapter 32: The Meat Market


Mason drives as we head to our transport in Charlotte. Bas is in the backseat tracking the asshole. I am trying to keep myself calm so I don't fucking kill everything in my way. There's only one person whose blood will placate me.

My mind swims with all the ideas, all the things I want to do to that fucker.

It's too bad Leo called dips on his eyes. But there's still many many other organs. I exhale slowly as I let the anticipation of the violence that's to come wash over me.

All of us had seen red when our fathers told us. But he should have known better. He will now pay for his disloyalty. We had given strict instructions for our fathers to not know. Our men must have absolute loyalty to us, and he is one of ours.

And on top of everything, he saw what is ours. His own fate was sealed then, he should have known.

Street fucking rules.

"He's in Vegas. At Club Santi." Bas tells us as we enter Charlotte. My body tingles.

"Have them secure him at The Meat Market." Mason says from next to me

I smirk. Tonight is looking up.

We make it to the helicopter, and we fly to Vegas. I just hope we are back by morning, and I can see my girl at school, and she doesn't know we are out here. She doesn't even know who we became, not fully anyway. I wonder what she'd think of us if she knew.

But I smile to myself because if there's a woman who could understand us, accept us, it's her. It's always been her. We were fooling ourselves thinking we weren't going to fall for her. How could we not. She knows us, who we really are. And she loves us for who we are, not all the bullshit.

My thoughts are interrupted by Bas.

"Fuck. Fuck." He murmurs from the back.


"The fucker escaped, and he is in the streets, but our men are on him." He shows us the cameras. I only smirk and I look at Leo who also sports a smirk.

Mason folds his black dress shirt, revealing his Camorra tattoos.

My body vibrates in anticipation of the hunt. We all share the look.

We fucking going hunting.

We are over Vegas in an hour, and we track the car. Our guys follow him with the cars, and we are on top of him. He drives around everywhere, he really knows this city, but we won't let him fucking slip. No damn way. We are on his tail for 45 minutes before he is closed in.

After a gun fight that leaves one of our men shot on his arm, our guys finally scoop him. They pick him up and they stuff him in the SUV we'll be taking. It takes us another half an hour to make it to The Meat Market.


The name was Bas's idea. All sorts of human pieces get 'processed' there and we have done many atrocious things in the name of our organizations.

But tonight, this is personal. Stefano knew who she was to us, and he still went ahead and watched. There was no way he would have disobeyed our fathers, but he should have known better. It is a shame to lose a soldier so loyal to the organization but there is no other fate for him, and he must be silenced by us.

After we stop, we all jump out. Leo opens the trunk and Mason grabs him. I grab the other side of his shirt and we drag him to the red chamber. Our private torture room. Where we 'process' the highest traitors or the important cases.

He is smart, he doesn't beg for his life. He is gagged but he still doesn't make any noise resembling begging. I hope to change that by the night ends. He just winces when his body bumps something.

We tie him to the chair. It's just us four here. No one needs to be here.

His eyes dart between all four of us but there is still no fear. I pull my knife out and I near him. I cut his gag off.

"Stefano." Mason says his own knife in his hands. His sleeves are still rolled up. I roll mine up.

"Yes, boss." The dead man responds

"You know why you here, yes?" Mason's voice is cool.

The man's Adams apple bops but he has no other sign of fear.

"The gi-girl?"

"You know her name, come on, say it." Mason's hands shake a little. Now we have to keep one eye on him, or he might go in rage and pummel this man before any of us get our hands on him.

"I have children, Mr. Bianchi. I have been loyal to this organization all my life." His life has flashed before his eyes. Good.

"The girl's name, Stefano." Mason's voice is ice

"Za-Zahara Clark, daughter of the be-betrayer."

Mason nods his head slowly as if he's in understanding.

"You've known us for many years, Stefano. You know our whole history, no?" he tilts his head, his eyes would emit black light if this was a fantasy world.

"I...the Don asked me to report to him if I saw her with you outside of school."

"You are one of my men, Stefano, not my fathers."

Stefano's eyebrows furrow.

"I'm tired of this talking, let's get to the blood." Leo turns on his heel and he heads to the table with the knives.

"I say let's make it fun." Bas says

I smirk. Mason looks at each of us individually before he smirks. He retreats from the man.

"Does he have to have his eyes?" Leo asks casually like he's asking what's the color of sunflowers.


"We need to give him a fair chance, brother. Let the man fight for his life. It wouldn't be fun otherwise." I say

Leo goes behind him with his knife. Bas comes back with another knife. Leo cuts him out of the restraints. Bas hands him a knife.

"You have received favor from The New Syndicate, Russo."

We all surround the veteran. We all flex our necks, prepared for the fight.

Hope returns to the dead man's face. He is thinking he's taking at least one of us with him.

He swings to Bas. Probably thinking Bas is the weakest link. Bas jumps and grabs the hand with the knife before he swings in lightning speed and slashes the man on his cheek. A streak of red lines his face but he recovers quickly, and he punches Bas and Bas knees him, still holding the knife in hand. Leo pulls the man from Bas, and he throws him in the middle of the room again. We circle him. He lunges to Leo, and he doesn't make it far when I move in and I give him a quick stab on the side of his stomach and he screams as his leg falters under him and he falls.

"Get up, mother fucker." Mason growls

The man clutches his side and his knife and grits his teeth as he gets up. He gets ready in his stance again, now not making any moves. He's waiting for any of us to invade his space. Me and Mason rush him together, he goes high, and I go low. I slash his thigh and Mason gets his chest and he falls again.

"Russo, you are disappointing me. What will your son say?" Mason taunts

"Leave my son alone!" He growls

"Well, get up. If you make this too easy, I will have to find that initiate, maybe he will scream and give us a fight."

The dead man pulls his legs and rushes me. I let him get close. I duck the knife swing before I punch where I stabbed him. I throw my knife and I pick him up. I pummel my fists on him.

"You fucker." I pin him to the ground and I pound him. My brothers also put their knives down. I move my leg as he tries to get me with a weak attempt as his faces gets redder. Bas grabs him and makes him stand before he puts in some of his own punches. We push him between us, and we taunt him with his family as each of us gets our fill.

After about an hour, when his face is beyond recognition and he is bloody everywhere, with bones broken, we secure him on the chair again.

Leo picks up his knife. Lucky bastard.

The man is babbling nonsense and tears haven't stopped falling. He's begging for his family's life. Fucker.

We are all covered in blood and our fists are bruised when we leave the red chamber. We clean up and we change clothes.

Its 2am when we leave the market, and we go to Mason's house here in Vegas so we can get a proper cleanup. It's just after 3:30am when we get on the helicopter.

I am driving us in campus just after 5am. She is probably up. I steer the car. None of my brothers say anything. I park outside of her dorm building, and I get out.

I don't know what they'll do, but I just need my girl right now.

I don't look back. I hear the car driving away but I also hear footsteps behind me. I look behind me and Mason is a step behind me. We walk the rest of the way in silence.

We knock on her door. All the fatigue comes back to me. We hear moving and she opens. Life comes back to my bones as I stare at those brown eyes that have always seen me. She looks between us for a few seconds before she steps aside and lets us in.

We go and sit on her bed. She closes the door and eyes us with concern.

"Do you need to sleep?" she asks moving closer to us. She stands between us, and she looks down to our knuckles. She doesn't freak out; she just takes each of our faces on each of her hands. She caresses us. I close my eyes as I exhale slowly, I didn't know I had been holding a breath. Soft lips land on my temple. She kisses us both.

"You guys won't both fit on this tiny bed, unless you're spooning." She smiles

The mood lightens immediately.

"I just need to hold you, sweetheart." Mason pulls her by her waist and she lets him. He buries his face on her mid-section and she caresses his neck and upper back.

"The floor?"

I nod.

We place her blankets on the floor and she lays between us. No more words are spoken. She lays on her back and her hands caress the back of our heads and necks as we both cling to her. Sleep comes quickly and I am out.


I am trying to wrap up writing this book soon. This is a long ass book, as I'm sure you guys have seen. But I would like to do something if I finish writing it this week. I want to start releasing more chapters so we can finish it soon. The thing is, other books are starting to whisper to me and I want to hibernate to my writing space for a while. So would y'all be down for multiple chapters so we can binge and finish it? Just say yes.

Song? I forgot again but I'll come back.

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