《ᴋɪɴɢ ʀᴀꜰᴀᴇʟ》⭒16⭒


It was Wednesday today, two days after the task set by the demon. I still had the folder, safely tucked away under my mattress at home. I didn't dare read the content, as first, it was the Mafias possession and two, I had been warned to not read it. Just the thought of what could be in that file made me shiver.

My mind went down all sorts of dangerous alleyways.

It was nearing the end of the day at the hospital, as the kids had gone asleep which meant I could get ready for home. Marissa waited for me outside the staffroom as I got myself ready to face the cold weather.

I smiled at a few fellow co-workers, as I put away a few of my equipment into my bag. Suddenly, my hand made contact with paper which I recall was not there before.

Dread filled me as I figured where this would have come from. Instead of opening it there and then, and further filling me with dread, I decided to do it once I'd bid Marissa goodbye. That way she wouldn't suspect a sudden change in my mood.

Although, I doubt not reading the content of the paper didn't make my mood change. I was sad enough as it is. When could I truly have a break from all this?

I took a deep breath, smiling. This will be a good night I hope so.

I nodded for Marissa to walk along as I secured the bag on my shoulder. We soon walked side by side, waving a goodbye to Antoinette, as she organised her desk. She waved back at us before blowing a kiss.

Me and Marissa giggled, reciprocating the act.

Before Marissa could tell me she wanted to drop me off, I beat her to it. Ofcourse she complained and whined, but I promised her she could next week. She reluctantly agreed before waving at me. I waved back, walking towards the bus stop.

Only then did I reach into my bag and take out the letter addressed to me.

Meet me at the park next to the hospital. I want that red file with you no later than 10:00 otherwise I'll be making a trip to your house.


What a demanding demon. Who does he think he is, addressing me thinking I'll listen to whaow tha lettere

Technically you would have to listen to him Laila. He's literally got your life in his hands. Why did my brain have to be right all the time.

I had ten minutes remaining. It was getting dark, and apprehension seeped into my blood flow, making me nervous. It was dark here and I had a higher chance of being kidnapped in the night. Me, a lone girl with no one to protect her. I was useless myself, as I wan never the type to attend self defence lessons. I wish I did now.

I could always try the usual though, just kick 'em between the legs and make a run for the hills.

Another reason I didn't want to meet the demon was because I didn't have the red file with me. Gosh, the one day I needed it and didn't have it on me.

Regardless, going back home and then coming to the park was too long. I certainly didn't want him going to the Mukhtars residence.


I speed walked to the park, hoping google maps was telling me the right directions.

The further I ventured, the more scared I became. There were trees and bushes everywhere. It seemed as if I was walking in the forest.

I opened the small gate of the park, the groaning sound causing shivers down my spine. I felt like I was being watched everwhere. The demon said he would be here right?

According to google maps this was the only park near the hospital. Was this some sort of twisted joke where the demon thought it was funny to make me come into a secluded park. That too at night.

The wind was picking up speed and so was my heart beat.

Suddenly, I heard rustling coming from one of the bushes. Gosh did I hate this. I immediately turned towards the noise, seeing nothing but pitch darkness.

"Hello" I called.

"Is anyone there" I shined my phone's flashlight, Lameesas' number on speed dial if anything was to happen or God forbid pop out. Satisfied nothing was in the bushes, I turned back around.

The street lamp was doing a poor job at revealing anything. The swings began swinging ominously.

"Boo" a whisper came from behind me. A hand circling around my waist.

I let out the most violent scream I had ever in my entire life. My nerves were everywhere right now. I couldn't run away as I was held in a tight grip in the strangers arm. I thrashed violently, screeching like a banshee.

Ya Allah. Do not make this my last day.

A chuckle halted my difficulty, deep and cunning. I froze in the arms, knowing exactly who it was. I immediately turned around with ease, the grip on my waist lacking.

"Y-you. How dare you" I pathetically said, my index raised at his face. My fear and shook state was very obvious.

He simply looked down at me, raising his eye brows. He took his hand out of his suit clad pocket and flicked my finger away. At this moment he looked very intimidating. I couldn't even see his face properly thanks to the good for nothing street lamp.

"Wheres the file chica" he said with no emotion. Zilch. I hoped he would've forgotten by now, but who was I kidding. He was the fricking Mafia!

"I-its at h-home" I announced with a waver in my tone. If he saw me scared or petrified, he didn't show it. I'm sure he must be thrilled to see me like this.

He sneered at me, his features marring an annoyed look.

"What do you mean it's at home. I said I wanted the file pendeja" he didn't look pleased. If anything, he looked like he wanted to punch me. I stepped back in fear as his eyes drilled into mine.

With each step back, His came forward. he looked ready to kill. Cracking his neck, he took one big step forward, causing me to let out an embarrassing squeak as I planted myself more backwards.

Almost as if a light had switched in his head, he suddenly smirked. I'd rather he do anything else than smirk. He looked like the scary characters in horror movies and It wasn't helping that it was very dark too.

"Why are you l-looking at me l-like that?" I voiced my fear, frowning.

"Because we my dear are going to your house. I'll get the file myself" he returned, his expression full of mischief and seriousness. I shook my head, already knowing that was a bad idea.


There's no way in hell he can go to the Mukhtars house, especially this late at night.

His visage instantly transformed into that of irk and annoyance.

"I'm not repeating myself. It's either that or" just then he took something from behind him. He brought it in front of his face, smirking.

I paled before his eyes, the gun causing a new amount of fear in me. If I was stammering before I wouldn't be able to speak now.

My eyes followed the movement of his hand, almost as if I was hypnotised by it. Not in a good way at all, but rather of what the demon could do.

Would he shoot me here, in the secluded park, at night time and leave my body to rot away in the bushes. Ya Allah. There was probably no doubt in that. He must've done horrendous things to become a part of the Mafia.

"What do you say Miss Bakhash. Should we go to your house, or shoot someone. I personally like the idea of both" he exclaimed as if he was giving me a choice. I was powerless. If there's anything I realised about this demon, it was that he lured you into this sense of freewill, but in reality it was a facade. And he loved to never make you forget.

"Look. We can meet tomorrow. I promise I will have the file with me then. Please don't come to my house" I desperately pleaded. He seemed to take my words in one ear and out the other because what he said next was not something I wanted to happen.

"I'm a busy man, I don't have time until tomorrow girl. Now move out of my way before I do something bad to your uncle" he growled, pushing me out the way and exiting the park.

My heart dropped to my stomach as I followed his lead like a lost puppy. What should I do, what should I do!

Deep in thought, I crashed into his back. Why did he stop walking? His head rotated towards me, a smirk playing at his lips before he fixed his gaze in front of him. I side stepped him, loudly gasping at the beauty in front of me.

A Bugatti La Voiture Noir was parked on the streets. I wouldn't have known the name of this had it not been Nadir going on and on about how it was one of the most sought out cars. He was such a fan of expensive and luxury cars that he studied them more than his homework.


Another thing Nadir mentioned about this car was that it wasn't on the market yet. So no one could even have this until two years. But the demon did. This just showed how much of a dangerous and rich man he truly was.

"¿Te comieron la lengua los ratones?" He smirked, evidently pleased at my shocked state. I could only helplessly look between him and the car, him and the car.

"Get in" he stated. Arrogance rolled off of him in waves as he walked to his side. I cleared my throat unsure of how to getting in. From the other side, I could hear the demon grunt before he opened the door to my side automatically. Amazing how technology has advanced.

I looked behind me, thinking of the pros and cons of walking in the dark, or taking a ride home. I decided to think about myself for once and take a ride home. My bus was already close to home and I couldn't wait any longer at the bus stop too. God knows what can happen this late at night.

Sighing in dismay, I got in the car tentatively. I didn't fit here at all. It was only then that I realised how long my nails were and even the tiniest of a scratch on the luxurious seats would result in a lot of debt on my side.

I glanced at the demon beside me taking in his exquisite features. If only his attitude and habits were equally as good, maybe I would have found his attractive.

Pff. As if you don't find him attractive now. Stop lying.

I had to make sure he wouldn't appear in front of the Mukhtars.

"If you want to go in their house, then can you not go though the front door. I don't want them knowing-" just then I stopped myself afraid of the outcome if I completed my sentence.

He glanced at me with his brows raised.

"You don't want them knowing I'm there" he finished to my surprise. I awkwardly nodded at him, but then realised he was staring straight ahead of him.

"Yes" I got a hum in response.

I looked out the window, nerves getting the best of me. Everything was a blur like my life. Gosh. What heinous act did I commit to be associated with the Mafia.

He stopped the car outside the house. The lights were off. A very good sign that everyone was asleep I hope. The demon was getting ready to exit but I shouted for him to stop.

His glare froze the words on my tongue. If I was to die right now, I'm sure he would have already buried me six feet under.

"Can you wait until I see the coast is clear" I was met with a slam of the door. I hurriedly closed the door, making sure I wasn't too loud for the sleeping people and ran after him. There was no going back now as I glared at the demons back.

I sent out an internal prayer that everyone was fast asleep. Oh God.

Slowly turning the keys, the door opened wide. I looked around the hallway and sure enough, it was pitch black and empty.

So far so good.

The demon entered the house without a care in the world of his whereabouts. I locked the door before me gently and took my shoes off at the side. Walking up the stairs, I could see the demon following suit, with his shoes on!

What a dastard. Who wears their shoes upstairs and that too on a carpet. Ya Allah give me patience. Whilst I fumed in silent rage, I opened my room door making sure the demon entered first. I glanced around me to see everyone's doors shut. Alhamdulillah.

Only now did I realise the gravity of my situation. I just let a mafia man into my room. What has my life come to.


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