《sweet ophelia ⚜️ klaus mikaelson | COMPLETED》37


"So what the hell are you doing, telling me all of this?"

The young witch that sat before me was mad, that's for sure. I'd just finished telling her the tale of the morning I'd just had with Klaus, and usually, she was all for my gossip. But today, she wasn't blushing or squealing, she was just damn angry at me.

"Well, our dynamic is usually that I pop in, bring food, some gifts, and the hottest gossip concerning me and the Mikaelsons, so..."

"So... let me get this straight... you both professed your love for one another, but you're here... telling me all of this?"

"Yes? I don't know why you're so mad at me, if I'm being honest."

Davina rolled her eyes at me and chucked a pillow at my head, resulting in me throwing it back twice as hard.

"What the hell was that for?!"

"For being a dumb witch, that's what!"

"I think the word you were looking for started with a b, but okay."

"Shut up, Ophelia!" Davina groaned. "You're so selfish! And foolish! And all the other -ishes in the world!"

"If you'd explain to me why I am like this, it'd be amazing!"

"You have something so special, and you don't even know it!" Davina shouted. "You're one of the luckiest people in the world and you're acting like this whole thing is nothing to you. Like loving someone and being loved in return is nothing to you."

"That's not fair—"

"Yes it is, Ophelia." She interrupted me. "Klaus Mikaelson loves you, and you love him. What more fair than that? Please, enlighten me."

"A war...?"

"Wouldn't it be better for you both if you combined your powers through the powers of love or something?" The young girl asked with a roll of her pretty eyes. "You two are honestly so stupid!"


"Calm down, Davina!"

"No! I will not calm down!"

That shut me right up, and so therefore Davina continued.

"People have been waiting all their lives to find a fraction of what you have. Hell, Klaus has been waiting centuries! In fact, all of those damn Mikaelsons have! So what makes you so selfish that you can't appreciate how lucky you are? I am trapped here in this tower, waiting for my chance at what you have while it is waiting for you at your door.

"You know what? Maybe you were right. That isn't fair. Because there are people who deserve that kind of love and wouldn't spend so long wasting it on some sort of egotistical waiting game! I'm starting to think you like it. That you like the fact that you have someone that will always be waiting for you while you waste their time. And I hate to be so harsh, but as your friend I have to be. Because you're wasting not only his time, but your own. Yes, we are all at war right now. But you're forgetting that this is a war, Ophelia. People will get hurt, and there will be bloodshed. There is nothing we can do about this. And god forbid, if something happens to your stupid lover boy, how fucking stupid would you feel for not taking the chance you had? Hmm?"

"And say that did happen." I defend myself, getting more and more emotional as the seconds passed. "Say that Klaus and I got together, and were happy, then he got hurt ― or, god forbid, killed. How fucking stupid do I look then? Just getting the love of my life, and having him ripped away from me two seconds later..."

"That's the thing, Oph," Davina smiled, her tone now a lot softer than before. "You won't."


"I beg to differ."

"Well, there's no need to beg." Davina smiled. "You will keep him safe."

"And if I don't?"

"You won't. You've loved that man more than anything since you first laid eyes on him, I can tell."

Then a familiar feeling took over, and I felt myself being pushed back into the metaphorical backseat of my own body.

"I have loved him for much longer than that."

Davina looked confused for a second, but she didn't have much of an opportunity to react before she teleported us out of the room, and back to where Klaus had taken me, well, I guess us just what feels like mere moments ago.

It looked different this time, though. It was louder, and there were lights in the distance. You could hear the distant sounds of music, laughter, culture, and simply just living from where we stood.

But we also heard another thing. The startled gasp of the very same love I had just been arguing with Davina the Teenage Witch about.

"Ophelia," He sighed in relief, looking up at me. "What on earth are you doing here?"

At his words, she immediately gave me back control like nothing even happened. Gasping, I clutched my chest and looked up at the sky, feeling a burning sensation all over my body.

"Ophelia?" Klaus said, now sounding concerned, getting up and placing one hand on my bicep and the other on the small of my back. "Are you alright? What happened?"

"Nothing," I breathed, leaning into his touch. "Nothing. I'm fine."

"Are you sure? Because that didn't look like it was n―"

I didn't wait for him to finish his sentence before I kissed the shit out of Klaus Mikaelson.

It was long and messy and passionate and everything I needed before we pulled away. We were both panting, and my arms that I had wrapped around his neck during the act didn't plan on moving any time soon.

"I was stupid." I stated boldly, looking up into his big blues. "I was stupid and selfish and I don't know what the hell was wrong with me, but everything's okay now. I'm better now."

"I don't understand, love, what're you going on about?" He asked, searching my eyes for any sort of indication to my cryptic rambles.

"I want you, stupid." I smiled, rolling my eyes at him.


"I want you. Now. Forever. I don't want to wait. If there's a threat I want to face it with the man I love. What am I so scared of, anyways? I'm done waiting, and I don't ever want to settle. You're all that matters to me right now, Nik, and I don't care what happens tomorrow, I just want one night of forever with you. I want you. I want this. I want us."

He was stunned at my words, to say the least, but only wasted a moment before capturing my lips into another kiss, spinning me around in his embrace.

"What about Dylan?" He asked in between kisses.

"I can get another job, and he can get another girlfriend." I responded in the same manner.

"And what brought this sudden change of heart?"

"A little friend of mine has a way with words that made me realize how dumb I was being."

"Remind me to thank this enchantress."

"We can send her some flowers later, just focus on us right now."

"Oh, love, you have no idea how long I've been waiting for this."

"I love you, Nik."

"And I love you, my darling Ophelia."

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