《ᴋɪɴɢ ʀᴀꜰᴀᴇʟ》⭒7⭒


This symbol. This stupid symbol has been the bane of my fear and nightmares since I've come here. The first time I'd seen this was back in the UK. And now I was trapped. Completely and utterly trapped. The mafia was after me. Or so what I thought.

The guy at the bus stop must have been the same person I saw at the station. Why else would a random person wave at me, exactly the same way as the guy in the bus stop did. Could it be that he was behind the note I was sent? Was he a part of the mafia too?

In the news a police man's dead body was found whose clothes had been stripped bare off of him and on top of that, he had the same exact symbol engraved into his body as the one in this note. The man at the police station today with the bandana around his face was wearing clothes that were too tight on him. The pants barely fit him and I doubt the other police officers noticed as they were too busy with the murder and checking the vicinity for any more danger.

Could that mean that everything that's happened till now is connected? Were these the same puzzles from the same jigsaw?

I didn't get into med school without using my brain. That must mean the 'police officer' that was waving at me must have been behind the killing of officer Hernandez. Theres no other way a police officers uniform doesn't fit them, and to think he was there as soon as the shooting happened just stood next to the entrance in his arrogant vibe whilst other officers were alarmed and on edge.

Gasping at the newfound realisation the note fell from my hand. I stumbled back against the door, slowly coming to a sitting position. My head was in between my knees. Worn out from all these threats. All these sudden appearances.

What does this guy want from me Ya Allah. Please show me a way out. What did I get myself into? I practically dug my own grave with my bare hands that night, not realising the reality was far more deeper and scary than I thought.

Nonetheless, right now I had to go downstairs and act nonchalant to this whole discovery. No one must know about this. Not even Lameesa. I'm pretty sure she'd be more worried and wouldn't tell a soul about it, bottling it up inside her. With that I rushed to the bathroom, making sure to wash away the worried face and replace it with a bright and cheerful smile.

Glancing at myself in the mirror, despite washing my face and trying to physically appear normal, it was hard. Especially when I felt as if I was carrying the weight of the entire world on me.

Reaching the dining room, my nose was instantly met with wonderful aroma. Auntie decided to make some sort of arabic dish, with leaves. And some rice. Delicious.

"Come habibti. I made dolma today. Ven aquí. I'm sure you'll love it" as soon as I sat down, auntie places the stuffed grape leaves in front of me, waiting. I opened my mouth slowly and auntie took the opertunity to push the dolma in my mouth. I couldn't fit it all in, making me cough.

The twins giggled whilst lameesa was busy eating the dolma like it was an ice cream.

The taste exploded in my mouth, a burst of tanginess and then toned down by the non spicy rice inside. Mashallah. This was really good. Whilst I was still chewing the dolma in my full mouth, auntie looked up at me expectantly. I did a thumbs up, trying to smile, but it probably looked like a grimace seeing as my mouth was full and resembled a hamster.


She sat back in her seat, content with her handy work. Whereas me, I was still struggling with that dolma piece. My mouth is so small it's annoying.

Once lunch was over I made sure to clean up and help around. Now we were all sat down around the TV, watching White Chicks, because it's lit. Suddenly my phone went off, excusing myself, I went out of the room, answering it. I was met with mama and papas worried faces.

"Assalamualaikum Laila. How are you? We heard there was a shoot out in a police station. How are you? And the Mukhtars, are they okay too? Ya Allah why are you silent. Jaani tell me please" mama let out in one breath I couldn't even comprehend what was going on. News sure does travel fast.

My dad took the phone from my mum, chastising her softly.

"How is she doing to answer if you don't give her a chance" Turning to me his face appeared worried too.

"Assalamualaikum Abu g. Do not worry. Tell mama I am completely fine and nothing happened to me. I did go out" to the police station, but they didn't need to know that

"But I was safe alhamdulillah. Tell Ammi g not to fret. And the Mukhtars are also fine Alhamdulillah" I assured everyone. I could hear mama let out a huge sigh of relief.

"Im sorry Laila. I was extremely worried for you all day. I couldn't find my charger anywhere today, and my phones battery died. Nadir went on a trip with school today, and your dad was at work. I thanked God your father arrived early today so I could call you. My heart was so restless for you and the Mukhtars" mama voiced, her concern evident through the speakers.

"Alhamdulillah mama. Everyone is okay so you can rest that pretty head of yours" I giggled, although inside I felt like sobbing and telling my mother everything that been happening to me so far and confide with her virtual comfort.

Lameesa yelled my name asking if I was coming, afterall she paused the movie for me. Turning towards mama and baba I bid my farewell.

"Okay Laila. Take care. Give my Salaam to everyone. We will talk soon. Allah Hafiz"

"Khuda hafiz. Give Nadir a kiss from me." Waving good bye, I ended the call walking inside the room.

"Mama and baba gave you all their salaam" not long after a chorus of

"Wa alay-kamus salaam" was said. Lameesa unpaused the movie and we watched it for the remaining hours. The credits rolled in and by then everyone was tired.

Kiras 'head was resting on my shoulder, as Sajdahs rolled back and forth, half asleep and half awake, mumbling words everytime someone laughed or made a comment. I took this opportunity to take a video of her doing so, giggling quietly, so not to disturb her verbal spree.

I let out a yawn In between, deciding it was best to go sleep now.

"Buenas noches everyone. I've got Hospital tomorrow. I'm going to try and sleep before my sleep vanishes"

"Buenas noches cara. Go sleep. You too Lameesa no staying down this late" uncle warned Lameesa who was casually going through netflix and picking out another movie. Night owl. She scowled, huffing whilst getting up.

"You're no fun baba"

"There's a time for everything. I want you upstairs Habibti" uncle said, his eyebrows raised as if to say 'do you really want to test me right now?'

Pouting, Lameesa kissed auntie and uncles cheeks hurriedly, saying her good night to me before going to her room. Shaking my head I made my own way upstairs.


A notification alerted me whilst I was brushing my teeth. Rinsing my mouth, I looked at my phone to receive a message from an unknown number. That's weird. Who would text me? Deciding nothing of it I sat down on the bed, opening the message.

How did the police investigation go Putta. Was it to your liking? Thanks to you two officers are dead. They can be easily replaceable, but it wouldn't have happened had you not opened your mouth. Take this as a warning otherwise your families next. I know exactly where you live and who you are. Laila.

Astaghfirullah. This psychopath is now texting me. Ya Allah what do I do? This person is bad news and now has my number. My entire body was shaking In fear, sweat dripping down my forehead and into my scarf. Wiping it away, I picked up the phone off the floor, attempting to reply. Show the person I'm not scared, but rather independent and all the other adjectives that connote to courageous.

But I couldn't text back as Inside I felt like I was the reason for the police officers death. I'm such a horrible person. Had I kept the information to myself he wouldn't be dead. He'd probably be with his family. Oh Allah. Please forgive me for my sins and remove this guilt from my heart.

I had to reply and make this person understand I'm not weak, but rather very strong. So I did. I replied back.

What have I ever done to you? Why are you harassing me? Leave me alone and my family. I don't know who you are so please I'm begging you leave me alone.

Way to go Laila. Begging the person really showed them how strong you are. Stupid stupid girl. It was also too late to delete the message as it was sent. Why do I always end up regretting the things I do almost right after I do them.

It had been ten minutes. No reply.

20 minutes. No reply.

Whilst sitting down anxiously for my phone to receive a notification, it never came, but sleep did and boy was I already in nightmare-land.

The following morning was like any other but full of nerves and anxiety. You'd think being a med student was tough, but this was a whole other chapter of anxiety and deteriorating health.

I made a quick breakfast like any other day I was going to the hospital and cleaned up, leaving a note for auntie. The bus arrived earlier than usual making me subconsciously add a little pep to my step as normally it was here ten minutes late. I wouldn't have to rush like a headless chicken at the hospital today. Alhamdulillah.

Arriving at the hospital I waved at the receptionist, who was an old spaniard lady in her 50's. Her chubby cheeks and warm eyes smiled at me as soon as they saw me, lighting up. She wasn't fluent at english at all and neither was I at spanish so mostly it was just and gestures or a few spanish phrases here and there. I could tell by her facial expressions that she enjoyed having me around, and hopefully I gave off the same vibe too.

She beckoned me towards her, chuckling as I almost tripped on my own shoes. My cheeks were coloured pink as I came into her view.

"Hola Laila ¿Como estas? estás un poco deprimido hoy" I understood the first sentence, but then payed close attention to her hand gestures to figure out what she was saying. Her index fingers were on her mouth, pulling it down into a sad face. She then pointed at me. I'm figuring she thought I was down? Or sad? So I tried to answer hoping what I deduced from her actions was right.

"No no Antoinette" I said. I pointed towards me and gave her the X signal and then reached for my own mouth, lifting it up into a smile. A signal to say I'm happy, because why burden others with your problems.

I'm assuming she understood what I said as her mouth opened in realisation then soon a smile took over her beautifully aged face.

"Bale bale bonita. Entender" Antoinette exclaimed patting my shoulder. Her focus suddenly turned behind me, a grin growing on her face. Her eyes found mine, seeing the question in them. She giggled like a teenage girl before turning me around and I was met with the sight of a man. A very tall man indeed, who was looking around the hospital building.

I took this time to observe his features which did not disappoint. From his curly brunette hair to his fit and lean body. His jawline looked as if it was cut with the most sharpest and precise knife ever. The expensive suit made him seem more out of place. What was a healthy and capable man doing here at the hospital?

Turning back to Antoinette she raised her eyebrows at me, a mischievous glint in her eyes. She walked towards the man holding out her arms whilst addressing him in spanish. They gave each other the typical kiss on the cheek twice, similarly to the Pakistani culture.

I was stood right in front of the mans eyeview as he bent down to give Antoinette's short figure a hug. His eyes held mine, a dangerous glint in them. He raised his hand, still hugging Antoinette before waving at me sadistically. The same horrible wave which entered my nightmares playing like a broken record whenever it pleased. If possible his smirk widened even more at my shook state.

As quick as his smirk widened, it was equally diminished in record time when Antoinette broke away from the hug. I didn't wait to see what happened next as fear controlled every inch of my brain. What could that despicable man be doing with a darling like Antoinette. The eyes I felt on my back acted like a fuel to my steps, as I rushed to the childrens ward. Sighing in relief, I was away from those demonic eyes, I sat down in the child waiting area. It was empty this early in the morning which I was thankful for.

Everything flashed before my eyes. I took my phone out as a message was sent from the same unknown number as last time. Sweat clammed my hands as the grip on the phone loosened, resulting in it falling on the floor. The loud echoe pulling me out of my thoughts.

Turning the phone around in my palm, I clicked on the message, rendering me speechless and frightened to my core.

I truly was being stalked.


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