《Dil awara √》Ts part -1


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After manbir accident ....

We can see girl is sleeping cutely while seeing a beautiful dream let's get into dream.

A girl is running in park waiting a beautiful white gown with red effects on it and she she laughing loudly while running.

Girl : you can't catch me

Boy : I can

Girl : no you can't .

She hide near tree and boy try to search her but then boy get disappeared suddenly and girl while smiling see where is boy but couldn't able to see him.

Girl : where are you ?

She didn't her any voice back.

Girl - don't play any prank on me .

Still she didn't hear any voice back.

Girl - manik where the hell are you ? (Shouted)

Still didn't hear his voice .

Girl - manik (shouted)

Now we can see the girl who is dreaming all this is nandini and suddenly she shouted MANIK and woke up with sweating .

Another girl is starting her radio system .

Girl : KAM CHO MUMBAI WASI (how are everyone you guys in mumbai)

Now we can see her face its navya. Even nandini see time it's 7 .

Nandini - are its time for navya show let's hear what she had for today show.

She on her radio system .

Navya - so everyone today we will know about my dream why I came here in mumbai are I didn't told you guys I m front patna NAVYA NAVELI FROM PATNA (she smile ) but before we starting about my dream let's start from today song

she play song YAARON DOSTI BADI HI HASEEN HAI. After ending it .

NAVYA - OK so I came here to join FAB5 may be you guys don't know about fab5 but yes it's not a ordinary FAB5 is world famous FAB5 MEANS FABULOUS 5. They had five members THE FOUNDER AND LEAD SINGER OF FAB5 MANIK MALHOTRA. (till now nandini hear about fab5 she got tears in her eyes to remember there moments then she got more tears after hear manik name) He is rough, tough, arrogant, but don't see his face if you go close to him he is most cute and sweet person you ever got did you hear about coconut in outside its rough ,tough but from inside its soft . He is like that only but he is not with us today but I know he will come back for us soon (Wipe her tears even nandini too). The second member of fab5 THE DRUMIST OF FAB5 CABIR DHAWAN my cutest but craziest friend (she start laughing) did you guys

Know he is BIG PRANKSTER but even I too become his victim but after sometimes I got to know in all his pranks he just try to hide his pain and yes I can I forget did you kmow what he called me a MADHUBALA seriously ye bhi koi name hua but still I love this name bcoz its given by him and yes one more secret I LOVE HIM I so wish I could able to confess this in front of cabir don't know he too feel same or not but yes I love him . (Nandini got shocked but smile and tears too bcoz now cabir are not with them) but again he is too not with us . Now we will discuss about FAB5 MALE AND FEMALE GUITARIST MUKTI VARDHAN and DHEUV VEDANT and again manik malhotra version in female MUKTI she is totally like manik coconut but now she is my best friend and second dhruv well he is shy but don't go into his face he can be worst for anyone if it's comes to FAB5. Well any fab5 member get worst for anyone if it's comes to any fab5 member. Now last member of fab5 THE PIANIST IF FAB5 ALIA SAXENA fab5 group baby doll and DIVA of SPACE she is fashionist but no more then music . You know guys I want to joi them but I forgot one thing no one can join fab5 bcoz its not only fab5 its a family. Isme sirf 5 members hai aur koi isme nahi a sakta (she got tears even nandini too ) acha ab bas ha warna apki ye navya naveli ke wajah se yaha flood a jayega. So today show is over here hope you guys happy to know about fab5 my friends , my dream.


She off radio and cry hard to remember all fab5 moments. Then she left after sometimes to college even nandini got ready for special day.

Its manik birthday zo its special for her of course she came in college terrace to decorate it . She first adjust canvas HAPPY BIRTHDAY WITH GUITAR in it. Then blow balloons then only aryaman came to see nandini bcoz he didn't find her anywhere and mostly she stay in terrace to remember manan moments so aryaman came there just to see nandini blowing balloons .

Aryaman - nandini what are you doing here ?

Nandini - aryaman come na help me to blow them na .

Aryaman - ya I can help you but why you did this.

Nandini - are you forgot it today is manik's birthday and I don't want to let him feel we didn't celebrate his birthday whenever he will come back.

Aryaman - but nandini you know na manik will ....(he about to say further but nandini interrupt it)

Nandini - don't aryaman (warning) never ever say that again I know my manik is alive and he will be back soon (smiling in last) now come and help me.

Aryaman feel helpless to say futher in manik topic . Then he is starting helping her. Finally they adjust all balloons in full terrace walls , doors and some are near canvas too.

Nandini - now complete. Ab bas mukti alia dhruv ka ana baki hai.

Aryaman - ok so call them.

Nandini - ahhhh not like this.

Aryaman - then ? ( Confused)

Nandini - wait and watch.

Now we can see mukti alia dhruv ate walking in corridor suddenly one girl came towards mukti.

Girl - excuse me you are mukti .

Mukti - yes I m what do you wnat (rudely)

Girl - woh this is for you .

She gave gift to mukti.

Mukti - who gave you this.

Girl - sorry I cant tell you but someone told me to gave you this.

Mukti - fine (she take it irritately)

That girl then left from them as scaredly. Mukti open that gift and suddenly get punch.(its punch box gift)

Mukti (shouted) - what the hell is this ? How dare this person.

Then she found chit there she open it and read .


Mukti - now what she want yar.

Dhruv - relaz mukti let's see what nandini had.

Alia - ya let's go.

They turn and walk towards terrace after reaching they found beautiful set up. Nandini suddenly appear in side.

Nandini- guys today is MANIK'S BIRTHDAY.

MUKTI - what the hell nandini. What is this ? Don't you know manik is no more with us.

Nandini - mukti he will come soon don't say like this .

Mukti - nandini try to understand and please accept as soon as possible he is dead .


She started crying while sat on her knees to see her outburst and crying the feel helpless to made her understand manik is no more with them. Mukti came towards nandini put hand on nandini shoulder.

Mukti - yes nandini he will be back for you.

Nandini - haina he will back I told you na but nahi tum sab ko sunna hi nahi hai dekhna jab woh ayega na i will complaint about to you guys to him dekhna I will made him scold you guys (so innocent and babyish voice)


Mukti - ok do whatever you want to do nandini whenever he will be back let him scold us.

Dhruv - but mukti.

Mukti - yes dhruv he will be back . Haina nandini (to nandini)

Nandini nodded immediately with wide smile.

Nandini - chalo let's cut the cake.

Trio and aryaman nodded till now aryaman is silent audience standing their only bcoz he is not ok with manik before accident so woh moments aryaman nahi janta with all .

They cut the cake and feed each other and aryaman too. Then they start walking in corridor to get back their work but suddenly hear guitar playing.

After hearing guitar same like manik


She start running towards the voice and found in fab5 jam room someone standing their with back towards her playing guitar. She running towards hum and turn him immediately

Nandini - manik.

But see someone else there instead of manik

Nandini - who are you ? where is my manik ?

Boy - huh I don't know any . What did you call ummmm ya MANIK and first question answer is my name is maddy I m new in college and see I get audience in my first day waooo.

Mukti - who are you and how dare you to touch our manik's guitar.

Maddy -welll I don't think so that anybody name written in these guitar so it's obvious that anybody can use it too.

Nandini (shouted) - no nobody can use MY MANIK'S guitar except himself . So it's so far to let anyone touch it too how dare you touch this pure guitar with your dirty hands .

Maddy - my hands are clean even I can touch this guitar too see

he start again playing guitar now with anger his action speak his anger but he didn't let his face show he is Smirking he is angry to hear nandini words. Now bcoz of so much pressure strings got broke which made everyone broken too .

Everyone got trio except maddy bcoz now he is Smirking but suddenly don't know why he feel hurt to see nandini tears . Now she is crying to see HER MANIK'S GUITAR broke .

She immediately fake that guitar and hug it tightly while crying even everyone there then suddenly mukti push maddy hardly which made hiks stumble and fall but now he is silent but when he see mukti anger he start Smirking again and now laughing too loudly.

Maddy - opppss ye toh tuth (broke) gaya . Hayeee so sad ab kya karogi tum.

Mukti - you bloody how date you broke it ha (she about to punch but aryaman stop her) leave me aryaman how dare he leave me .

Aryaman - we will See hik later first let's see nandini you know here how will she feel right now please its MANIK' GUITAR and you know what can she do if it's related to manik .

Mukti realised now it's maddy not important right now but nandini is . They are start running to find nandini and maddy is behind still sitting on floor and himself confused .

Maddy - what I felt hurt to see nandini tear . who is she that I felt like different ? I never got attached with anyone then why I feel that today for stranger I only met her today then why ? (He hold his hairs and start pulling it hardly to get frustrated) .

They start finding her everywhere but couldn't able to find then suddenly they remember just a little back they celebrate manik birthday in terrace so she will be there. They ran towards terrace soon reach there bit can't able to see nandini there then they start finding in full terrace and found nandini in corner of terrac crying badly with manik guitar hugging tightly. They see each other helpless bcoz no one can control her except manik himself .

Mukti - nandini (call nandini)

Nandini see towards them with teary eyes

Nandini - mukti see na he broke my manik's guitar you know once I take his guitar string just bcoz he is hurt his hand and guitar string is also broken he couldn't able to find new string he shouted on me so badly bcoz this guitar is precious for him you know this guitar is given by his buddy dhruv even same aisa hi guitar dhruv ke pas bhi hai . You remember dhruv when you fight with him bcoz of me then he angrily broke his guitar then you gave new guitar to him this is same guitar you gifted him that day. He told me this guitar shouldn't be broke next time bcoz this guitar have friendship feeling when you guys are nit around him . You know that day dhruv fight with him even alia too before talent hunt performance he cried so much on that day to hug tightly this guitar so that he can feel again same feelings that you guys are there with him just bcoz this guitar is with him . See today its broke means manik trust broken with this guitar.

She start crying again . Everyone console her but she just left from there without saying anything take giriraj with her .

Mukti - nandini sun toh ... Nandini .

But nandini is already left and they feel helpless

Dhruv - what should we do now .

Mukti - first let's teach him a good lesson.

Aryaman - ha let's go

They go to nyonika cabin to resticated him .

Mukti - nyonika just resticated that bastard .

Nyonika - what the hell how dare you come in my cabin like that without any permission.

Alia - ohh cut the crap just resticated him.

Nyonika - and what if I won't do it.

Mukti - nyonika you cant do that.

Nyonika - but guess what (Smirking) I did . Mukti why you always forgot yar manik is not here to deal with your stupid reason and give and take relation with me so why should i listen to you guys.

Aryaman - nyonika mam he will come nandini had hope he will come that's mean he will come.

Nyonika - that stupid girl is still believe that manik will come well he is no more in this world .

Mukti - shut your bloody mouth nyonika we have faith on nandini if she is saying manik will be back soon that means he will be back soon we know our nandini .

Nyonika - wahhh kya pyar hai nandini pe trust hai but dekhi hui baat pe nahi you guys yourself see manik cabir accident still you guys feel they are alive . Just grow up guys live in real yar.

Aryaman - we know he is alive .

Nyonika - get out. You guys didn't wnat to understand a single thing .

Aryaman - even we are not here to see your dirty face nyonika mam we just came here to made you resticated the new guy .

Nyonika - what is the name tell me .

Aryaman see towards mukti for name .

Mukti - madhyam singhania.

Nyonika - fine I will think about it but in return you guys have to gave me something.

Dhruv - fine we will. Just resticated him.

They all left .

Nyonika smirk - interesting it should be more interesting to let madhyam trouble them in these even fab3 couldn't able to concentrate O2 performance.

She called peon ti call madhyam in her cabin. He called him. Maddy acne inside in cabin.

Nyonika - so you are madhyam singhania .

Madhm - yes mam I m Madhyam singhania but short form maddy .

Nyonika - ok and why you are troubling nandiNi murty.

Madhyam - I didn't do anything I just took guitar and they told me that this guitar is from some manik malhotra mistankly its broke by me do they got angry that's it. But why you call me here mam .

Nyonika - nothing I just want you to participate in COLLEGE PRESIDENT even some contestants are there too MISS NANDINI MURTY, MR HARSHAD SAXENA and if you will participate so you too can become president after compete them.

Madhyam - umm MIS CRY BABY se ladne mein aur bhi maza ayega (in mummering) ok mam please add my name too.

Nyonika - sure madhyam singhania . (Smirked)

Madhyam smile - thank you mam.

He left from there .

In nandini side .

Nandini in her room crying then we can see manik there I mean mukti in manik dress behave like him to manish nandini.

Mukti - are ohh janeman hame chod kar kiske deedar kar rahi hai ap ( janeman whom you are staring leaving this boyfriend of your )

Nandini see mukti there.

Nandini - mukti what is this.

Mukti - I m not mukti . I m manik malhotra your boyfriend.

Nandini get shocked to see her like that.

Mukti - are ye tuktuki se kya dekh rahi ho hamari dilbar (why you staring me continuously my sweet lover)

Nandini after hearing such language to mukti mouth she start laughing.

Nandini - where did you learn this language yar mukti. (Still laughing)

Nandini - its seriously looking funny yar stop it ha manik never use such language. (Still laughing)

Mukti made faces but everyone is happy to see nandini happy again even mukti is happy to see nandini happy face but still carry her sad face in front of nandini.

Mukti - ye navya told me this language its so difficult to learn yar I still did but see how is sound its yukk na i knee it but still she told me to try it.

Nandini - no it's not yukk its really romantic words but I just felt different to hear this language in first .

Mukti - are you like it ?

Nandini - yes

Mukti - then I will learn more so that I will convince you whenever you got sad.


2900 WORDS....





Well I got this idea bcoz of my darling we talk like this only so I add here some



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