《The Devil's Bride》Three Rings


Linda sat down on her bed as she gazes at the decorations that were stuck up on her wall. She had remembered the day Uria had helped her decorate her room. She smiled knowing the bubbly feeling she liked when she thought of happy things and people.

Uria was a great friend indeed. She had tried helping Linda forget her sad concept of getting to her parents.

She was done with the fruits and had placed the plate next to her on the table. She had her blanket wrapped smoothly on her body as she stared outside of her window.

She was tired from the day but didn't want to sleep. She had rested and slept for a long time. She needed an energy booster.

She thought back to Owel and the strange way he looked at her. She didn't like the vibe he was giving as it meant a red flag for her to stay away from him as possible. Unfortunately, it only meant she won't be going into the library much often anymore.

She also traced back to the day she was forced surprisingly to the Lukewarm to watch those people rot. She hated the feeling of guts. Her mind wanders up for a long time until she heard a noise from downstairs.

She snapped her neck to the door, her mind speeding. What was that noise?

She wanted to go check but her being under the warm blanket felt like heaven. She liked it cozy and warm and didn't feel like she wanted to check or walk entirely.

Maybe it was something that dropped.

Blood trickles down the man's neck, his eyes shot wide open like tiny holes. Synn had his fingers dug deep in the man's throat. He lifts out his hands bringing out the man's beating heart and throws it down to the floor.


"Clean this mess." He uttered as he glances down at the man's dead body and ushers one of the maids to take the body away.

"What was that all about?" His close man, Ajaj asked.

Synn looked at him profoundly and throws a loud slap across his cheeks. "Never question my actions." He said before rising up to his feet and climbing upstairs leaving a shock Ajaj to register what had just happened.

Climbing up, he glances at Linda's door and checks on her heartbeat that was calm. He could tell she was asleep. He walks to his room and closes it, with a click.

It had to be Andrew, he thought.

Latterly, he found out where Andrew's whereabouts are and what he was up to. Andrew was the first death marker he created. He had given him a lot of abilities and trusted him to use them discreetly but when he got to earth, he was shocked to find out that Andrew had turned his back on him and was now against him.

His formulation.

He couldn't believe it. He hated it. He couldn't stand to know that Andrew tricked him. He always knew Andrew was up to something when he dropped Linda in hell and didn't show up for 1 month close now.

His eyes flashes with a glint of red when he caught the smell of blood. He knew it was the blood of the man that he had just murdered. Crystal blood.

Crystal blood was similar to those of human-only the difference was that their blood was mixed blood. It could be a vampire and a death marker or a human. It depends.


"Oh, bummer!" Linda threw out a supposed to be a curse as she rubs her tired eyes. She told herself she wasn't going to sleep but she did. She murmured sadly and looked at her wrist that now had sleeping marks.


She grabbed the plate that she had used to eat fruits and made it her aim to return it back to the kitchen. She opened her door and jogged downstairs. She gave the plate to Geletino and walked back upstairs.

On her way back, she spotted three men at the corner. They were whispering to each other about something she knew well as secrets.

"Who are they?" She asked herself. It's weird how random or strange men/ people have been visiting lately and out of nowhere.

She looked back at the men to see them staring at her like a doll. Her cheeks coloured at the attention as she walks away.

"Who is she?" One of them asked.

"How are we supposed to know you, dummy? We don't know just like you." Rid replied ruffling his hair.

"Never knew asking questions was now a sin." The one who asked first said. His name was Blaze.

Rid rolled his eyes and glances at his watch. They were waiting for Synn to come out of his room. The trio was Synn's partner in a business. They were crystals blood. A mix of death marker and human.

The black door to Synn's room was thrown open and he emerged from it. He wore a black t-shirt and ripped jeans.

"You've been disturbing my rest of peace for a long time."He barked, his face drained from emotions. He looked angry and tired at the same time.

The three brothers looked at him in regret and fear, "W-we are sorry." They apologized. They knew well what would happen if they got the devil angry.

"What do you want?"

"We heard of what Andrew did." Rid began, his face hardening. "We want to get revenge on him for you." Blaze completed. Meanwhile, the last one, Chase, hadn't said a word since he saw Linda walk by.

Synn glances at Chase and raises a brow before looking back at the two. Chase was the quiet one in the group. He didn't talk except he wanted to or needed to recommend his idea.

"Who's the girl that passed by?" Chase asked out of a daze. He was suddenly interested in knowing her. Synn face hardened as he stares at chase.

"Don't bother asking. I have no time for this shit!" He cursed, blood running through his veins in anger. Linda must have passed them to have asked such a thing.

He closed his door in anger

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