《The Devil's Bride》Take a look


The gleam in Synn's eyes took Linda off guard. Synn's eyes weren't dark red anymore but deep grey eyes. She looks shocked, not knowing how it evolved.

"Yeah, Synn changed his eyes colour." Silver spoke up somehow on the behalf of Synn.

She looks astounded by the information but promptly covers it and looks away. How was that possible?

Seeing this, Linda was suddenly interested in knowing more about the devil's life and history. She wanted to find out everything about Synn. But she needed help with it, sure enough, she was going to need Silver's help.

She wasn't sure if he had helped her but trying was taking chances.

Soon enough, the limo stops. Linda looks at Silver with an interrogative gaze but he just shrugged. "Why are we at the mall?" Silver asks.

Getting no answer, they all get down from the limo sending the driver to wait at the parking lot. Linda opened her eyes as her gaze falls on the huge building with a lot of people scampering inside. She had never been to such a great mall before.

The sight of the people that could be seen from the glass door, stimulated her energy as she waited submissively for a sign to go in.

Looking away, she turns back to see Silver and Synn bickering about something, Silver doing the talking the most.

She was sure that she had quite noticed the quietness in Synn's behaviour since they got out of the limo. She peep at Synn, examining the grey eyes he had on. Admittedly, she hadn't seen him put on contact lenses. Maybe it was one of the abilities he was granted.

She looks him over, Synn was appearing with black ripped jeans and a coffee brown Nike hoodie. He was dressed casually and not the way he dressed back in hell. He had some of his piercings on like his eyebrows and lip.

Some of his tattoos were partially covered by the hoodie but it was well apparent that he had much beneath his hoodie. Her mind oscillates with questions that she urgently needed answers to.

Why Synn behaved so emotionless? Why he talked cruel and where his father is.

"Okay girly. We're going to have such an amazing time together here in the mall." Silver grabs her hand and leads her into the mall. She looks back and takes a peep when she noticed that Synn wasn't coming along.


"Is he not coming?" She asks. If he wasn't she felt happy to know. She would have enough time to talk to Silver about her questions.

"Nah. He has to go somewhere."


Silver looks down and Linda and pats her head like a small child. "You don't need to know that, pie. We're going to be spending a lot of time together so let's not waste it thinking much into some things."

Doubtfully, she knew Silver was keeping away a piece of important information from her and it bugged her. She couldn't help but think about where Synn goes to and what he did.

She looks back to where they stood earlier. Synn wasn't there anymore.

A sigh leaves her lips before fully entering the mall.

For the past 46 minutes of Linda's life, she's been productively using her time to shop for things she needed. She was sure that this was presumably the last time she was going to have this much freedom again. She bought a few things like beginners learning book, toilet necessaries and personal accessories. By the time they were done, they had 2 carts filled up, each of them holding onto one.

They strolled towards the counter to pay for their goods. When they were down, Silver picked out his phone to call Synn to come to pick them up. A frown grazed Silver's lips as he ended the call.

"What's wrong?" Linda asks walking up to Silver. "He said he's going to come in half an hour. I don't just get why he's such an asshole." Squawked Silver.

Linda bits her lips as she slips into a table along with Silver. They were going to order some snacks while talking. Silver gets up and quickly nods to Linda telling her that he was going to order something and come back soon. She supports, Silver leaves. She was now left with her thoughts battling together. She definitely needed answers.

Two minutes later, Silver comes back telling her that he ordered some snacks. She nods, looking away and watches the people who still shopped.

"I want to know more about Synn, Silver." Her voice was soft like candy and flew out of her lips like an order. This caught the attention of Silver. He drops his phone on the table and looks at Linda who turns back to look at him.


"Please don't deny me my answers." She practically begged. Her eyes were almost teary as she needed answers. She was tired of being kept in the dark when knowing full well that something is wrong.

Sighing, Silver asks. "What do you want to know?"

Taken by shock, she looks at him in surprise. She didn't know he was going to give in that easily. She quickly postured herself, leaning forward slightly.

"What really is going on with Synn? Why does he act so cruel and emotionless?" She began.

Why does he stare at things and me a lot?

Of course, she didn't add that part.

"I don't really know Linda. Synn is a very obstinate person but very intelligent. Who knows why he acts that way. He's been like that since I knew him. Grouchy, rude and bad with words." Silver replied.

The waiter flashes Linda a small smile and drops the snacks on the table. Butter bread, coke and lots of chocolate and mini pies. Linda's tummy grumbled in surrender as she picks a bottle of coke and the small mini pie.

"But why?" She said. "Why does he act this way? I get he's the devil and all but isn't he suppose to act nice to his close ones?"

"Linda, your questions are too much but I'll answer them anyway." Silver repined. "Synn is not just an average devil. He's one of the most powerful Immortal living until now, well, except God. I never told you this but Synn is more powerful than his father. Just because he acts rude and all doesn't mean he doesn't have a heart. Deep down he experiences a lot. He feels things that no one can."

"What about God? Does Synn fear him?" She questioned.

"I wouldn't say fear. Synn isn't afraid of anything. But fearing God is what I don't know. He's never mentioned to me about God or whatsoever."

"Why did Synn's eye colour changed back there?" Now, this question really took Silver off guard.

"Synn was blessed with a lot of abilities. And one of them is the ability to change his eye colour. It's like a way to disguise yourself in the human realm. Just like death markers too. They have the same ability. Apart from that, he has super strength, fast reflex and telekinesis. He also can shapeshift, which means changing into someone else."

Linda had stopped drinking her coke by now. This was intriguing and exciting to hear. It showed how powerful Synn is. She just couldn't believe her ears.

Excitingly, she asks Silver. "Can you also change your eye colour?"

"Yup! But I'll show you when we're at home."

A small smile appreciated her features at this. "Does he show emotions?"

"No, he does not. Although, there are a few things you'd be able to know of. When he's angry, his eye colour changes into a deep red shade. The same goes for being annoyed. But when he's relaxed and turned on, his red eyes only lessen more of their colour."

"What's the meaning of turned on?"

"When you're sexually aroused, your body acts in a certain way that you're quite needy and want intimate contact."

Linda blushed at this knowing that she's been in that state before when she's around Synn.

"But if I were you, Linda, I'd be careful and wise. You're his mate which means that some things he experiences may affect you." Silver's voice was calm and conscious.

"What do you mean?"

"It means that being mates reaches some certain level. Being Synn, he's able to read your thoughts and emotions. So if you're sad, he'd known."


"Woah indeed. That's why you have to be conscious about your emotions when you're around him and your thoughts. But one thing is for sure, he would never hurt you."

She couldn't say that on her own side. But it started becoming clear to her. If he wouldn't hurt her and if he read her emotions, then why does he keep hurting her emotionally and accusing her of something. He wouldn't hurt her, he said. But he still does and she gets hurt when he does so.


"Simple. You're his mate."

1,517 words

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