《The Devil's Bride》Dark secrets


This chapter is long!

Buckle up:)

I wasn't scared of Synn. I was horribly terrified. Never in my life even though I was all locked up, I have never seen someone like him before. His cold stare and cruel language. I was sure he was the man mommy warned me about. He was the devil we never wanted to see. He was beautifully evil.

He mentioned something about fangs in which he explained was the fringed tooth he used to eat. I'd never see it whenever he ate meaning he hid it. My hands were icy cold, blood drawing rapidly in my vein. I was wrong if I said I wasn't sacred.

He wondered how I taste like?

I feel his hands trace up to my arm where he grips it in his grasp. My eyes were bloodshot, confusion taking over me. Synn's touch was the fire that burned even a distance away. His fingertips were cold, his palms rough.

"But don't worry about it. I won't try to do anything yet." He reassures but nothing about it helped. My blood was burning, yearning to explode from my body. I shiver, feeling my body freeze under his unholy touch. I wanted his hands off of me but he didn't seem to get the message just yet.

"I-i need to pee." I blurt out imprudently. That was the only thing my brain could process, I wasn't thinking straight. I just needed to get away from him, anything.

With a wild spin, he turns me around to face him, his grasp tight on my left arm. I feel my body vibrate, my body turning numb.

"Look at me and say that again." He says. His voice was tight with command, his eyes shooting daggers at me. I could tell he knew I was lying and I hated it. I had lied to him countless times but today was different-- he wanted me to lie straight to his face.

"I-i need to pee," I repeat, my voice feebler than before. I was digging my own grave knowing full well what he was capable of. My lie was futile as it sounds but I don't care. I was ready to escape.

"You are lying." He takes his hands off my arm, his sudden grip releasing in an instant. I whimper within, my arm red from his gruff touch.

"You just want to get away from me." He reads me accurately, his eyes dropping to where he sights the Television's remote control. He takes it in a flip and turns off the clamorous noise coming from the Television, leaving the silence to submerge around us.

His large body turns to face me, I could feel the switch in his attitude. I needed to flee immediately.

"Fuck it!" He suddenly shouts, standing tall on his feet. I look up at him through his height.

"What do you take me for?" He shouts. The situation suddenly reminds me of my father. When I would watch him scold my mother. It was all taking turns.

"I am not l-lying." I stand up for myself sticking with the flow. I was smart to know he knew but I still stupidly continued the conversation that was firing up.

"Don't tell me bull shit!" I see the spark in his eyes, his more sinister side peeking out. I was terrorized by this side, a side I'd seen countless times.

"I'm pressed," I say and stand up on my feet. I take a span away from him, his tone changing. My plan was to fly up and lock myself in the room, sensing he was going to get violent like predicted.


"Stop telling me that fucked up shit!" He leans forward in a turn and grips my wrist unknowingly reading my plan off my mind. "You're going to stay here and tell me what I want to know." He changes his tone for good, I swallow.

"Please s-stop." I cry out glimpsing around the room. I know no one would hear me even though I screamed. It was all like this during that assault.

"Oh so now you want me to stop?" He chuckles. "I hate it when you lie to me, angel." I press my tongue to my cheeks, feeling my eyes getting glossy.

"It burns my soul to ashes." His words were deep, finding no meaning in them. His grip only tightens around my wrist, feeling my air being captured.

"Do you know what I do to people who lie to me?" He asks in his sadistic voice, his calm mask already peeling off. I felt tears trickle down my cheeks, my baby coils timing so bad it had to come to cover half my face.

With a subtle whisper, I felt the air blow his words to my ear. "I torture them."

His harsh grip on my wrist, his yanks me close to him, my heart plunging in fright. My chest was pressed to his hard one, my tummy churns. His hands were no longer on my wrist anymore, his eye glowing like that under the sun. His hands fly to press themselves on my waist, his left finger delving into my flesh.

I cry out in a loud whimper, his finger doing horrible things to my waist. He was doing this on purpose to create pain and pull me down. His fingers dig further into my waist, sure enough, it was going to create marks. Tears spill down my face, my face heating up and turning bright red.

I hold onto his shoulder for support, his right hand gripping my waist for help. I look down at my feet, trying to pry myself away from the monster in front of me. The pain was getting unacceptable, my throat cutting out supply of air.

I feel the one finger that was digging into my waist get ripped out with a yank, his other right hand that was placed on my waist still attached to it. I bit my lips, my heavy tears leaking out like water.

I feel both his hands get planted on my waist as he pulls me into his chest. His inherent scent fills the air getting rid of the basked wafer aroma.

I was emotionally lifeless.

While still in my crying mess, he pulls me into a hug. His hands were wrapped around my waist, my face pulled into his chest. His height was tall, his body was huge compared to my own. I feel his long fingers go up to my neck, kneading the skin between his thumb and index finger evenly.

I cry out feeling washed out like rain. I was too weak to talk or even pull back, my eyes were heavy with never-ending tears. I wanted to run and never look back but knowing Synn was always going to find me and pull me back like a full stop.

My waist was hurting, his fingers having conflicted pain on it, bruising the spot.

"It was the only way to teach you a lesson." I hear his voice that sounded a little calmer yet rugged. I didn't respond but just stand there in his unwanted embrace. I think back to what Silver said about Synn never hurting me and sniff. His words weren't true.


"And I don't regret doing it." I feel his soft lips close to my earlobe, brushing past it. I shiver, his fingers still taking flesh of skin between his thumbs to knead. "I never regret anything." He blows.

He instantly removes me from his hold, looking down at me and give a small smirk. "And see?" He begins coating the pad of his right thumb on my wet cheeks. "I was the one who created this." He ends sounding proud of himself.

I take a step backwards, rubbing my hands to get rid of his fiery touch. He disgusted me. He didn't feel any remorse or regret from his sudden action, making me feel dreadful.

He was a monster in flesh.

A devil on earth.

I turn back on my heels and make a point for the exit of the passage. I run fast on my heels, my baby curls covering my face. I needed to get away from him, his sight. I run faster to where I remember Anna took me. The staff's quarter. I race for it and jerk the handle open in a rush, beads of sweat lining up my forehead while the cool breeze scrap against my skin. I wouldn't and couldn't sleep in the same room and house with him. It had gotten to the fact where I would say he was a complete sadist. A person who feels no remorse at all; emotionless.

I cry harder tugging the handle of the door to try to get it to open or for someone to hear my plead.

The door was immediately snatched from my knuckles and it flies open, the hair on my body standing. The familiar wave of blue eyes meets mine, my body going numb from tears and exhaustion.

"Oh my Gosh!" Anna ushers me inside the warm room that was filled with the scent of tapers and perfume, rendering instantly. I hug myself with my cold hands, rubbing my palms together to get some friction. The cold outside was unendurable.

She clicks the door lock, the wooden door clacking. It made me felt safe knowing that Synn was away from me...for now.

Just as Anna locks the door, I see Amelia and Abriana walk into the small sitting room. Their eyes were suddenly broadened when they see my status and goosebumps that were visible on my pale skin. My teeth were prattling, the cold having a huge effect on me.

There was an abruptsilence that permeated the room, the knocking of the glass windows together. They were giving me time to calm down and get low from what they didn't know just happened.

"Are you okay?" Amelia was the first person to ask. It was apparent I wasn't but that wasn't what she was referring to. She was asking if everything was alright inside of me.

"I am fine." I lied, my tummy turning from my own fake lie. I wasn't used to lying to them. They were close friends making them family. Even though I didn't know them well, I still love them.

"Your eyes don't say the same." Abriana's voice was the sweetest of all. She was used to me by now knowing when I was lying and telling the truth. She was like my mother in disguise. My eyes were puffy beneath, headache already joining in.

"Did he hurt you?" She continues ignoring the lie I told Amelia. We both know what happens when Synn gets out of hand, me acknowledging more of it

On impulse, I whimpered in pain remembering what he did to me just a few minutes ago. His fingers were sunk deeply into my skin.

From my side perception, I see Anna move close to me and place her right hand on my shoulder, her eyes inspecting me.

"He hurt you somewhere, where?" Her lucky guess was right. I pull up my gown a little high, my thigh in exposure to them. There was nothing to hide since we were all females in the room. I pull the gown above my waist to where I see a big fat bruise insight. It was dark-red with purple edges. I see little scratches around the area, consequences of being Synn's mate.

"Oh, my lord! What the hell did that mother fucker do to our princess. You're badly hurt." Amelia says at the end with a small tone while displaying her anger with curse words. The bruise didn't hurt that badly but I still felt pain around the area.

"Does it hurt?" Abriana proposes concern exploring my body for more injuries. I shook my head. "Not really," I mutter biting my tongue.

Amelia moves across the room to a small wardrobe where she touches the handle and pulls it open bringing out a small bottle. Closing it, she comes back with the white and black coloured bottle in her hand.

"This will help." She says showing me the container. She opens the lid in a flash and presses some liquid into her palms. She glides her finger a little before levelling the ointment on the spot of my bruise. The cold liquid eases the small pain a little, Amelia being careful around the edges. I was sure it was going to heal within some weeks but I don't how long with the way it looks.

"Can I stay here for the night?" I ask the question to Abriana.

"Of course. You're free to stay here as long as you like but won't he-"

"I don't care," I say a little too cold. I wasn't going to be reminded of the beast in my life. I don't care at this point what he thinks about me. He doesn't own my life.

"I'll get some blankets and more pillows." I hear a starling voice from behind me. I turn my front to the back where I see a tall figure standing. I could make out from the light of the candles that he had blonde hair and tanned skin that shimmered. His voice was a little raspy, a little too rough at the end. He sounded a little lik-

Here I go again.

" Thanks, Jack," Abriana says locking eyes with who assume was Jack. He gives a little nod, his eyes flicking up to Abriana for a second before he leaves for the back door.

"That's Jack I mentioned to you about," Anna says, her eyes lighting up. I smile through my troubled feeling, happy that I met one of the staff.

"He's pretty sweet." She continues with a more smile grazed on her face. I was happy the morose conversion that we were once having before was fading away just like that.

"And ha-"

"Girl, admit you like the asshole." I hear Amelia's voice taunt. It seemed like it too because Anna keeps talking about him in what looks like she did. Plus, she had a blush on her face.

"I don't!" She whines looking away to hide her red face. "You're just delusional." She mumbles playing with the ointment bottle. I giggle to myself, liking the already cheerful vibe.

"We were just about to watch a movie." Jack soon returns and hands me a blanket and a white fluffy pillow. I press the soft pillow, the softness was nice.

"I'm Jack," Jack says himself coming forth in my view. I make out his features. His shining eyes were similar to that of Anna but a little darker. His cheekbones were pointed so they appeared prominent and chiselled. I was right when I saw the blonde hair on his head and beautiful tanned skin. Across his jaw was a scar that looked like it is healing nicely. His dark pink lips suited his pointed nose. He was tall with muscles surrounding his biceps and legs. He was fairly attractive in general.

"I-i'm Linda," I say shortly. He nods, plopping a seat next to me. His big hands stay on his knee cap staring down at me.

"I heard you are hurt. Care to share?" He asks. I wasn't sure if I really wanted to tell him. I haven't told any of the girls what happened and so I shouldn't tell him. I just wanted to forget what happened and move on from this night. I didn't want to talk about it.

"I rather not. I just want to move on." I mumbled looking down at my lap.

"It's cool. Might join us while we watch some movie." He chuckles trying to ease up the mood. I was glad he was the understanding type and didn't try to force me into telling him. Frankly thinking, I didn't want to tell anyone what happened this night.

I stand up from the spot on the seat and bend down to take a seat on the tiled floor. Watching a movie was best on the floor.

"What are we watching?" Abriana asks taking out popcorn from the small mini cupboard. I see Anna standing next to the coffee machine, waiting for her cup to fill.

"I don't know. Let's see." Jack mumbles while looking through the CDs on the movie rack. He shuffles the CDs, his eyes carefully studying the clear polycarbonate plastic substrate. Catching one, he pulls out a CD from the other ones, pulling the rest of the CDs on the rack.

"This one would do." He grins turning the movie player on. He inserts the CD on the flat surface, pushing the front with one of his fingers so the flat surface goes back into the DVD player.

"What kind is that?" Amelia asks taking a seat next to me. I glance to see what he had in her hands only to see a white stick known as a cigarette between her fingers. A sudden dread of coldness instantly takes over me, surprised at what I saw. Does Amelia smoke?

She on instinct, look over at me with a cocky grin. "What?"

"You smoke?" I feel another presence sit next to me, a heavy feeling in my stomach.

"Yes, I do. Why is everyone shocked about it?" She says vivaciously. It only means I wasn't the only one who was shocked about this on their first discovery. I never thought Amelia smoked since it never came to my mind. She just didn't look like the kind to do the sort.

She brings a part of the cigarette into her mouth holding it with her lips by her fingers. The white stick stays between her index finger and the middle one. With her other hand, she takes the disposable lighter and flicks it, creating the orange flame. She takes the lighter with her thumb positioned on the spark wheel, lighting the bottom.

I see as her pink lips take in the cigarette between her lips, inhaling the flames into her lungs before putting it back out into the air.

The molten stench burns the air, the smell seeping around the room. I see the flames move out from her lips before vanishing like ashes.

"The Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf," Jack answers, his presence I recognized beside me. I decided to take my mind of the smoking issue and just focus on how to get away from the night's issue.

From Synn.

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