《The Devil's Bride》Council


I pick the red handmade bag from the bed, my fingers going in to search for my phone. Two and a half hours were exhausted and I was running late for the meeting. One thing for sure was that the members of the councils were never passive. They were strict with their rules and regulations.

I peek into the red bag, my eyes browsing around for the black case of my phone. Once I find it, I pull it out.

I scroll through my contact before tapping the name I was looking for on the screen.


Elizabeth was one of the normal members of the council. When I say normal, I meant the total opposite of the rest of the members.

It gave a few rings before the disturbed voice of hers rings through the speaker. "Where the fuck are you?" She shouts indignantly. I quickly grab my bag and storm out of the room, going through the halls and down the stairs.

"I'm late," I say the obvious.

I hear a hissing sound from her side before her voice comes through. "Listen up, I can't keep making excuses for your tardiness. You must understand that I too, can't keep up with all those shit!" She explains.

I nod my head with an eye roll. "Be there in five." Before pressing the decline button.

With a snap of a finger, I dissolve into thin air by teleportation. The dizzy faint smell of ashes burns through the air before landing on my feet in front of the council meeting.

I see the angry look on their face also mixed with disappointment but I'm too busy to give a flying fuck about it. I walk up to where my seat is before sitting down in front of the council leader.


"Glad you finally had the balls to come." I hear Natasha whisper under her breath. I never really liked Natasha because of the way she uses curse words. But that's none of my business because I'm only here within this council to find my brother.

"We can't stand your lateness and carelessness anymore, Miss.Breth." Holland started. He was the leader of this group. A death marker with no brain at all. I hated the man. He was one of my reasons why I don't bother coming to the meetings and shit.

"Let's get this over with," I say placing my bag on the table. I see Natasha grit her teeth due to my language but decided to stay quiet. She was more of the manner-in front-council person which honestly I don't care about her. She is always trying to get me on my best behaviour.

"Where is your brother?" One of the members asked. I only knew of Holland and Natasha's names but I never cared to know about the rest. Can't keep putting irrelevant names in my memory.

"Isn't that why we're here?" I quirk an eyebrow. He was just being absurd.

"Not exactly. For all we care, Andrew might be out there and maybe in another country." A female was next to say. If Andrew was in another country, I don't think I would be feeling this inconvenient. If he was, he would have told me.

"I don't think he is," I say pausing a bit. "I think he is unto something he doesn't want me to know about."

"You think that is?"

"Not sure. He disappeared on the sixth of August. That was the day I was meant to go to hell to visit the lord." I say biting my lips.


"What are you implying on?" Natasha asks annoyed by the circumstance already.

"What if he is in hell and didn't tell us?" Holland starts by picking the clues.

"I don't think so," I mumbled pinching the bridge of my nose. The situation was getting virulent and tiring.

"What if, tho? We're not sure because the lord and his bride are currently in New York." The same female chirped.

I widen my eyes at the new information.

Synn was in the country?

"What?!" I almost shout, keeping my posture.

"Seriously, Breth? You would have known if you actually come to the meeting provided."

I choose to ignore Natasha's remark and just focus more on the current case.

"We don't know the location he is but one of Andrew's maidens disappeared," Holland says rapping his finger on the table.


"She goes by the name Abriana." Another male says, speaking for the first time. I immediately recognize the name. She was the human employed as Linda's guardian.

"Let's not jump to conclusions yet. We're not sure where your brother is but let's stop here." Natasha conclude.

I shake my head with a sigh.

Where are you, Andrew?

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