《ᴋɪɴɢ ʀᴀꜰᴀᴇʟ》⭒3⭒



Once I'd read Fajr prayer, I made sure to message mum and dad about my first day in the hospital today.

At first I was nervous to go, but lameesa gave me encouragement to last a life time. I quickly made my own breakfast, making sure the Mukhtars didn't wake up. Once my dishes were done, I wrote down a note to auntie saying I have gone hospital and won't be back until night time.

Looking up at the building I would be working in, it stood big and proud. It looked much too fancy for a hospital, but then again, this is situated in the upper class area of Madrid. Before coming here, I'd researched online it was being funded by some wealthy people.

I went to the staff room, where other young professional doctors were situated. At first I was baffled, but then happy when I caught sight of Marissa, a friend I made here yesterday whilst visiting. She waved me over grinning from ear to ear.

Soon, an old man probably in his 60's stood up and immediately the room quitened down. This must be the head doctor i'd read about in the email. Doctor Miguel.

"Good morning aspiring doctors. I am Doctor Miguel and welcome you all to the best hospital in all of Madrid. I am extremely pleased to know that there are so many young and wonderful people wanting to make others life better, despite our current predicament" he started, smiling around the room.

"This is your first day here and because of that I will assign you all to your groups and wards. You will be shadowed by professional doctors very closely. They will ensure you have everything you need and if you need help then please don't hesitate to speak to them. They will be very happy to help. And like always I wish you good luck on your six months here. Gracias" he spoke in his heavy spanish accent.

Soon me and my group were being assigned to our wards. I've ways had a close relationship with kids as I liked them very much, so I was pleased when I found out I would be in the kids wards for the first two months. Marissa on the other hand was frowning the entire time we reached the ward.

Looking around the room, the walls were painted into a jungle, displaying the many tropical animals. Also, many toys were placed next to the five beds. The kids were now fast asleep, as it was still early morning. More specifically 8 am.


I was given a lost of instructions for each of the five kids, and I was more than happy to help. They were here due to broken arms and legs, and hence were request to stay under professional care until they were better. They looked between the age of 10 to 12.

Smiling to myself, I read the children's hospital history. I made sure to wash and sanitise my hands and arms, before coming in contact with the children. One of them awoke, rubbing their eyes before focusing their gaze on me.

"Good morning. How are you" I looked down at his bed, reading his name "Theodore Badras". He looked at me, not saying anything, his brown eyes wandering over my head, more specifically my scarf. At first I thought he didn't understand English, but then he broke out in a grin.

"Buenos dias. I am fine thank you" he spoke with a heavy spanish accent. I smiled, nodding my head. He got up from his lying position, sitting down with my assistance.

"How is your arm Theodore, I read you fell down your bunk bed?"

"Yes, my sister pushed me down by accident. It's aching, but I'm sure it'll get better" he said, looking at the scribbles and cartoons drawn on his cast. I pat his head, informing him I will be back with his breakfast.

Walking into the hospital food room, yes this hospital had a food room, built specially for the patients and staff, I put together a healthy breakfast for Theodore according to his health charts.

I made my way towards the children's ward, quickly noticing that Theodore was not on his bed. I turned towards the shuffling behind me, a girl trying to sit up. Quickly placing the breakfast down, I went to help her. Smiling at me in thanks, she motioned towards a door opposite her bed.

" Supongo que compraste el desayuno para Theodore" she exclaimed. Taking my silence as some sort of an answer she continues speaking.

"Creo que se fue al baño" looking over my shoulder her eyes brighten.

"Ah ahi el esta".

Turning around, I see Thoeodore coming out of what looked like a bathroom, wiping his mouth with his uninjured arm. Smiling brightly when he notices us.

"Sorry to keep you waiting doctor" he said coming to stand in front of me. Looking at the girl on the bed, he gave her a smile, saying something in spanish. Soon the little girl turns towards me, frowning.

"I'm sorry. I thought you spoke español. My name's Grace, which I think you already know" she grinned holding her hand towards me. I gave it a shake.


"It's quite all right Grace. My name's Laila. I will be your doctor for your time remaining here" I exclaimed.

"I'm glad you're so nice. The previous doctor we had was old and moody" she said giggling along with Theodore, her accent equally as strong as his.

Shaking my head at their antics, I reply. "I'm happy you like me Grace. Now if you don't mind, I will go get your breakfast and Theodore here will go eat his" both of them nodded eagerly. Smiling I left the room and went to get Grace something to eat.

The remaining hours at the hospital consisted of helping the kids with their activities, such as giving them their meals, making sure they were eating their medication on time and checking on their injuries etc. The rest was left up to the real doctor, who was supervising me.

It was soon night time, and I made sure my five assigned kids were fast asleep. Gently shutting the door, I made my way towards the staff room, finding Marissa putting her coat on.

"Hola Laila. How did you find your first day?"

"It was great, I met wonderful kids. "

She pulled a face to which I couldn't help laughing at. "I don't know why you like kids so much, I'm gonna have to ask Doctor Miguel if he can assign me elsewhere" she said shaking her head.

"Look Marissa, it's only two months, and besides that, your here to pick up on doctorate skills and hence you should be able to work with different patients" I tried to explain.

"Hmm I guess your right chica" she nodded her head in agreement, picking up her bag.

"I'll listen to you this one time" she winked.

Soon we were both outside, the nipping cold biting at our face. Marissa turned towards me, her hose and cheeks red.

"Do you want me to give you a ride Laila? It's dark and I'm sure you don't want to be here in the cold for long"

"No thank you Marissa. I'll walk it to the near bus stop and go from there" I replied, shivering from the cold.

"I don't mind at all girl, stop being stubborn come on" it was late at night and I'm sure Marissa was as equally as tired as I am. I couldn't be selfish and prolong her time when she could be resting.

Shaking my head in refusal I declined her offer. "Maybe next time Marissa. Thank you for your concern"and with that I began walking in the opposite direction. She looked hesitant at first, so she decided she would stay back until I was out of her view. What a wonderful soul. I made sure to fast walk towards the bus stop.

My bus would be here in ten minutes so for the time being I responded to my messages. The very first ones were from my parents. I made sure to dissolve their ease and let them know I am going back to the Mukhtars. Not a few minutes later, mama replied. Smiling down at my phone, i quickly replied back. I didn't realise when a tall man stood a few feet away from me to my left. I could sense something was off.

And when I had a gut feeling, it was usually alerting me of danger.

The figure was wearing all black, perfectly disguised against the dark.

Nothing gave away. His stance looked out of place, as if he wasn't used to being out in the open, yet still power oozed from him. Nothing could be seen but his lower face. I noticed a hairless chin from my short glance and plump pink lips.

Suddenly wary of his presence, I looked around the area, feeling at ease that there were a few people littered around. Turning to look to my side again for the mysterious man, he wasn't there. Frowning, I looked around me and there was no sign of him. It's as if he vanished into thin air.

I didn't think much of it as the bus arrived. Hopping on I sat down next to the window. From the corner of my eyes, the same man was stood on the opposite side of the bus stop, staring at me.

Shivers made their way down my spine, forcing me to look nowhere else but at the figure. From the street lights, I could discretely make out the corner of his lips pulled up, with his hand lifted into a vicious wave. A promise of some sort lingering around his actions.

Soon he was out of my vision, but not my mind. As if from the short amount of time around him, he'd some how scarred my mind. Who was he? And most importantly, why was waving at me?

And then it all clicked.


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