《The Devil's Dance》63



Oh my fucking gosh. The sun has not cracked a single ray of fucking sunshine through the morning's dark sky but for some reason Chris is up and wide awake. Also, she has decided that I need to be awake as well. I don't understand this madness. We fell asleep together in the dungeon but she picked me up and brought me back up to my chair. When I tried to wheel myself back to bed I was blocked and instructed instead to prepare for a workout. What the hell is going on? Does she hate me?

"The studio!" She calls out.

"O..k." I grunt. I finally get to the other side of the house and she's in the studio dressed as the Miss Bell I met and fell in love with. Not a hair out of place. Not a smile to be found. She even has her legendary cane.

"What... what's going on?" I ask.

"You are my first student of the day. If I could make you the greatest ballerina once, I can do it again. Stretch." She says.

I'm not sure what to say. I simply nod. "Yes, ma'am." I ease my way from my chair and slowly walk to the bar. It doesn't necessarily hurt but it takes a great deal of concentration. Every ounce of my focus does into each baby step I take.

"And Katia?" Mistress says from the other side of the room.


"I have all the faith in the world in you. Never forget that." She says.

I grab the bar to steady myself. "I won't."

She nods. "Good. Now we can do this every morning if you make me one promise."


"I will not go easy on you as I never have but you have to be honest with me. If something is unbearable we stop." She says. I can see the seriousness in her eyes. She's still trying to be a hard ass with me but her soft Mama is showing.


"I promise."

"Thank you. Now follow my lead." She says. We start off slow. I do the stretches as best as I can. She watches me carefully in the mirror. I can't tell if she's looking for something to critique or making sure I don't hurt myself. Probably both.

"Your arms need to be straighter." She snaps.

"Nothing about me is straight." I say jokingly but she does not smile.

"If you want to laugh at something we can see how long you can hold a front split. Maybe that will amuse you as well." She says.

"Babe!" I whine.

"Mrs. Bell." She corrects me. I should probably be taking this as seriously as her. After all this was my idea in a way. This is exactly what I wanted. I'm scared shitless but I don't have to be afraid alone. She's probably afraid for me too but she's here. She's showing up for me and that's the least I can do in return.

"Yes, ma'am." I continue stretching but my legs go weak and fall.

She starts to help me up but she stops herself. She swallows and her face goes blank again. "Sit up, Katia. We'll do some arm motions until you feel up to standing again."

I slowly pull myself up to my wobbly weak legs. "Now. Again."

She chokes down whatever my loving doting wife wanted to say and my instructor takes over. "Very well." She presses play and my lesson for the day starts.

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