《With Great Power ( Sword Art Online x Male Reader)》The Temperature of the Heart
(What U/n is wearing)
I was on my way too meet Kirito who messaged me to meet him on floor 35. He wanted to show me something.
After a few minutes of walking I seen Kirito who was with his entire guild. The Moonlit Black Cats.
They noticed me approaching them. I wave to them.
U/n: Hey. What's up?
Kirito jogged towards me.
Kirito: U/n.
He stops and front of me. We both smiled at each other and did our handshake.
Kirito: How you been?
I shrugged my shoulders.
U/n: I'm fine. Anyway, what's you up? What did you want to show me?
Kirito: A few days ago, I found something.
U/n: And that is?
Kirito: A unique skill.
I raised an eyebrow.
U/n: What's it called?
Kirito: Dual welding.
My eyes widened.
U/n: You too?
Kirito looked at me surprised.
Kirito: You have dual welding too?!
U/n: Yeah I noticed it a few weeks ago.
Ducker, Sasamaru, Tetsuo, Keita and Sachi all made their way to us.
Keita: You have dual welding too?
I nod.
Kirito: Do you remember how you got it.
I shake my head.
U/n: I don't how I got it, same as another other one.
Kirito: You have another unique skill?
U/n: Yeah, I have three in total.
Kirito: What's the other two?
U/n: One of them is called "Over drive."
I turned around demonstrated "Over Drive."
I turned back towards them.
U/n: Pretty sure everyone knows about this. I got this when I saved Ducker from the trap room after I defeated all the monsters. And the other one is called "Omnia Vanitas."
Kirito: "Omnia Vanitas?"
U/n: It's practically a high-speed step. I can do three in succession. I can even attack when I get done doing it, works well when I reverse the grip on my sword.
Ducker: Reverse grip, huh.
Kirito: Now that I think about it, you're the only person I know who reverses the grip on their sword.
Kirito shakes his head.
Kirito: Back to the topic on hand. We need to keep this a secret from everyone.
U/n: Yeah. If word got out that we both have something they didn't it'll be another floor 1 situation.
Kirito: Everyone knows you have "Over Drive" but not the other two. But that doesn't mean we can't use them. They could come in handy in life and death situations. Which means we're gonna need some new swords.
U/n: We can get them custom made.
Kirito: Custom made?
I nod my head.
U/n: Yeah, Asuna recommended me this blacksmith on Floor 48. That's the one she goes.
Kirito: Asuna, Huh?
He gets closer to me smirking.
U/n: What's up with you?
Kirito: You and the Second-in-command have gotten really close, haven't you?
I backed up a bit. I could feel my face heat up a bit.
U/n: What are you talking about?
Kirito: You friended her, didn't you?
U/n: So what if I did?
Kirito: I can see something blooming here.
U/n: Since when are you observant? This is so out of character for you.
I shake my head.
U/n: We're getting off track. I can take us to the blacksmith.
Kirito: Sorry, but me and Sachi have a date today.
U/n: Alright, I'll order you one to.
I turn around and started walking away.
U/n: See ya.
I give them a farewell gesture. Next stop. Floor 48.
After saying goodbye to Kirito. I made my way to Floor 48. I walk in the direction where the blacksmith shop is.
After a couple of minutes I arrived. I opened the door as a bell goes. I looked around and saw multiple weapons in glass cases. I walked to one and looked inside staring at the weapons within it.
I heard a door opening and closing.
Lisbeth: Welcome to Lisbeth's blacksmith shop!
I turn to the voice and see a girl with Pink eyes and hair.
U/n: Hello. I was wondering if you do custom orders?
She goes to her counter and raises an eyebrow almost like she's inspecting me.
Lisbeth: I can. The thing is, metal prices are kind of high these days.
U/n: Money's not a problem. I just need the best sword you can make, as soon as possible.
Lisbeth: Well, I make a lot of swords but if you have any idea of the quality of the sword you want, I can make it.
U/n: Yeah. Gimme a second.
I unstrap the sword on my back and handed it to her.
U/n: I'm looking for something the same or better quality then this.
She grabs hold of the sword and nearly drops it because of the unexpected weight of it. She taps on the sword to look at the info.
Lisbeth: A Unity Fox! This is the gnarliest magic sword a person can get from a monster drop!
U/n: What do you think.
She turns around and grabs a sword out of one the shelfs.
Lisbeth: How about this? It's the best sword I ever forged. I call it my master piece.
I start swinging it around, it feels light and unbalanced in my hand.
U/n: I don't know it's a little light.
Lisbeth: It should be. I used a speed-type metal to forge it.
U/n: I'd like to test it, if it's cool with you.
Lisbeth: Test it how?
U/n: You know, it's durability.
I grabbed Unity Fox with my left hand and the Lisbeth sword in my right. She gasps.
Lisbeth: What the heck are you doing?! If you break your sword, I'm not responsible!
U/n: If it breaks, then that's too bad!
Using a sword skill with Lisbeth sword, I brought it down on mine. Fortunately for me my sword didn't break. Lisbeth sword on the other hand. The tip of the sword broke off. We both watch as it flies to the other side of the room shattering. Lisbeth screamed horrified and snatched the sword out of my hand.
Lisbeth: You broke my masterpiece.
In her hands her sword shatters into pixels. She falls down to her knees depressed and immediately got up and grabbed me by the collar of my coat.
Lisbeth: What the hell were you thinking?!
U/n: Sorry! I didn't think yours was gonna break so easy, honest!
She gasps.
Lisbeth: Are you saying my sword, my masterpiece of a sword, was lamer than you thought?!
U/n: Hey, you said it not me.
She growls.
Lisbeth: For your information, if I had the right materials, I could make a butt-load of swords that would shatter yours into a million tiny, little pieces! You got that!
U/n: Oh, yeah? Now that sounds like the type of sword I'm looking for, as long as it can shatter mine, though.
Lisbeth face turned red in annoyance.
Lisbeth: Okay, smarty pants! But you have to help me make it every step of the way!
U/n: You serious?
Lisbeth: Absolutely. And we'll start by getting the metal for it.
U/n: I can handle that part by myself. I'd rather not have you slowing me down.
Lisbeth: Don't you dare insult me! Believe it or not, I'm an expert mace-user.
U/n: Okay, okay, I'll take you with me. Where do we find the metal?
I walked over towards my sword on the counter.
Lisbeth: Floor 55 on the western mountain. There's a dragon there that eats crystals. According to the legends, it's supposed to store a rare metal in its body.
U/n: Floor 55, huh? Yeah, it's better that I go alone.
Lisbeth: And they say that in order to get the metal, you need to bring a master smith along.
U/n: Of course they did.
Lisbeth: Still think going alone's a good idea?
U/n: It was a perfect idea, but I guess I have no choice. Okay two things you need to do while traveling with me. Keep quiet and stay out of they way.
Lisbeth: Wha-- keep quiet and--
U/n: Anyway, my name's U/n. Looks like we're in a party we make those swords.
I held my hand out.
Lisbeth: Yeah, whatever, U/n!
She crosses her arm and looks away.
U/n: If your gonna be like that, I can roll with it... Lis-s-s-beth!
She looks at me with an annoyed look.
We both made our way to Floor 55 and are climbing up the mountain. I could hear Lisbeth shivering from the could. She sneezes.
Lisbeth: It's cold!
U/n: You should've brought a coat or something. Actually you should've worn pants instead of rocking in your skirt.
Lisbeth: I didn't know Floor 55 was going to be this freaking cold!
I open my inventory and got out a coat and threw it at her.
Lisbeth: Huh? Are you going to be okay without this?
U/n: You don't feel cold if you're disciplined.
Lisbeth: If you're trying to piss me off, it's working. It's warm though.
She stops walking.
U/n: Something wrong, Lisbeth? Giving up soon huh? The cold too much for ya?
Lisbeth: Not on your life! And if you're gonna be a jerk about it, you might as well call me Liz.
U/n: Yeah, yeah, got it, Liz.
Lisbeth: Yeah, well don't wear it out!
After a while longer, we reached an area with a ton of crystals everywhere.
Lisbeth: It's beautiful!
She runs forward but I stop her by pulling onto the hood of the coat.
Lisbeth: What's your problem?!
U/n: There's a thing call Aggro and I would like for you to avoid it. Now get your teleport crystal ready.
Lisbeth: I know, I know, I'm doing it.
U/n: And I'm handling this part on my own. Once the dragon appears, you're gonna hide behind one of those crystals over there. Don't come out until I say so.
Lisbeth: Oh, come on! I'm not a noob! If I want to help you, I'll earn well do it!
I cross my arms.
U/n: You have two options. You can do as I say and hide behind those crystals. Or we turn around and go back the way we came from, the choice is up to you.
Lisbeth: Fine.
U/n: Good.
I pat her on the head.
U/n: Alright, let's get going.
Just then we heard the Dragons roar.
U/n: Liz! Behind cover now!
Lisbeth: Okay!
Suddenly, the dragon landed in front of me. I drew my sword and was ready for an attack.
It hovers in the air and it's mouth cracking with energy.
Lisbeth: Watch out! It's a breath attack!
It shoots out a breath attack. Using a sword skill I easily deflected the attack. I rushed the dragon and started to take it on.
I jumped up in the air and slashed off one of it's arms.
Lisbeth ran out from behind the crystal.
Lisbeth: Come on! Stop playing with it and finish if off already!
U/n: Are you kidding me! Liz don't come out yet!
The dragon saw Lisbeth and used its wings to create a gust of wind, it pushes Lisbeth to a large hold.
U/n: Liz!
I instantly rushed over and jumped into the hole. I see her falling and grabbed onto her.
U/n: Liz, hold on tight!
I held onto Lisbeth and shifted our positions where I was on the bottom and her on top. We hit the ground. After a few minutes Lisbeth stirs and looks around and see she's on top of me. My Hp was in the red.
U/n: Are we dead?
She gets off me.
Lisbeth: No. We're alive.
I groan as I sat up. I grabbed two health potions and handed one to Lisbeth.
U/n: Just to be safe. Drink one of these.
We both drank the potions getting our Hp back up.
Lisbeth: Thank you, you know, for-- for saving me.
U/n: I wouldn't thank me just yet. We still have to find a way out of this hole.
Lisbeth: Huh? Can't we just teleport out?
She grabs a teleport crystal.
Lisbeth: Teleport-- Lindas!
Nothing happens.
Lisbeth: No way!
U/n: Well, guess teleporting ain't gonna get us out here.
I stood up from the ground.
U/n: If we can't use crystals, that means there should be another way out.
Lisbeth: How can you be so sure there is?! I mean, maybe this is some kind of trap rigged to kill anyone who falls into it!
U/n: Good point. Maybe it is.
She stands up from the ground.
Lisbeth: Would it kill you to at least try to cheer me up?!
U/n: Don't worry I have an idea how we can get out of here.
Lisbeth: Really?
U/n: Yup. We run up the wall.
Lisbeth: Who do you think you are Spider-man? You're insane.
U/n: Maybe. But that's the only thing I could think of.
I take a couple steps back and ran forward. I jumped up and started running up the wall. But of course I slip and fall to the ground.
I made a human-like hole in the ground.
U/n: Help me. I fallen and I can't get up.
I groan and got out of the hole.
U/n: Maybe if I had more of a running start, I probably would've made it.
Lisbeth: Yeah, I don't think so.
We couldn't figure a way out and decided to make camp in the hole. We both lay next to each other staring at the night sky.
Lisbeth: This is kind of weird, isn't it. This wouldn't happen in real life-- you know, going to strange places, meeting a total stranger, and then sleeping next to them! I mean, you actually tried running up that wall! *Laughing* You really are a weirdo! You know that?
U/n: Well, excuse me.
She giggles. She stares back up at the sky.
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