《The Devil's Bride》August thirteen


It was just too easy to make people into writhing things. In a few seconds, I've gotten Linda to start talking to me all of a sudden. I wouldn't say talking but hearing her light and soft voice was enough for me.

Her brown eyes were gouging holes into mine as she awaits her answers. I'm quite shocked she's forgotten what happened that day but I wouldn't blame her. Her life then was really tough. I'm sure her mother told her this but she forgot as she was eleven then.

"Elijah isn't your biological brother, sweetheart." I start the flash black. I don't know how she's going to feel hearing this but I wanted her to know the truth. I wanted her to know what she was never told of.

"Your mother had you from another man whose name was Chelsea Bruff." I start to explain, reading her placid eyes from across. Her small fragile hands were placed on her lap as she listened like she was listening to a story. I didn't want Abriana in here because I wanted this private between us. But I guess that changed because the trail back had begun.

"Your mother got married to your current stepfather." I see a slight shiver slide down her body, her plumps lips crushed to one another.

"On August thirteen, your mother met a woman called Charlotte. Charlotte was your mother's friend who helped her with the building of her relationship with your father, Ace. She was also the one who helped your mother in giving birth to you" I explain in simple terms bringing in her stepfather's name. I see the small shock on her face, she never knew her father's name before now.

"Charlotte is a death marker from hell who I sent to your mother for help. Your dear mother was helpless after your father, Bruce left you and your mother after finding out your mom was pregnant with you." I say carefully trying to sense her heartbeat. I listen carefully for her cadence heartbeat which was of anxiousness.


"After you were born, Charlotte gave you a birthmark on your left thigh which explains why you are mated to me. As you grew up, Charlotte was sent to hell where she dies." I raise my hand to scratch the nape of my neck, seeming awkward all of the sudden.

The crash on her face was priceless after I end the short story. I don't know how to feel after telling her but I can see the shock and hurt on her face. She wasn't expecting all of this but it explains how she became my mate even when she wasn't born yet.

The only noise that could be heard was the passing of vehicles and train tracks. I wasn't the kind to say the truth but here I was scattering all this piece of vital information to my mate because of my fucking conscience.

I study her expression and fuck it- the couple drops of tears made my insides slightly succumb. Her face was swollen a little due to sensitivity and her pink plump lips were opened trying to form words. She couldn't talk, but her actions said everything.

She was hurt.

I've heard of the saying that the truths are always bitter and this summarises all of the situation.

She opens her mouth to talk but suddenly shutters.

"Elijah i-isnt my re-"

She wouldn't finish her started sentence. Abriana looks down at her and pulls her by her side for a side hug while I just watched un-bothered. Her father had always treated her like shit and her waste of air son of a bitch didn't even bother giving a damn about his sister knowing the full truth.

By the time we arrived home, she had stopped crying only snuffing a bit from her emotions. She was quiet all this time, looking out the window and glaring at me occasionally. I could tell she was hurt by the truth and also the separation from her parents.

"Leave," I order Abriana. She looks at me with fluctuation like she didn't trust me. I could also say the same thing on my end. She pulls Linda from her side profile and unlocks the car. She pulls herself from the car while I watch her retreating self go into the staff's quarter.


I needed my privacy.

Immediately she's gone, I lean forward from across my seat and press my hands on her lap to lift her gown up.

She looks at me in incredulity, her eyes swollen. "W-what are you doing?" Her cracky voice questions. I see no reason to ask permission to touch my property.

"Showing you your birthmark." I simply answer taking her small soft hands off mine she used to stop me from pulling her gown.

"You c-can't touch me l-like that." She implies shifting on her seat. I bend a brow at her in question.

Was she telling me not to touch her?

"And why is that?" I ask by sinking back in so I hear her reason. By now, she's meant to know that I don't ask for what's mine. She's my mate and asking permission to touch her was useless.

She stays quiet to find a reasonable answer. Her nervous habit of drumming on her lap continues while she stays in a hollow space, thinking.

"I just want to show you your birthmark to prove to you that I am not lying," I reassure. I knew she wasn't comfortable and was doubting me but I don't care if she believed me or not. It was the truth.

"I don't h-have a b-birth mark." She struggles to say, sniffing lightly. She tucks a loose strand of hair behind her earlobe staring at me.

Her eyes were beautiful.

"Lies," I mutter leaning back in to raise her gown but she quickly blocks my movement. She was refusing to believe.

"I don't have such so please stop." She pleads, pulling her already half short gown down her lap to cover her knee. I chuckle under my breath, amused by her resistance. She wasn't allowing me because she didn't want me touching her?


With a sudden motion, she was beneath me on the leather seat. Her copper-coloured eyes lock with mine, her back hooked on the seat while I stand hovering above her. I stand between her legs just a little farther and not too close. Her torso was shown fully to me while the rest of her body goes under my leg downwards.

I smirk at our position as I drag my hands to lift her gown from behind me. She quivers, feeling the cold metal ring press on her silky skin. Damn!

I slowly, locking eyes with her all this time, lift her gown up so it reached just below her inner left thigh. I guess she didn't really care to observe her body all this while because she didn't notice she had a birthmark on her thigh.

I bring my index finger, slowly sketching her thigh up and down in a teasing manner. Her soft skin was driving me crazy, feeling every part of her thick thighs. Her breath hitches at this position, her cheeks coloured.


I drag my index finger going up to her inner thigh where I locate the location of her birthmark just by sensing it.

"Here." I breathe out. I move my gaze from her eyes to see the small movement of her swallowing.

Guessed I proved her wrong.

"I didn't k-know." She stammers struggling to get me off her. I chuckle at her defence and fortunately get off her so she sits down on the leather chair. Her chest was heaving in shock.

"See you inside," I say moving to get out. Her eyes stay up at mine as she watches me leave.

1373 words🦋

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