《Safe Haven》Chapter Twenty Seven


We walk around the event and see a lot of people in all kinds of costumes, some are way too intricate for a small college event in my opinion, but to each their own. Daisy and Scott kind of forget about our existence as they keep talking about all of the characters they see and the small events they wanted to get to, even though there couldn't be that many since the whole thing was just a small 'convention', if you could even call it that, that mostly consisted of Berkeley students.

"Hey, girls." Daisy finally acknowledges us. "There are a few trivia competitions going on throughout the day. They're all themed and the winner team of each gets a prize." She hands me a flyer. "These are all the themes, so choose which ones you guys would like to go. I already crossed out the themes Scott and I are crap at or don't like." She smiles.

"You wanna win?" Jamie asks.

"Of course."

"And you want us to able to help you two win?"

"If we didn't we wouldn't have asked you." Daisy rolls her eyes.

Jamie grabs a pen and we start going through the entire list.

"How do you expect us to know stuff about all of this?" I ask.

"I don't. I just hope." She sighs and I laugh.

After a couple of minutes we hand back the flyer to Daisy and she frowns.

"You guys only left..." she counts "four?!" She looks back at us.

"We only left the ones that more than one of us could help with," I explain. "Jamie likes anime, but Jess and I don't know shit. Maybe if the three of you feel confident enough to go to them and get literally nothing from the two of us, I guess it's fine..."


Daisy huffs and looks back at the paper. "Let's just see the schedules and we'll go from there." She starts scribbling on the flyer and Scott joins us.

"Where were you?" Jess asks.

"Getting some candy for us. How are we doing with the trivia?"

Daisy looks up from the flyer and turns it around so we can see her plan. "We can get to three of the ones you picked, we just have to choose between Disney and The Walking Dead, 'cause they're at the same time."

"Disney!" I say quickly. "I never watched The Walking Dead."

"I think I'd do better with Disney," Jess says.

"Disney it is." Daisy writes it on the paper. "Jamie, are you ok with Naruto?"

"That depends, do you consider watching the whole canon episodes four times 'ok'?" She smiles.

"Let's win this shit." Daisy laughs and we start walking around.

The quizzes only start in a little over an hour, so we have some time to explore and see some other things happening. I find myself getting lost in a stand where a few artists were drawing people in the style of the universe their costume is from. I see a girl being sketched as a Mario character and I can't help not being fascinated by their talent.

"These are cool, huh?" Jamie comes to stand next to me.

"They're amazing! I know my skills with drawing are kind of ok, but these look exactly like the originals." I look at a few that were put up on the back wall of the stand.

"I can't draw to save my life, so you're already one step ahead of me." She chuckles.

"But I can't do this." I point to a girl drawing three friends as if they were the original characters they are dressed as.


"Girls, let's go," Daisy calls us. "The Harry Potter trivia starts in 20 minutes."

She leads us to a room filled with tables and we sit at one of them while she sings us up. Jamie holds my hand under the table and I smile. Daisy comes to our table holding a buzzer and a piece of paper.

"We need to put our names here and decide what is the name of our group."

"Are we going for something Harry Potter related or not?" Jess asks. "And is it going to be funny?"

"How about 'Muggle Trouble'?" I suggest and laugh at it.

"We're not muggles!" Jess shoots back.

"I kinda like it," Jamie says.

"Of course you do." Scott giggles and I stare at him.

"What about 'Free Elves'?" Jess offers.

"What? No!" Daisy shuts down.

"Why not go for something completely random?" Jamie says. "Like..." her eyes light up and a grin forms on her face. "Elena's bruschettas!" I laugh so hard I'm afraid I might pee my pants.

"You, my friend, are a genius," Daisy squeals. "You two ok with that?"

"That's our name for the rest of our college careers," Scott chuckles.

Daisy writes it down on the paper and returns it to the people organizing everything.

"Your brain is amazing," I whisper to Jamie and quickly peck her lips before Daisy could come back.

"I work really hard on it. I wash and polish it every morning," she says and I laugh.

Soon the trivia starts and we do really well. The questions get harder and harder, but when the last question is about to be asked we are tied with another group for first place. Since the other teams have no chance of winning, it's just us.

"Why can't they fucking give up?" Daisy huffs and I laugh. "We're totally going to win this. I mean, you guys knew Dumbledore's full name!"

Jess laughs. "That one was easy, c'mon, Daisy."

The woman conducting the trivia announces the last question and both teams don't know the answer. We spend a few minutes trying to figure it out and she gives us a few clues every now and then. The other team presses their buzzer and our group grunts. They give their answer, but it's wrong. Now it's up to us. We talk for a little while and give our best answer a shot.

"That's correct!" The lady says and we jump up screaming.

"We won!" Daisy squeals.

"Here's your prize. 50 dollars worth of food here at the event." We get the ticket and go to our next trivia while celebrating our victory.

"I told you guys it would be fun!" Daisy yells from the backseat as we drive back home.

"It was fun winning twice and getting second place once." I giggle.

"I don't think I've never had this much food in my life," Jess says while resting her head on the window next to her.

We drop Scott off at his dorm and get back to ours.

Jess leaves the elevator in a rush. "I have to pee." She runs so fast, I barely have time to say goodbye before she walks inside her room.

Jamie hugs me and kisses me softly. "I think my brain is about to collapse after spending hours answering those questions."

"Same." I giggle. "But it was fun."

She nods and kisses me again. "See you tomorrow."

"Good night, Jamie."

"Good night, Allie."

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