《ᴋɪɴɢ ʀᴀꜰᴀᴇʟ》⭒6⭒


Life asked Death, why do people love me but hate you?

Because you're a beautiful lie and I'm a painful truth.


Being here right now was a much more easier and less daunting task in my head. The building read 'Policia Local' and I couldn't help but think what made me arrive here. So much happened in this past week of being in Spain.

The wind was picking up its speed. My coat doing nothing but allowing my body heat to escape. The sky was grey, awaiting a storm to happen very soon.

My hands were in my pockets. At least some part of me was warm. Before I could change my mind, I made my way inside the police station with Lameesa. As If somehow possible the note that I picked up yesterday felt more heavier In my pocket, as if weighing it down.

Lameesa was at the reception talking to one of the officers. I surveyed the area giving me creepy vibes. The police men and woman were looking at us as if we were some micro organisms under a microscope. Turning around to Lameesa, she motioned for me to follow her towards a police man.

"Hola. Encantado de conocerte. mi nombre es Lameesa Mukhtar y aquí está Laila. queríamos reportar las amenazas que se nos están enviando desde hace unos días"

"Encantado de conocerle, señorita Mukhtar. mi nombre es Bernando y voy a escribir cualquier cosa que usted tiene que informar así que por favor no dude en empezar siempre que esté listo"

"Lo siento perro ¿hablas inglés? estas amenazas le han estado pasando a mi prima, pero ella no sabe inglés"

"Si. Si. No hay problema. May I ask you to tell me what exactly happened, Miss..." The officer looks down at me expectantly. His accent very heavy, making me unable to understand what he was saying properly. I still had time to go back and not put ourselves in more risk. I still had time to leave this place once and for all. Suddenly Lameesa not so discretely jabbed my sides.

"Emm Bakhash, Laila Bakhash officer" I said finally, glaring at Lameesa who was solely focusing her attention on the officer.

"Bale Miss Laila Bakhash, can you start from the beginning. What happened?"

So I did. I started from the unfateful night to the bus stop incident and then now the note. But before I could even mention anything about the note or show it to him, the siren went off alarming the police officers. Before I could even register anything going on, Officer Bernardo stood up in a flash and gave an apologised look.

"Lo siento girls. I have to be at this urgent emergency right now, but do not worry what you told me is enough for us to work on-" and like that his words were short-lived, just like his life. There he lay in a pool of his own blood. A bullet shot between this forehead.

Me and Lameesa were both stood in front of the dead body, mouth agape, horror running down my spine. Astaghfirullah. What have I just witnessed. Ya Allah. What is going on.

Quickly I pushed lameesa behind a nearby desk and motioned for her to lay low. Just at my left I could see the once living and talking officer just a few feet away from me, his eyes wide awake yet lifeless. I was successful in holding my puke at bay, thanks to the adrenaline rushing in my system.


Forcing the body out of my mind, which was impossible, I surveyed the station around me. Who would have killed a police officer? And that too in a station? I couldn't see anyone but other police officers surveying the vicinity. I'm guessing this was why the raid went off, alerting them of something serious.

No other police officer was harmed other than the one I was talking to. Im glad they were safe. Turning to my side a group of officers holding their guns in their hands went out of the building shouting in rapid spanish. I looked around the area once again, fear propelling my body still. My eyes skimmed past dark eyes, almost like the ones in my dream. But this was real and no dream. It was a police officer stood against the entrance, looking directly at me. He was tall, very tall. More than 6ft tall.

If I payed more attention, his police uniform looked small on him the sleeves reaching just behind his writs and the pants were looking tight, much tighter than a police officers pants. His head held a police officer cap. His face, however, was concealed by a bandana around his mouth, only his eyes visible. They pierced through my skin. I instantly dashed behind the desk again looking at Lameesa, who was mumbling prayers under her mouth.

Curiosity got the best of me so I peeked another look at the officer and surely enough he was rooted to the same position, as if he owned the station itself. Whilst police officers were rushing in and out of the station, he was stood there. Looking directly at me with his undivided attention as if he didn't have a care in the world.

The hand which was in his pocket was now In the air waving at me. His eyes curving upwards. I gasped in shock and fear. Ya Allah. This must be the same guy from the bus stop, and now from my dreams. What on earth? I blinked and he was gone. Just like the wind outside which suddenly stopped gushing around and piped down.

My widened eyes met Lameesas', but for an entirely different reason. Could that guy have been a police officer? Or was he in disguise? Her face reflected mine. Those same widened eyes that couldn't believe what was happening.

After a few minutes of sitting there in our thoughts, two female police officers came up to us asking if we're okay. We nodded in fear. I couldn't trust no one. That guy was surely a police officer right? Or was he an imposter? My brain was so disoriented right now.

First the murder that happened right in front of me and now this cryptic guy appearing everywhere I am.

Soon enough we were lead towards a room by one of the female officer. We were asked if we needed anything but we couldn't reply. Taking our silence as an answer, she gave us both a water bottle. I quickly gulped thrice, allowing the water to cool my dry throat.

We sat in the room quietly, deep in our thoughts. Turning to see Lameesa at my right I could tell she was still shaken up. No later than two minutes the same police officer entered the room motioning for us to follow her. Whilst walking out of the station, the dead officers body was being cooped up into a bag. His eyes stared at me lifeless, until a paramedic shut his eyes, zipping up the remaining bag.


We soon stood in from of a police car. Me and Lameesa looked at each other simultaneously. The officer let out a few words in spanish to which Lameesa nodded her head.

"She wants to drop us off our house saying it's dangerous to be here right now" I nodded at Lameesa before sitting inside the car. Throughout the journey a classical spanish song was playing. Maybe this was a way of coping with someone's death.

We reached home in record time thanking the officer for her kind action.

As soon as we stepped inside the house, we were both immediately smothered by Kira and Sajdah's hugs. Their eyes held tears continuously running down their cheeks.

"What happened girls? Why are you crying"

The twins looked up from hugging us.

"We thought you were harmed that's why you took so long to come home" wait a damn minute. How did they know something happened.

"Alhamdulillah we're fine. You two however are not so calm down. Let's go in the room and talk" they wiped their tears away sitting on the sofa. There we met auntie and uncle standing up front heir seats.

"Oh Habibti. You both had us worried. Did you know what happened in police station? There was a shoot out" uncle replied.

"Thank Allah for sending you back to us alive" auntie cried, hugging both me and Lameesa. We looked at each other in confusion, wondering how they knew what happened.

"Were fine mama baba. Alhamdulillah. How did you know something happened at the ps?" Lameesa asked. They motioned towards the TV, increasing the volume.

"Mira. Look what they're saying" across the screen I could see the body bag of officer Bernando being taken into an ambulance. Officers stood around the vicinity guarding the area. The area was taped with bright yellow WARNING tape signs. Reporters and investigators were littered around the station. So much happened since we came back.

My eyes averted to the english subtitles at the bottom.

"At four pm today, a police officer was targeted here in Madrid's local police station. The victim was known to many as Bernando Hilez who had suffered an unfateful bullet through the forehead. Nothing is to be known of who killed him and for what motive, but one thing was clear, a threat sent to the police station"

Both me and Lameesa shared a look, a look of fear and worry. Officer Bernandos' lifeless body flashed through my mind.

"Alongside this another body was found in the local lake of another officer who had been stripped off his clothing Leaving him in nothing but his underwear. The victims name was Dominic Salvez, standing at 5"10 who was also a police officer" the screen showed a blurred video of the officer being taken out of the lake. He truly was naked. Literally had nothing on expect what could be seen as boxers. I averted my eyes seeing too much haram skin.

"On the body a symbol of a crown reading 'viva la mafia' was engraved into his skin. The prominent red marks and swelling of surrounding flesh suggested the symbol was burned into the skin. I've just received a message from my collegue informing me Dominic Salvez' autopsy revealed the body had been left at the lake for an hour before hand. The officials are presuming this is some type of mafia Incorporated act hinting they are still ever prevalent and near. Please abide by the national safety rules until further notice by the government. I'm your host Stacey Karina live at Madrid police station" The TV screen went blank as soon as the final words left the woman's mouth. I looked at the Mukhtars holding worried faces.

"The situation in Spain is very tense right now. We need to stick together and always stay where there's a crowd like i said before. I understand that you both need to go places and for that I want you two to listen to my words very carefully and adhere to them. Understood girls?" Uncle exclaimed his voice holding authority yet didn't miss that hint of warmth.

Me and Lameesa nodded our heads obediently, not wanting to make uncle more worried.

"Stop it Abdullah. You're scaring the poor girls. The news has done enough of that" if only you knew auntie.

"Come on girls, I thank Allah you are safe

and sound. Yallah. Go pray your salaat and come down to eat. I want us all stress free and not down in the slumps " Auntie let out with so much affection that i felt guilty for laughing at her remark. But still I nodded at her, suppressing my laugh.

"Auntie it's down in the dumps. Not slumps" I explained. Auntie couldn't care less as she shrugged cheekily walking to the kitchen.

Turning my attention to the twins. They still looked worried. I couldn't help but feel bad for them.

"Girls. Alhamdulillah we are both fine so don't worry at all. Next time I'll text you about my whereabouts, okay jaani's?" I asked smiling. They both nodded their head whilst giving me and Lameesa a hug.

"I agree. Next time we'll definitely let you two know before you start crying a river.

"I wasn't crying" exclaimed Kira shouting.

"Yeah sure you weren't...cry baby" Lameesa always being the grown up stuck out her tongue. How adult like. I shook my head, making my way up to my room leaving the girls be.

Once dinner was done, I helped out cleaning before going back to my room. Wishing everyone a goodnight as I did so, my thoughts went back to the note in my pocket. I didn't even have time to hand it in at the police station hoping it may have been some type of clue towards who was after me. Unfolding the now creased paper, I couldn't help but shiver reading the words.

But what heightened my fear was the symbol above the paper. The exact same symbol which was seen on that dead mans body in the news.

No. This can't be. I can't be involved with the mafia. Even unintentionally.

After much scrutiny of the symbol the pieces and questionable moments came together. Everything that happened since the unfateful night until now was clear, and much more sinister than I thought rendering me numb.


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