《The Guy Next Door (COMPLETED)》Chapter 20: The Jake I Like.



"Oh my fucking god." I say looking at the rear view mirror,"Who is that?"

"You like it?" Ashley says,"I always wanted to play fairy godmother."

I am still too shocked to reply.

"Oh come on!" Ashley pouts,"You like modern Cinderella although I doubt your converse shoes will slip off."

"I said help me wear the dress." I say,"Not turn me into a spineless fairytale character."

"Hey!" Ashley says,"You said fashion emergency. If you want help from me then you should have expected a full makeover.So remember Clara the best or nothing "

I roll my eyes and suppress a smile. I was an hour and a half late to the dance and I was most definitely fashionably late.

I was wearing the pale blue gown that apparently went perfectly with my eyes.

I don't even know whats that supposed to mean.

But anyway. Ashley had literally transformed me into something out of a fairytale book and it honestly scared me how different I looked.

My hair was curly as usual but somehow it wasn't frizzing up. Dare I say it:It looked good. She had put layers of foundation and mascara and applied things to my face I didn't know the name off.

I know that I should have been worried but considering the fact that Ashley looks like a supermodel in her casual clothes I wasn't too worried.

I get out of the car bundling up the dress carefully hoping to god it doesn't get soiled.

"Okay!" Ashley says,"I want plenty off pictures and you better have danced. Oh P.S mascara is waterproof just in case there is any drama and your lip gloss and tissues are all in there."

I smile.

"You know Ashley you should meet my friend Rebecca I think you guys will get along perfectly." I say.

Ashley smiles.

"Well, best if luck and your curfew is too not come home before midnight." She says and drives off.

I laugh and suddenly there are butterflies in my stomach.

Oh come on Clara it is a stupid dance.

I take a deep breath in and enter the school not sure who I would be searching for Jake or Alec.


It doesn't really take me long to find the gym. The noise clearly gives it away and plus I doubt that I would ever forget the place that makes my life a living hell.

Okay Clara you can do this. This is a stupid dance.

I enter the gym just as a slow song starts to play and the entire gym is dark. Blue lighting illuminates the dance floor as some cheesy slow movie plays.

and I actually wondered why I didn't come to these dances

Suddenly there is a gasp in front of me breaking me out of my reverie.

A pretty girl is standing in front of me perhaps a junior and making no attempt to hide the fact that she was staring flat out envious at my dress and I am pretty sure Ashley's great make up skills had done everything to make the dress look even better.

As I move forward its like the entire crowd parts in front of me making way for me.

That is definitely more than slightly creepy.

"And there we have it folks at last homecoming queen nominee who is a bit more than fashionably late. Clara Wilson."

The DJ announces and I feel the heat of a spotlight trained on me making me go blind.


"Now don't forget to vote wisely."he says and the spotlight goes off me.

That's it I am never going to do this crap ever again I turn around to leave but I crash into someone.


My breath hitches slightly and it doesn't take a genius to figure out that it was because of Jake. He looked his best tonight and that was saying something. He had a slightly hopeful smile on his face and his dark black tux matched perfectly with his hair and made his green eyes stick out.

Oh god i sound like Ashley and Rebecca put together in one person. But its not my fault really its like every time I see Jake he looks better than before. I swear to god i will change my name to Bob if there is one look that he cant pull off.

Every time I see Jake it's like he looks hotter than the last'

That's not humanely possible.

Jake looks at me and then smiles.

"I have wanted to do this ever since the lake." He says and then suddenly there is no space between us.

"Jake what the he-" he doesn't let me complete as he circles his arms around my waist and kisses me.

Holy crap.

"Clara?" He said looking down at me slightly confused as he towers over me,"What the hell happened to you?"

Suddenly I became really conscious of myself. I am standing frozen in my spot.Great I was day dreaming about kissing him. That's pathetic. I mean come on I am here for Alec. Alec. Alec.

What's more pathetic is that I actually wanted it to be true?


" I know Ashley.It looks really weird." I say grabbing my hair trying to stuff it in a pony tail trying to get over just how ridiculous coming here was. Clearly I was being delusional about Jake as usual.

"No." He says grabbing my wrist trying to stop me from tying my hair,"I mean its just very very different."

I look at him confused totally not trying to think about how imaginative I am but I know there is no point of even trying to daydream the fact that kiss meant anything to him.

Which is why it doesn't mean anything to me either.

Fuck. Why can't everything be easy?

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I ask trying to ignore the fact that half of the student body on the dance floor were staring at us.

He looks at me with a look I cant decipher.

"I'll tell you once I figure it out." He says,"So anyway dance with me."

"Gladly." I say smiling as fakely as possible,"I mean why wouldn't I want too?"

"Great," he says,"I am leading."

I roll my eyes letting him drag me to the dance floor.

"Your funeral Henderson." I say as he leads me right to the centre of the dance floor.

This is so stupid.I mean the centre of the dance floor?

Suddenly the music changes from some soapy old that makes me feel a hundred years old into one of my favourite songs ever:


It's going down I'm yelling timber,

you better move, you better dance.

I am about to tell Jake that I want to listen to the song rather than dance to it but before I can Jake grabs my wrist and twirls me and I let out a gasp as he pulls me back.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I say staring at him wide eyed,"Are you trying to kill me?"


Jake smirks and says,"Nope this is me leading."

I suddenly realise that Jake has his arms around me and I can smell that familiar honeydew smell and I forget the fact that we are not the only people in this room.

Cut it out Clara.

"I really am sorry Clara," he says.

I can't see his face but I know he genuinely means it and thats what makes me want to throw up.

I know he is saying sorry for our fight and the fact that he literally told me to fuck off but I know the main reason he is saying sorry is for kissing me that night.

Well, he did acknowledge it.

Shut up! I mind yell in my head.

Oh god Clara you are the epitome of being pathetic. All you ever think about is how Jake is an asshole and stupid but for once he is doing the right thing. You and Jake have nothing in common and lets face it you like Alec always have always will and it was in fact your fault. He was drunk and you encouraged him.

"Apology accepted." I say trying to hide the fact that my voice was shaking.

"I'll take that as a I forgive you for whatever happens next," he says.

"What do-"

I am interrupted when he quickly spins me and then drops me and my arms instinctively wrap around his neck. His arms are supporting my lower back and he holds me in that position and his face is so close to mine that I can feel his breath.

"Told you I am sorry." He says and then pulls me back up.

I stare at him in shock trying to comprehend what happened and then I slowly smile forgetting the fact that the Clara few minutes ago would be probably slapping me right now as I said,"What are you waiting for Henderson? Lead."


Dancing is fun.

Yes, me Clara Wilson just said that. With Jake the time I spent dancing didn't make me want to puke but I actually felt exhilarated. Sure I managed to slip despite my converse shoes but Jake managed to catch me every time. That did not help with my fantasies though.

But it was fun.

Rebecca came over in between and gave me a wink as she continued dancing, Samantha was also having fun with all the boys hitting on her and she looked absolutely stunning. She gave me a thumbs up and continued on.

"So are you having fun?" Jake said,"I mean you do have the best dance partner."

I roll my eyes and say,"Sure Henderson why not?I mean I did come to the dance now didn't I?"

For some reason I don't want to tell him that I am here because of Alec and I would never have come if he hadn't convinced me.

I look at Jake unable to describe what I am feeling. There is anger, confusion, hate but below that is there is something I cant quite put my finger on.

"You look really pretty." He says.

I blush and smile,"Well you don't look so bad yourself."

He laughs and his dimples show.

Fuck. Its unnatural to be that hot.

"Please every single girl in this room is looking at you as if they want to kill you." He says.

"Oh wow you notice that now?" I say sarcastically,"I think it would have been better if you had noticed it on the first day of school where I was this close to getting ambushed and ripped into pieces."

"And yet clearly you are perfectly okay now." He says raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah thats because Alec came and -" I stopped mid way for some reason.

Suddenly its like all the lightness between us have disappeared. Shit I do sound like some sad cliched teen fiction protagonist in one of Rebecca's books.

"So." I say trying to change the topic," I know this is a bit late. But the night when we I was drugged what happened that made you land up in my bed?Half naked?"

I mean it had been about two weeks and frankly I was never really curious because I frankly didn't even want to know. I mean I know that nothing would have really happened except for Jake and Alec arguing or something like that.

Okay honestly I didn't even think about what had happened because I was to caught up with the result. Yes, Jake Henderson half naked on my bed. Who cares how he got there.

Maybe the girl who woke up next to him that day did. But this one didnt.

Yes, I had gone that far.

He stiffens slightly and suddenly pulls back.

"Umm nothing really. It was pretty stupid really." He says clearly lying,"You just spilt something on my t-shirt and thats about it."

"Really?" I say,"Thats all that happened?"

"Yup" He says not looking at me straight.

"How did you end up on the bed?" I ask again now definitely curious.

"So the weather huh?" He says.

I laugh out loud seeing his crappy attempt to brush off the topic.

"Hey that was legitimate topic." Jake defends laughing too as we stand doing absolutely nothing in the middle of the dance floor with everyone staring at us trying to figure out what was wrong with the two of us.

"So why aren't you telling me what happened that night?" I say.

He looks at me embarrassed,"Nothing happened. You spilt something on me and then I got tired trying to put you in bed."

He makes a face.

"Did it sound as wrong as I think that did?" He says but I am to busy laughing hard.

I was actually enjoying this dance. It was all because of Jake though.

The Jake he was know. The sweet , cocky joker.

The Jake I liked.

Suddenly my eyes went wide and I stopped just playing the sentence I just said in my head.

The Jake I liked.

"Clara are you all right?" Jake looks at me worried and honestly I know how I look liked.

Completely shell shocked.

"I need to go to the bathroom. I will be back in some time." I say and run to the bathroom as fast as my feet can carry me.

Thankfully the bathroom is completely empty. And I blink looking at the girl in the mirror. A pretty petite blonde with the girl wide grey eyes.

She looks beautiful.

She is not me.

She likes dancing while I never had.

She is much more open and outgoing than I will ever be.

But still as I blink she blinks along with me.

I like Alec and she likes......


I immediately think of Alec his blonde hair and his smile. He has always been there for me and frankly I would be lost without him. He has helped me get through a lot and despite Natalie's clear hate for me he has never stopped supporting me.

He always stood up for me no matter what and looking at the blue dress I am in and the reason I am here is because of him.

It has always been Alec and it will always be him.

No matter what.

Whatever I think or feel about Jake will be nowhere near what I feel for Alec.

Are you sure?

This is ridiculous. Jake is more moody than a girl on her period every day of the month. He is annoying frustrating and -

The sweet cocky jokester I like.

I stare at myself blinking at then start laughing like a moron.

I don't like Jake.

I just don't hate him anymore.

Yeah thats it and here I was making a big deal out of it acting like some crappy retard of a drama queen.

A girl walks in and she gives me a weird stare and asks me,"Are you all right?"

I stop laughing and look at her and say,"What you have never seen a girl having a mental conversation with herself."

She just gives me the you belong in a mental ward look and walks in a stall.

Thats when Rebecca comes in and says,"Oh good you are not dead."

"Thanks?" I say confused.

"No, Jake made it look like you were dying," she rambles,"Plus you had been in the bathroom for a suspiciously long while."

"Jake sent you here." I state.

"I know it was so cute." she says,"Him being really concerned and all-"

"Please stop." I say my voice sounding slightly strangled.

"Are you sure you are not dying?" She asks.

"Maybe I am." I say slowly wording my next words,"I mean I have actually started to refer to Jake as a friend."

She rolls her eyes.

"I am sure half of the girls in the senior class would want to kill you." She says.

"Now come they are going to announce the results for homecoming queen." She says.

I roll my eyes.

"I don't care." I say.

"Okay whatever. Lets go meet your "friend" Jake" she says putting air quotes around the word friend.

She grabs my hand and pulls me towards the direction of the gym.

I go in and the lights have been dimmed.

"Can all the nominees please come on stage." The principal announces.

I stand there watching Natalie in her deep purple dress march unto stage with Alec who looks absolutely dashing.

Rebecca nudges me.

"What?" I say.

"You are a nominee too," she says looking at me with a blank dumb look.

Shit she is right. A spotlight flashes on me and I have no choice but to walk up to stage.

I take the spot next to Jake and he asks,"Are you all right?"

"Im fine." I say,"I just really needed to go."

He gives me a small smile.

Alec waves at me from the other side of stage and Natalie throws me the dirtiest look possible.

Happy Homecoming.

"Hey do you have a ride home tonight?" Jake says as the principal starts ranting about the tradition and importance of the senior homecoming dance.

"Nope." I say secretly hoping that he asks me to come with him.

"You can come with me." He says and I almost sigh.

Get a grip Clara you just had a mental argument with yourself in the bathroom.

"Yeah I would love too." I say.

Love too...

"So its time to announce the results." The principal says.

"Hey Jake do you have the diary?" I ask.

He looks at me kind of shocked and disappointed and he slowly nods.

"And the winner of the Homecoming King is three time winner already Alec Evans." the principal announces.

I barely hear her though and look at Jake and tell him,"Please don't give it back to me."

I blink a few times trying to understand what I just said to him.

He looks at me confused and surprised but I can make out that he is happy.

And I am happy too.

"And the homecoming queen is Miss Natalie Anderson." The principal and the entire crowd claps and me and Jake finally break eye contact.

"Why?" he asks.

I look at him again. I know how the people below the stage were looking at the two of us standing at the corner of the stage looking and talking to each other.

"Well, I don't need it any longer." I say.

He smiles and I reflect the smile.

The Jake I like.

"Its time for the king and queen to share the first official dance of the homecoming ball of the batch of 2014."The principal announces.

He is only a friend.

I shake my head and break eye contact with Jake and look at Alec and Natalie.

The slow song has already started to play but despite that Alec stands in his place and Natalie gives him a confused look.

Alec looks at me for two-seconds and says,"Umm actually sir can I have the first dance with Clara instead?"



Author: *throws confetti in the air* Happy Valentine's Day.

Rebecca: You want us to be happy after that cliffhanger?

Author: Shouldn't you be happy I updated?

Samantha: Im telling you we should overthrow her and get someone better.

Author: thats it *sits on her computer and starts planning Samantha's death scene*

Samantha: At least write my death scene with good grammar.

Rebecca: Where is Clara?

Clara: *screaming* Thats it I am giving up. I cannot believe what you just did.

Jake: *smirks* make you admit that you like me finally.

Clara: *turning red* I don't. You are just a friend.

Alec: Please I just dissed my girlfriend and asked Clara to dance in front of the entire senior batch. You have no chance.

*Jake and Alec start arguing.*

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