《Ravished by a Rake : Historical Fiction》Chapter 7
‘My lord if you just give me a minute, I can explain,’ Sybrina continued to step backwards.
‘I’ll give you all the time you want Sybrina or Artemis or whatever your name is,’ his furious eyes glared at her.
Oh dear God . Where to start?
‘I’m listening,’ he came up to her, his fingers sliding down her cheek, caressing her throat.
She didn’t want to but she angled her neck and shut her eyes, so she could savour his delightful touch.
‘You were going to tell me who you are,’ he murmured.
Her eyes flew opened, she summoned strength. Was he thinking, as Artemis, she was just a flirt? Did he think she wanted an affair with him? The answer was no, but she needed to convince him of that.
‘My name is Sybrina,’ she whispered. I invented “Artemis”.
He looked at her doubtfully, his eyes narrowed, as if challenging her to continue. Nervously she licked her lip and started again.
The landlord__Mr. Spade said he’d waive the arrear rent if __ if I accompanied him to that masked ball.
The Earl glared at her insultingly, as if she’d prostituted herself.
‘I had to do it,’ Sybrina spoke quickly. ‘Mother Agnes was terrified he’d throw us out. Mr. Spade wants__wanted to convert this property into an Inn. He said he could generate more revenue that way. So to save the orphanage I acceded to his request. He is not a gentleman, or a respectable man, I did not want to be recognized as his partner, which is why I needed to leave before __before midnight.
So she did not do it to attract attention. She went to the ball to save this orphanage. God’s teeth, what else would she do for the sake of benevolence? It’s a damn good thing I bought this property when I did. What if that foul rogue made her pay in other ways? He would not think of that.
‘I am so relieved Sybrina and Artemis are one,’ he groaned, taking her into his arms. ‘You have been driving me crazy. You and Artemis. His mouth plundered hers, pulling her roughly to him. His lips were not gentle, or patient. They possessed her aggressively. It should have frightened her , but it excited her. Her hands flew up around his neck. Off their own accord, her fingers trailed into his hair. She heard him whisper her name, pleading for her to surrender to him.
‘Alexander,’ she cried out, pressing into him.
Abruptly he pushed her away, ‘I told you at the ball I was Alexander, Earl of Cavendish. Why did you not confide in me?’ he demanded
Sybrina sucked in her breath, she was so confused. A minute ago he was kissing her, whispering sweet words to her now he just pushed her away. She knew he’d asked a question, she just had to figure out what, and instruct her brain to respond accordingly.
‘My lord the ball __ was hardly the place to bring up the orphanage’s financial woes. Had I know the extent of your generosity__’
‘What would you have done? Would Artemis have strung me along a little longer hoping I’d make you an offer?
‘No__’ Sybrina vehemently denied.
Doesn’t he realize, I do not want a marriage
‘Perhaps, the Title of Countess holds some appeal for you madam! Not to mention all the wealth that comes with it.’
‘I am not after your title,’ she yelled, her eyes brimmed with tears. ‘I do not need your wealth my lord and I do not desire to be married,’ she swiped her wrist across her eyes. ‘I do not want you as a husband__’
‘Perhaps you prefer to be my mistress, that comes with lots of benefits __’
He did not get to finish his sentence as she instinctively raised her hand and struck him across his face. Astounded at what this man made her resort to, Sybrina’s hands covered her mouth in shock. Look what he’d made her do! After all the violence she’d suffered at the hand of her parent, she had sworn to herself that another human being would not suffer that fate at her hand, yet look how angry this rake had made her, that she succumbed to what she professed she’d never do. Perhaps she was just like her father. Perhaps she had a violent streak in her after all. The apple did not fall far from the tree.
No, no I can’t be like him, I can’t!
Sybrina turned away and sobbed. She felt ashamed of her lack of control. He was a gentleman, how could she strike him? She felt his palm gently placed on her shoulder. His gentle manner just made her sob louder. He leaned closer, wrapping his arms around her, drawing her against his chest.
‘Leave me alone. Just go away. Look what you made me do,’ she sobbed hysterically.
‘I’m sorry,’ he turned her in his arms. ‘I was out of line. I provoked you,’ he confessed.
‘Just leave me my lord. I don’t wish you to see me this way. Please go,’ she whispered.
‘I’m not going anywhere,’ he removed her hands, and kissed away her tears. ‘Tell me you forgive me,’ he murmured.
‘No. I am sorry,’ she whispered. ‘I am sorry for striking you.’
‘I deserved it__.’
‘No! She rejected angrily, ‘nobody deserved to be hit. Nobody deserves to be abused. No human being should do that to another,’ she sobbed.
Is this about some dark secret of her past?
‘Please don’t cry my sweet,’ he begged. ‘I cannot see you this distraught,’ he held her tightly, kissing her eyes, her ear lobe.
She tried to move her head away, but it just made it easier for him to capture her lips. He would not release her. His lips teased hers gently, brushing them softly apart, until she yielded to the desire rising inside her like a burning flame. Abandoning her resolve, she whimpered, and succumbed, throwing her arms around him and kissed him back hungrily. Their tongues lashed against each other, tasting, delighting, teasing and embracing. She clung to him, like her life depended on that connection. His hands slid through the buttons of her gown, it touched the cool satin bodice that separated his hand from her beautiful round breasts. He heard her cry out a muffled sound of delight. He held her so tightly, she could feel his aroused body pressing against her, but she was inexperienced to know how to deal with it.
Neither of them had heard the door open behind them, or observe the man whose voice thundered angrily in the air, causing them to hastily step apart.
The earl stared at the well dressed man who seemed to fill the room. He certainly lived well, if his huge frame was anything to go by. His clothes spoke of extreme wealth, but his eyes were cold, hard and ruthless.
This was her father!
This is the cad that was responsible for all the pain he saw in Sybrina’s eyes when she’d not been quick enough to hide it.
‘Pray what in God’s name are you doing child? Is this why you ran away from home? To disgrace yourself, bring dishonour to my name, by throwing yourself at the first man you__’
‘Sir, your daughter has not brought dishonour __’
‘Be quiet lad!’ the man thundered again, ‘I am Edmund Lambcombe, Marquis of Carisbrooke. ‘How dare you address me so disrespectfully?’
Marquis? He is a Peer? Sybrina is a Lady? She’s been holding out on me when her father is ranked higher than I am?
The Earl looked across at Sybrina. Her eyes were shut. Her cheeks were flushed with anger or embarrassment. Her lips were swollen from his kissing. The Marquis had just witnessed his daughter in a compromising situation with a man. The Marquis had just witnessed his daughter the Lady Carisbrooke being dishonoured. The Earl knew there could be only one solution to this catastrophe, for he himself was an honourable man.
‘Lord Carisbrooke, you may be the first to congratulate us. I had offered for the Lady Carisbrooke when you walked in on us.’
Sybrina’s eyes flew opened. She glared at the Earl. How dare he lie? She was not going to marry him. She would never marry any man except for love. She did not love him, and the earl did not love her. He was a RAKE for heaven’s sake! He would never be faithful to her. No. She was not marrying him. She would not have an infidel as a husband. She would not marry a man who thought he could keep mistresses. No. Never!
‘I did not agree to marry him papa. I do not wish to be married.’
‘I will not have my daughter behaving like a femme lâche__’
‘Papa!’ Her father’s insult brought tears to her eyes.
‘ My Lord I will not have you insulting my fiancée,’ the Earl drew near Sybrina, boldly draping his arm around her waist. He felt her stiffen, trying to pull away, but he held her firmly.
The Marquis looked at the Earl with new found respect. Nobody ever challenged him previously. Nobody stood up to him. Perhaps the lad had substance. He seemed to be of good stock, judging by his looks and attire.
‘How could she be your fiancée, if you have not sought my permission lad? I could say no.’
The Earl felt Sybrina stiffen again next to him. Her father’s arrogant manner certainly riled her to no end.
‘I had just asked her my lord,’ the Earl lied. ‘It was my intention to come to you next. As for you saying no my lord, it matters not whether you approve or not. Your daughter is certainly not threatened by any attempts you may make to cut her off your estate. The fact that she ran away from your protection and sought to live in an orphanage for almost the last year proves to you she has no interest in your fortune and title, and I, my Lord am a very wealthy man and I have no desire for a dowry from the lady I choose to marry.
Was it his imagination or did the Earl feel Sybrina lean into him. Was she perhaps finally free of the bondage she felt towards her vile parent?
'Well, well perhaps you are just what she needs,’ the Marquis grinned wickedly. ‘She was always too spirited for my liking. Who are you lad?’ the Marquis demanded.
‘Alexander Chauncey, Earl of Cavendish,’ my lord,’ he proudly responded.
‘Cavendish,’ the Marquis nodded. ‘I knew your late father. He was a respectable peer.
‘You will find, I am an honourable man, if you enquire about the ton, my lord,’ the Earl added for good measure.
‘Well I’ll be glad when my daughter is finally wed. Many wealthy peers have offered, but she has stubbornly declined all of them. It’s about time she produced an heir, for I have no male relatives to inherit my title. I don’t want it going back to the king.’
Why don’t you tell the earl that every offer was from men your own age? Who knows if they can even produce an heir?
‘I think you should come back home and be married from the Carisbrooke estate,’ the Marquis addressed Sybrina.
His daughter was looking beautiful, he observed. Her eyes looked alive and in high spirits when he’d walked in, although his presence seemed to have dampened her spirits somewhat. It was a good thing this lad was getting her off his hands. He didn’t want her reminding him of his beautiful wife that he’d lost. She’d better produce an heir quickly, that was all he desired.
‘I will not be returning to Carisbrooke papa,’ she raised her head defiantly.
‘Now just you listen__’
‘My lord you will not raise your voice at my fiancée,’ the Earl's voice was soft, yet commanding. He stood in front of Sybrina, blocking the Marquis from glaring at his daughter.
‘Good luck with her,’ the Marquis beamed. ‘I expect you will send out the notice.’
‘Yes my lord. I will gazette the notice next week. We can have the wedding in three weeks. Lady Carisbrooke and her chaperone may stay at my London home until the wedding.’
Saints in Heaven, they are arranging my future as if I’m not in the room!
‘My lord, I would like a word with you. Privately.’ Sybrina glared at the Earl icily.
‘She is not only spirited, but has a fiery mind of her own,’ the Marquis warned.
‘It is those very qualities, I admire most in Lady Carisbrooke, my lord,’ the Earl boldly met the Marquis’ eyes. ‘One of the other is that she is a stunningly beautiful lady,’ the Earl’s eye’s caressed Sybrina, but she was in too foul a mood to even blush at the blatant flirting of the Earl.
‘Well I shall take my leave. I expect to be informed of the progress Cavendish,’ the Marquis stiffened his shoulders and marched to the door.
‘I will arrange a meeting with you next week my lord,’ the Earl nodded back before the Marquis shut the door.
Finally they were alone. Finally she could tell him what to do with his offer. She would not marry this rake. Never. When Sybrina turned on the Earl to launch a scathing attack on him, she was surprised to find his eyes cold, and full of anger.
What the hell is he glaring at! I’m the one forced to marry him, but I won’t. I won’t.
‘My lord, I am not marrying you__.’
‘No? Your father, The Marquis,’ he emphasized, ‘witnessed me compromising you. My honour, and your reputation will be ruined if we do not marry.’
Sybrina had the grace to squirm at his reference to the Marquis. His attack was more for she had withheld that she was a Lady of the Peerage.
‘Is your life so boring Lady Carisbrooke, that you play cloak and dagger games?’ he snarled.
‘I__I was not playing games. You are a rake. If you didn’t__ if you __.’
‘So you were not kissing me back my lady? Where your hands not delightfully entwined around my neck, when your father walked in?’
Sybrina felt the blood rush to her cheeks. She wrung her fingers nervously.
‘You have no right to embarrass me that way my lord.’
‘Rights? What about my right to my freedom? I am now forced to end my bachelor days, and marry when I have no desire to be saddled with a lying, scheming __’
Sybrina would not have felt more hurt if he’d slapped her, ‘I did not lie to you,’ she yelled. ‘I am not a schemer. I want nothing from you my lord. Nothing. I do not wish to be your wife. I’d rather ... go on a ship and go live on the continent than be forced into a marriage with a man that does not love me, and I don’t love you,’ she spat at him.
‘Good. I’m glad we have our feelings out of the way,’ he gripped her wrist painfully.
Sybrina cringed silently. She refused to let him see in her eyes, the pain he was inflicting. It will be over soon. She just had to focus on something else, then she would not feel the pain.
Focus on your mare back home, on the morning rides you took together, when you tasted freedom as you rode like the wind.
‘Know this my lady,’ he brought her back to the present by shaking her violently, ‘ much as it is not my desire to wed, you will become my wife. My honour is at stake, and it will not be compromised by you. Lady or not.’
‘You will lay your fists into my body as well?’
The words were out before she could hold her tongue. She wanted to take them back, but it was too late, he’d heard them.
His eyes widened as realization struck at what she’d just unwittingly confessed.
That cad assaulted his daughter. His beautiful, defenceless daughter!
The Earl took a step towards her, she shrieked, and instinctively jumped back, bringing her arms up protectively.
‘Sybrina! God's teeth! I will never harm you,’ he whispered, taking another step.
‘Stay away from me! Stay away from me,’ she shouted and flung her hands about hysterically.
With lightening speed, the Earl gripped her into his arms and gently held her to him. Her breathing was out of control. Her chest heaved up and down, and her heart was racing like a drum beat.
‘I will never ever harm you my sweet,’ he whispered. ‘I will never harm you. Never,’ he swore, as he pressed her body against his. His fingers slid into her hair, and very slowly he glided it over and over her mass of shiny curls.
‘You will be safe with me, I promise,’ he pulled back to look into her eyes.
She wanted to believe him. She wanted to, but she could never trust a man. Her father used to say gentle words too, and the next second when her guard was down, he would lash out at her.
‘I am not marrying you,’ she raised her eyes in defiance.
‘I am afraid you have no choice in the matter and neither have I. I do not think your father is the type of man to spare my feelings or yours. If we do not marry, I will be dishonoured, and called out to a duel. Whilst I have every faith in my ability to be victorious, it will be at the death of your father. Quite frankly, I’d rather have a wife hating me, that you being fatherless, irrespective of how your feel about your parent,’ with that the Earl released her and stormed out.
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