《ᴋɪɴɢ ʀᴀꜰᴀᴇʟ》⭒14⭒


Power is always dangerous.

It attracts the worst and

Corrupts the best.

{Edward Abbey}


The demons bone chilling chuckle confirmed my suspicion and suddenly, everything clicked together.

These people were not the police but probably in disguise.

I gasped at the newfound information. I'm guessing the demon heard this because the next second he tutted. I could practically imagine the smirk and arrogance rolling off of him.

"What happened girl. Why are you so shocked?" He stated as if talking to a toddler. I didn't know how to respond or with what to respond so I opted to remain quiet.

"Juan in front of you will give you keys to access the hospitals no entry zone. You must have heard of it no?" He stated, his voice serious. I nodded, but later realised he couldn't see me. Juan, the supposed man infront of me looked at me briefly, smirking at my mishap. The heat made it's way to my cheeks.

"Yes. But it's only for the professional doctors in the hospital I heard"

"Wrong. It's for the government officials who made the building in the first place. You do not need to know much more than that. Juan will tell you the rest of what's expected" he claimed, his voice turning deeper.

Sweat clammed my hands, making the phone slippery.

"Okay" I responded. Just as I was about to take the phone from my hijab covered ear, he spoke up.

"I don't want any mistakes. Do I make myself clear?" There was no room for negotiation. His words from earlier flashed in my mind. Uncles life.


"Bien" and with that he ended the call. So many questions were running around in my head. What did he want me to do in the forbidden area of the hospital? And also, why did the government have their own place in the hospital?

Was it for them to get special care when injured? Or sick?

Not long after the phone call ended, Juan cleared his throat, holding out his hand expectantly. I realised he wanted the phone, and quickly rubbed the sweat off on my leggings before giving it back to him.

He pulled a very disgusted face before taking it in between his index and thumb and placing it in his pants pocket.

I sheepishly looked at him, and then around me, too embarrassed.

"You speak English yes?" He asked, his hands crossed at his chest and his burly body intimidating. I nodded, but I think that seemed to annoy him as he frowned. For some reason, his American accent surprised me. I wasn't expecting an American police officer here in Madrid.


Obviously "Yes" I instead reply.

"These are the keys for the hospital. Boss wants you to to go to the forbidden area and open the gates. Once you get there, keep walking straight and you'll instantly see a room down the hall. The brown key attached is the key to that room. Go inside there and look for a file. It should be a red colour. Do not look inside it. Tomorrow will be your last and final day of the task" he explained in a low voice. He made sure the police officers around us couldn't hear, as he motioned for me to walk with him down the street opposite them.

I nodded my head at the information. Without thinking I wanted to ask the first question that came to mind. But before I could, he interrupted me rudely.

"Also, you will be given ten minutes to do this. The key you are holding has a chip In it, alerting us of when you reach the gates. From then on, we will hack the cameras and shut them for ten minutes. If you exceed past this time, you will be recorded in the cameras and unfortunately for you, the government will be on your tail. All I'm going to say is work carefully and quickly tomorrow" he said everything expecting me to soak it up like a sponge. But from that huge paragraph all I got was a ten minute timer, cameras hacked, cameras unhacked after ten minutes and track.

Okay. This can be done easily. Right Laila's subconscious?

Who are you kidding you stupid girl. You'll get us both killed, and if that happens, there won't be a me. Shut up brain. Ugh!

I let out a breath of air. Just thinking about tomorrow was making my head hurt.

"Why can't the dem- I mean your boss do this himself. Why does he need me?" The supposed police officer smirked at me. It wasn't any smirk though, it portrayed all sorts of negative adjectives.

"Why he's the devil himself and the devil has all sorts of people working for him. He can do whatever he likes, and you, Miss Bakhash can't do anything about it" his smirk stretched into a cold smile which didn't reach his eyes.

I didn't know what I was more afraid of, the demons power over police officers or the officer knowing my name or his cold expressions.

"And also, someone else can instead do the task if you mess up or get killed. It's not like you're not replaceable no?" He exclaimed so casually. You'd think being a police officer would make him a samaritan.


Pff, he was far passed that stage of being good. He was the devil's associate. Nothing less.

Nevertheless I gulped, which he obviously saw. I nodded my head before placing the keys into my pocket and walking away. I turned around in my steps when he'd called for me.

"Do not mess up. Remember who you're doing this for" he took his officer hat off, and bowed his head ever so slightly before putting it back on.

I did nothing less than make my way out of there. The on guard police officers, if I could even call any of them that, made way for me as I walked past them.

The heart of Madrid was one of my favourite places and the first tourist attractions I had seen in Spain. My memories with Lameesa here were instead replaced by what I was subjected to a couple of minutes ago.

It was three O clock by the time I reached the Mukhtars home. The wind was picking up speed throughout my walk here. I needed to clear my mind and go in tomorrow with a focused and determined attitude. In sha allah.

As I shut the door and locked it, I didn't realise when Sajdah had positioned herself behind me. I turned around and screamed, thinking she was a robber. My mind was not in the right place.

Her giggles and laughter brought me back to earth. My hand placed on my beating heart.

"Sajdah what on Allah's green earth. I nearly had a heart attack" to this she laughed even louder. Soon Kira came down the stairs, wondering what the commotion was about.

"What is going on I would've been having a nap if it wasn't for you Sajdah" Kira frowned in her sleepy state. Her hair defying gravity and her robe put on hastily.

"I'm sorry but you should have seen Laila's face" Sajdah chuckled attempting to mimic my surprised expressions. Kira fumed before going back upstairs. Sajdah shrugged, paying no attention to her twin.

"Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" she joked, whispering to me. I couldn't help but laugh at her mischief before asking where auntie, uncle and Lameesa were.

"Lameesas' fast asleep and mama and papa have gone shopping" she explained walking to the kitchen. I nodded, warming myself some pasta. I was starving since I hadn't ate much at breakfast.

"I'll see you later Laili. I'm gonna try revising for my mock exams, whilst Miss nap queen has her beauty rest" she let out with distaste, pulling a face when talking about her twin. I shook my head before eating a forkful of pasta.

"Shure" I said, with my mouth full of aunties yummy pasta. She looked at me weirdly before giggling.

"Whatever" shrugging, she went upstairs, leaving me with the company of my thoughts. I tried very hard to not think of how I would carry out the task tomorrow, or if I didn't find that file then what would happen to me. Forget me, what would happen to uncle.

I slowly ate the pasta, remembering how the prophet peace be upon him told us to eat a quarter, drink a quarter and breath a quarter. This way, it took me about fifteen minutes to finish the remaining pasta. Alhamdulillah.

As soon as the dishes were cleaned, auntie and uncle walked in with bags full to the brim. I greeted them before helping them put away the groceries.

"Jazakallahu Khairan Laila" uncle voiced, placing his hand on my head.

"No problem uncle auntie, I will go upstairs. Call me if you need anything. Salaam"

"Salaam habibti. You go. I'll cook up a storm tonight" auntie said chuckling at my surprised face. Auntie knew such phrases? Damn.

I nevertheless nodded before going to my room. Tomorrow would be a day of tests and trials, both from God and the Mafia. If I looked at my issue from a spiritual view, I would technically be doing something bad, by aiding the Mafia. But if I looked at it from the Mafias point if view, uncles life was on the line and I needed to ensure he was safe.

It was soon night time, and aunties delicious cooking wafted into my nose. It was a juicy shawarma, full of vegetables and delicious meat. Just thinking about it made me hungry again.

Before sleeping, I read a quote on my phone, and it couldn't have fit my situation better. It was revealed in the Quran when Prophet Moses was in a difficult situation and he asked God for help.

“My lord, expand for me my breast (in assurance). And ease for me my task.

And untie the knot in my tongue so that they may understand my speech” Surah Taha 25:28.


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