《The Devil's Bride》Abstract


The touchy silence was getting stiffening as we all sat at the corner mayhap waiting for Abriana to finish her meal. She was done eating the hot spaghetti and was infrequently sipping her bottled coke. She had her hair rolled up in a small bun on her head and a little coat of makeup to go with her natural look. Abriana never wore makeup when I'd first met her but she does all of a sudden.

I sight Synn who was at the other end of the table. His rented long fingers were lazily typing on his phone, a jaded facial expression on his face. He looked like he was tired of being here for almost an hour. I see him look up from his phone and glance at Abriana.

"You done yet?" His raspy voice asks Abriana. She slowly nods bringing the finished bottle of coke from her mouth and covers the lid with the cap. We were ready and set to go.

He struggles to bring his fingers and dig it into his pocket drawing out some change and harshly drops it on the table, lengthily paying the bill.

I stand up from the warm seat, proceeding to follow Synn at the back. We walk to near the exist were from across the room, I see the woman who we saw earlier standing behind the counter. She had her blazing eyes digging holes into Synn's retreating form. I could tell she was still annoyed about his rudeness towards her. She huffs under her breath and continues with her usual job.

It was still early in the morning, the sun was dimmed by the grimy clouds. Just a few blocks ahead, I spot the limo with the driver waiting next to the passengers' seat. He had his big black cap rested on the nest of his hair on his head.


Once I reach the limo, I fold my gown to my front, entering into the car. When we were in, the car starts moving.

I could tell the earlier mood was boring with Abriana just eating and Synn typing on his phone. I don't still understand why he needed me to come along if he was only going to give Abriana a treat.

"So." I hear Synn's intimidating voice starts from the other side of the car. His eyes were puncturing intensely into Abriana's.

"How old are you?" Synn question. I was shocked when I heard this question, I thought he knew her age but I guess he didn't know her that well as I thought.

"Twenty-six." She answers keeping her response short. I turn to look at her, seeing her whole cheeks covered with blush. She had her eyes staring at Synn's red own- which changed immediately we got into the limo.

"You look pretty young." He comments, his eyes scanning her face. "So you were working with Andrew previously?"

"Yes. I use to be Linda's caretaker when I was with him." She answers. I sensed he was trying to pass a conversation, soothing the tensed reticence.

"Do you know where he is? It's been a long time since I heard from the sneaky thing." He stated.

It's also been a long time since I saw Andrew. It's like he's disappeared from existence but I remembered Abriana telling me about his sudden absence which could explain it all.

"I don't know, master. He's been gone for a long time." She says in a small voice. I feel my mind drift, wondering too well into the situation. I also question where he went. He couldn't just disappear like that without informing anyone. I feel pity for him almost.


Synn's questions fall off the cliff for a minute, his hair covering his face. He looked like he was busy thinking deep into what Abriana just said.

He slowly turns his head, somewhat in an offensive state. His eyes slowly focus on mine, we both looking at each other. I felt like he was learning or trying to read me. His face was well-chiselled, his strong jaw would tick sometimes in concentration. His pinkish lips were taunting just in view as he keeps staring. He had his lip ring close to the left side of his mouth along with his metal eyebrow ring. I never wanted to say this but he looked more attractive wearing piercings.

"What do you think?" He suddenly asks. I feel my eyes look over his face, searching for no answers at all. His straightforward question was surprising. I didn't know what to say rating it was unplanned. I don't even think my opinion would matter.

"I don't know." I swallow the thick lump in my throat, my heart pumping a little fast from his stare. Something about his staring was always triggering. Cold and emotionless like ice.

He hums with his throat. "Mhmm."

I see his eye colour change a bit but he quickly covers it by looking away. I wouldn't be surprised if the colour of his eyes were actually real blood. I watch as he tugs the small wrist band that was wrapped around his left wrist.

"Tell me, Linda." He says in a stance. "Do you remember what happened on August thirteen?"

My cover was thrown off in an occurrence, remembering it was the exact question he asked me back in hell. I didn't have the answer then and I still don't but I never thought he would remember. Synn's way of questioning was really skeptical. He would ask like he was in your past life or know something about you but is waiting for you to reveal it first. I was really thrown off guard.

I breathe out quietly, playing with my nervous fingers. "No. I don't." I answer shortly.

"Why are you asking me this?" I urged. I can't be invariably reminded of something I think he knows but won't tell me. I don't remember anything much from my childhood because I didn't have a good one, to begin with.

So I ask further.

"Do you know what happened on that day?"

I know you

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