《ᴋɪɴɢ ʀᴀꜰᴀᴇʟ》⭒18⭒


In the end promises are just words


I looked up from my phone at the voice coming from in front of me. The blonde hair and the American accent. Of course it was the supposed police officer. But what was he doing here. Surely it wasn't a Coincedance.

He looked busy on a phonecall and I hoped it stayed like that. I didn't want to come in contact with criminals more than I already did.

In a poor attempt at hiding myself, I put my hood up and zipped the coat till my mouth so I wouldn't be recognised. I took out my phone and pretended to be furiously texting someone. Hopefully Juan wouldn't be suspicious of me.

But would this not make me stand out more if I'm covering myself to the brim?

Whatever the reason, I was too busy in prayer hoping he didn't say anything.

Who was I kidding, mid fake text I felt a presence next to me. I turned my head slightly, as my eyes widened at Juan sat next to me. Oh God. Not this.

He was in my personal bubble so in order to increase the space between us, I moved my bag from the bus window and placed it between us. That way there would be no physical contact.

"Hola Laila. How do you fare" he attempted to ask in a british accent, which would have been hilarious had I not been peeing my pants.

Him being here could only mean one thing. Danger.

I ignored him hoping I would vanish into thin air. At this, he waved his hand in front of my face whistling very loudly might I add. I could feel the other passengers stares on us as the idiot beside me continued to obnoxiously make noise.

Finally having enough if this, I snap.


"What do you want. Stop it!" He winced as if I'd punched him. I wish I did.

"Oof. Now that was mean" he stated raising his eyebrows at me and shaking his head. I rolled my eyes, making sure he could see me.

"And as for your question, I was going home" I looked at him dubiously, as this bus went straight to the street where the Mukhtars reside. There was a bus stop just a few steps ahead of their house, which was perfect.

I didn't seem convinced by his answer.

"Why are you really here Juan. I don't have time for your games" I sighed, looking out the window. Was it too much to ask for a good day with no involvement from the mafia. I guess it was.

"You're smart. Of-course I wouldn't ever live in such a neighbourhood" he stated making a disgusted face. I internally scoffed at his upturned nose and vain self.

"But I also wouldn't want to die at the hands of King. He gave me extra orders to ensure you're safe" I furrowed my eyebrows wondering about who I'm supposed to be safe from. And also whose this King? I had an idea who it could be but dreadfully hoped it wasn't who I thought it was.

"What do you mean? Safe from what? Who?"

"I'm not supposed to tell you, except heads are clashing against each other and the streets at night are dangerous" he said cryptically. The next second he was grinning at me.

"But don't worry. I'm here now so you don't need to worry that covered head of yours" he folded his arms over his chest, leaning back on the chair and closing his eyes. He looked so peaceful as if he didn't just ruin my night with that minimal information.


I mumbled under my breath just wanting to go home already. Thankfully the next stop was mine so I quickly gathered my things and with those pushed past his long legs to get to the front.

He quickly moved out the way seeing the annoyed look on my face. He even had the audacity to grin. Laila, patience is key in Islam so have sabr and peacefully walk home.

"Well looks like it's then end for us Miss Bakhash. I'll see you soon. Buenas Noches" he nodded at me, that grin still on his face. I didn't bother replying back as I thanked the driver for the ride before walking to the Mukhtars residence.

The door shut behind me, also shutting out Juan's annoyingly loud laughter. Hyena much.

Thankful for reaching home, I went straight to the kitchen, meeting Lameesa. She looked up from her phone, smiling at me.

"Assalamualaikum Laila. How was your shift" she asked.

"Wa alay-kamus salaam. It was alright. The kids are amazing so it doesn't really feel like I'm working. You know?" She nodded her head, patting the seat beside her. I sat down next to her wondering what's got her thinking so hard judging by the thoughtful look on her face.

She looked at me long and hard. I stared back, confused. She suddenly asked me a question which I was not expecting at all. It brought back images and thoughts I wanted to forget.

"Are you okay Laila? And don't lie to me. For the last days you've seemed down and I couldn't help but think something is wrong at the hospital" oh Lameesa. If only you knew.

Braving a face and painting on a smile I nodded at her question. My visage strong and unbreakable.

"Yes Lameesa. Why would you think so. I think working at the hospital has finally taken it's toll on me, but I have a friend there who makes it pleasent and the kids are like I said before amazing. Alhamdulillah I couldn't have asked for better patients" I let out, heaving a breath. I made sure to not look upset or even mention the dangerous man who loved to make daily visits to the hospital.

I also made sure not to mention the task I was set to do.

She didn't look too convinced at first, but I guess my extraordinary acting sold me. She shook nodded and side hugged me. I rested my head on her shoulder.

"You know you can tell me anything right" I nodded.

"I'll always be there for you Laili. Sisters forever" I intertwined my pinky with hers. A lifelong promise.


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