《sweet ophelia ⚜️ klaus mikaelson | COMPLETED》38


"Nik?" Ophelia asked, tracing little patterns on his bare chest as he held her bare frame in his arms.

"Yes, love?"

"What if I die?"

That was not the question Klaus wanted nor expected to hear after making love to the woman of his dreams. Furrowing his brow, he held her a little tighter in his arms and looked down at her in concern.

"What's all this talk about death, eh?" He asked, placing a kiss on her temple.

"You heard it yourself. Marcel is going to launch his attack on us any day now. And that man, as stupid and irrelevant as he may be, is not dumb. He knows what he's doing. He has connections. He has everything that I don't. So what if, by some sort of chance, they kill me? What happens next?"

"They're not going to kill you."

"But what if they do?" Ophelia pushed. "What happens then? Does history repeat itself? Does she win? Do you go back to being that broody man that I met all that time ago, going around and causing chaos everywhere? What happens, Nik?"

Klaus sighed and flinched at the mere thought of his beloved dying in his arms, getting flashbacks to the last time that happened. A day he wished never to remember.

"If you die," Klaus muttered, picking up her hand and placing a kiss on her palm. "I die."


"Ophelia." He mimicked. "I'm serious. If some chance you do... you know..."


"Yes, that. If that happens, then I die. Simple."

"But that doesn't make sense."

"A world without you is a world that I no longer want to be in." He stated.

"But I'll come back—"

"A world without this version of you is a world that I no longer want to be in." He restated. "I love you. This you. You're the only woman that I love, Ophelia. You're my one and only. So, if you die, I die. Simple as that."


"I don't want you to die, Klaus." She whispered. "I want you to be happy."

"That's not up to you, darling," He murmured, petting her hair and placing a heartfelt kiss on her forehead. "I'm only happy when I'm with you."

It was silent between them, both thinking of the others' words.

Ophelia most certainly didn't want to die, and she wanted Klaus to live, as well. No matter what happened to her. And then it hit her. She might not make it out of this. She might not survive, and Klaus will be all alone. Davina was right all along — she waited for far too long. She was selfish, she was ignorant, but most of all, she was in love with Klaus fucking Mikaelson. She messed up.

Klaus, on the other hand, was thinking about the possibility of her dying once again. The only way that she could go out was if she were to be burned at the stake after a trial, and if that were to happen to her, that'd mean that she'd most likely die whilst he wasn't there. Not that he wished to see her die again, but it'd be better than letting her die alone, surrounded by people that were her judges, juries, and executioners all the same. If she were to die, as strange as it sounded, Klaus wished for it to be in his arms. He wanted her to die in the same place where he held her through the night. Where he hugged her in their happiest moments. The arms that she'd clung onto when she was nervous, or scared, or excited. The arms that drove her nightmares away. The arms that belonged to the man she loved. That's what she deserved, and it killed him to even think about the fact that if someone does take her life, she will die alone. No one to love her, or ease her into death, or mourn over her lifeless figure.


Of course, in the typical Mikaelson manner, he promised himself that if the event did come to be, that he'd kill everyone who had anything to do with it in the most brutal of ways he could possibly think of. And oh, ho he'd relish in it. But when he as done, and everyone who was within a mile radius of her murder was dead, he decided that that would be his end. He didn't know what would happen after that, and he knew it was selfish, but he didn't care. In his head, he hoped that maybe they'd end up together. Maybe be the family that they never got to be. Maybe, in death, he and his love would finally find the life they'd always dreamed of.

But that's just wishful thinking.

"Nik?" Ophelia asked, pulling him out of his thoughts.

"Yes, love?"

Ophelia looked into her inamorato's eyes, intertwined their fingers, and finally, placed the sweetest, daintiest kiss she'd ever offered onto his lips. If Klaus hadn't been paying attention, he would've assumed that it was his imagination. But it wasn't.

It was her. It was her bare face, her wild hair. Her kiss, her smile, her scent, her flesh, her blood, her magic, her love. It was real. It was raw. It was beauty, it was a simple kiss that felt like an aurora on his lips. But most of all, it was a goodbye.

"If there comes a moment where we get separated, I want to say that I'm sorry."

"What?" Klaus asked, confused now more than ever. "What have you to be sorry for, darling? You did nothing wrong."

"I'm sorry that I'm so stubborn, and I'm sorry for making you wait, and I'm sorry for being with stupid Dylan when I knew I should've been with you. I'm so sorry, Niklaus, I'm so sorry." She choked out, beginning to cry. "I love you so much, I'm sorry."

Klaus enveloped the crying girl into his loving arms, holding her close and pressing small kisses to her hair.

"I'm scared, Nik," She got out through her tears. "I'm so scared."

"I know," Klaus said soothingly. "I know, Ophelia. And it's okay to be scared. But just know, my love, that you're not alone. You've got Kol, and Elijah, and that funny little cat of yours, and you know who else you've got?"


"Well, I was going with myself, but she's on the team as well." He chuckled a little bit, making Ophelia feel a little better. "But you've got quite the league of powers going on, darling, and you're our leader."

"L-Like... Justice League?"

"...Yes, like Justice League."

Ophelia nodded, feeling oddly comforted by his words, because he was right. She had the most kick ass team out there, and although they were fewer in number, they had the most power in New Orleans. Hell, they were better than the Justice League. They were the Mikaelson family (with an added Claire), and they were a force to be reckoned with. So, she calmed down a bit, and took some deep breaths.

"I love you, Ophelia," Klaus spoke. "I love you, and you love me. So no more of these goodbyes and apologies, eh?"

Ophelia nodded once more, pressing a kiss of not goodbye, but instead promise, on his lips.

"I love you, too, Nik." She sighed, letting her eyes flutter shut as she melted into his arms. "More than you'll ever know."

And as she drifted back into her slumber and Klaus heard her heart rate slow, he brushed a light finger over her high cheekbone.

"Believe me, love," He responded quietly. "I've got an idea."

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