《The Guy Next Door (COMPLETED)》Chapter 16: Cat Fights Have Nothing On How Girls Fight


"You look like you are going to faint." Jake informs me on Monday morning.

"Jeez Hi to you too." I snap at him as I sit on the seat near the kitchen counter and lay my head down.

So maybe I wasn't in the best mood this morning. I had spent the entirety of yesterday moping around and doing Math. Wow Clara way to spend a Sunday. This morning I would have probably not even got out of bed if it hadn't been for Alec.

I was blissfully sleeping when the curtains were thrown open. At first I thought I was being abducted by aliens. I mean who could have thought that the sunlight would be so bright? But as soon as I realized that wasn't the case and I saw Alec looking at me I was actually kind of disappointed. Looking back at how I first reacted when Alec had come into my room two weeks ago was kind of hilarious.

"Lemme sleep." I groan. Hilarious

"Get up Clara." He said his voice sounding like he was trying hard not to laugh.

After a lot of lazying around I finally got up and Alec gave me a prize winning smile. I had to admit that it was worth getting up after that. But that's where my morning went to hell.

As you guys know I haven't been the best when it comes to co ordination. So when I enter my bathroom I stub my toe hard on the sinks marble base. After two minutes of hopping around on foot I finally went for a bath. Only to find out that the water was ice cold.

I tried to find heater everywhere but then found out that it was centrally heated and as of now the setting were cold. What the hell does Jake dream about at night? You know what I don't even want to know. Thinking about it makes me want to puke.

So after my bath, I wasn't in a very good and that's when the head ache started. It was like there was a party in my head that I wasn't invited too. All I got was the hangover.

So I trudge my way down to kitchen finding Jake looking happy as ever and so bloody bright and Alec was also like that. Sometimes it really creeps me out just how similar and yet different the two are.

"Stop looking so happy." I grumble, "It's a Monday morning you are supposed to look depressed and sad. "

"I actually love Monday mornings."

I eye him carefully. Okay that's not normal even for Jake. In fact as far as I can remember in camp he was just as bad a morning person as me.

"Jake, whatever you have done or about to do just stop." I say, "Honestly if you are going to have a cold shower then have the courtesy to turn the heater back on. And I swear to god if I find any CDs lying around-"

"Stop assuming things." He says cutting me off, "Besides why do you assuming that I was the one who turned the heater off. Golden Boy may not be as cut out innocent as he seems to be."

I roll my eyes just as Alec comes down.

Unlike Jake, Alec had always been a morning person so he looked as if he was ready to catch anything that was thrown at him.

"Hi Clara." He says happily as he sits next to me and then turns his attention to Jake who is currently eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.


Damn. I want a peanut butter and Jelly sandwich.

I must have said that out loud because he hands me one that is lying on the plate next to him.

"What's with all the mess." Alec asks, "It looks like this place was hit by an earthquake."

"Otherwise known as Jake." I say between bites.

Jake gives Alec a smirk.

"By the time you understand the reason for this mess you are going to thank me." He says.

"Ten bucks, I won't." Alec shoots back.

"Yeah he is the biggest neat freak ever." I say.

"Am not." Alec gives me an offended look and I grin.

Just then the bell rings and Jakes grabs my half eaten sandwich and chucks it on the floor.

"What the hell?" I yell out loudly.

Jake doesn't hear me though he is running to the door like a freaking puppy.

"Jake you owe me a sandwich."I yell.

Curious as to why Jake was acting like a lovesick dog I edge towards the door followed by Alec. Jake opens it and has a wide grin on his face.

On the other side is a tall girl who is drop dead gorgeous. My mouth is wide open and I'm pretty sure that Alec has forgotten that he has a girlfriend.

"Jake have you made a mess again?"the girl comes in.

She is tall with black hair and grey eyes and is fit to be on the cover of next months vogue magazine. She looked about 23 or something.

"It's not my fault." Jakes whines like a little kid, "I'm hopeless without you during the weekends."

My mouth drops further than possible.

Who was she?

Clara are you jealous? A voice in my head chimes which sound annoyingly like Jakes.

Am not! I retort back.

Are too

Am not!

Alec clears his throat uncomfortably and I break out of the argument going in my head. Me jealous?


The girl or woman I don't know turns around to see the both of us and she breaks into a wide grin.

"Oh you must be Alec and Clara." She says hugging the two of us, "I'm Ashley Daniels"

We both give her a blank expression.

"Oh I'm Jakes nanny." She says.

You have got to be kidding me!

We are both looking at Jake who is smirking at out expressions.Alec puts his hand in a pocket and takes out a ten dollar note and hands it over to Jake.

"Just some money I owe him." He says.

Ashley nods and gives her thousand volt smile again and hums as she makes her way to kitchen with the two boys following her like a lost puppy.

I'm standing there kind of shocked as to what the hell just happened.

I grudgingly follow them to kitchen where Ashley is giving Jake a disapproving look as she scans the dirty kitchen floor.

"Jake you are probably the messiest person I have ever known." She says.

"I know." Jake says that grinning, "You say that every morning you come, during the week. You know I would be happy to stay back and help."

Ashley smiled.

"No no." She said she said pulling Jakes cheek like he was a 2 year old kid, "If you started cleaning up your own mess what would you need me for."

I honestly didn't know how to react. I had never seen Jake looking so star struck at anyone. So amazed and so well nervous around people.


He actually.... He really liked Ashley.

"So you guys must be wondering what the hell is going on." Ashley turned to us flashing her thousand watt smile. Alec has this dazed expression on his face.

"Wait your name is Clara Wilson, right?" Ashley asked,"Michella Wilson's sister?"

I froze.

"Yes, she is." Jake answered for me, "You'll be happy to know that she is nothing like her."

Ashley left out a sigh.

"Thank god." Ashley said "I mean your sister was a total bitc-"

She stopped half way through as if she just understood what she had said. Her eyes widened.

"She doesn't like Michella very much either." Jake said.

Ashley smiled happily.

"Thank god." Ashley smiled,"I'm sorry but your sister was like Satan's spawn with a major attitude problem."

Oh what do you know I actually like her.

"Not to mention the superiority complex." I add.

Ashley nodded and then made a disgusted face as she stepped on my half eaten sandwich.

"Ew Jake." She said, "I swear to god the minute a girl sees this she will go running away. You will never get a girlfriend at this rate."

Jake opens his mouth to protest but Alec cuts him off, "Clara is dating Jake."


Jake and I must have forgotten that tiny little detail. Aah maybe that's why he came up with the fake dating thing to make Ashley jealous.

Jealous are we, Wilson?

Shut up! I reply to Jakes annoying voice thy had manifested in my head.

"Well, how do handle him and his mess?" Ashley asks.

"She is the one who dropped the sandwich." Jake says.

She raises an eyebrow stunned. Then she slowly looks between the two of us and smiles.

"Well, then Jake you may have finally met your match." Ashley replies smiling.


This was what I got to know about Ashley so far. She was currently studying to become a teacher and is urgently taking night classes to finish her degree

She is 22 and has just finished college and had scored the job at the Henderson household last month. She got the weekends off and was expected to come in the mornings to see if everything was fine.

Needless to say we all knew why Jake couldn't let go of his "nanny".

"Shit we are late." I say out loud. Ashley was actually pretty good company but I barely got time to speak to her as both the boys were fighting for her attention.

Ashley smiles. "I'll be happy to drop the three of you to school."

I open my mouth to say no, but both the guys in unison shout.


God desperate much?

"Great." Ashley says unfazed by this, "I'll just get the car."

With that she turned around and left.

That's when it began. Fangirling or Fanboying?

: That's your nanny? I would have stayed in your house a long time back.

: Told you so. I mean she is hot.

: Don't you have a girlfriend?

: Don't you?

: but mine isn't sitting in front of me.

: And your point is?

And then it went on.

When the car horn sounded I was so happy I got up quickly and was ready to sprint to the car. But unfortunately I stepped on the half eaten sandwich that Jake had thrown on the floor and I fell flat on the floor.

Great way to start a morning Clara.

Alec helped me get up. As much as I love the floor I rather restrain falling flat on my face and kissing it.

"Are you all right." He said.

I nodded rubbing my nose and slowly getting up. Alec holds my hand and helps me up while Jake has already gone and called shotgun.

Sometimes I really wonder if we were actually dating he would be so insensitive. But then again us really dating would probably result in world war three.

I'm pretty amazed to see that Ashley drives a sky blue pickup truck. I sit at the back inhaling the faint smell of cherries and put my earphones on as the boys flirt shamelessly with her.

Not shamelessly as much as desperately.

I keep on rubbing my nose and listen to some random song on my phone. I wasn't even 30 seconds through the song when Alec pokes me.

I took out my earphones and gave him a quizzical look.

"I'd be worried if I were you." Alec tells me.

I give him a baffled look as I say, "Why?"

He looks ahead and I start paying attention to Jake and Ashley's conversation. Its kind of funny actually how Jake behaves like a two year old kid in front of her.

"So Jake are you going to the winter homecoming dance wit Clara." Ashley asks

"I really don't have a choice." He says.

"Wait you're going to the dance with him?" Alec asks his eyes wide.

"Who else would I go with?" I reply back, "He is my boyfriend."

It takes all my strength not to add the word unfortunately.

"Still?" Alec asked, "Why haven't you broken up with him yet?"

Clara don't say it don't say it....

"Why haven't you broken up with Natalie yet?" I reply back.

He looks at me for two-seconds before finally looking away.

"You know what forget it." He says.

"Well, at least you know that you are going to be getting homecoming king with Natalie again." I say while in my mind I'm thinking Why hasn't someone put duct tape on my mouth already?

Alec gave me a weird look.

"So Clara how did Jake ask you out?" Ashley said, "Was it something romantic?"

"I don't do romantic" Jake says.

I cut him off as he is going to say something,"Oh yeah it was so romantic. He laid rose petals and lit scented candles and he-"

I mean I might as well take this opportunity to embarrass the hell out of Jake. Right?

"I remember it happening differently," Jake says clearly glaring at me but I'm too busy laughing at Jakes horrified and completely red face.

"Aww Jakie is a romantic." Ashley says.

"I'm not Jakie! Or a Romantic!" Jake exclaims his face completely red.

"Is little Jakie shy?" Alec taunts laughing.

Jake sits in front his arms crossed looking completely livid with his false ego hurt while the rest of us were laughing.

The car stops and I'm surprised to see that we our already at school.

"Jakie do you have your lunch money."Ashley says as we get out of the car.

"I swear to god you are more embarrassing than my mom."Jake mutters glaring at Ashley.

"Oh come on Jakie you know I only do this cause I love you." She says giving Jake a kiss on his cheeks.

A faint blush starts to form on his cheeks. I'm not sure whether it was off embarrassment or something else entirely.

"Now take care of him Clara." Ashley says getting into her car, "I want my little Jakie back safe and sound."

With that she drives off but me and Alec are too busy to notice laughing our heads off. Jake kept on glaring at us and by the time we stopped there were tears in our eyes.

"It's not funny." Jake says.

"Oh come on loosen up Jake." Alec says, "Its just a joke."

There were a lot of people in the parking lot and all of them were intently staring at us.

I don't know what made me do it but I go on my tip toes and give him a slight kiss on his cheek just like Ashley did.

"Bye Jakie."I say loudly enough for the people who were standing in the parking lot and staring.

I quickly walk away trying not to laugh as Jake glared at me with a slightly shocked expression. Just as I turn around I see a slight blush on his cheek. I'm not sure whether it was embarrassment or something else entirely.


Gym. Also known as the bane of my existence is without a doubt the worst part of my day.

It was compulsory for all student of Seaview High as apparently young children these days didn't exercise much. We had to go every once in 2 weeks because students these days simply lazed around.

The hell I don't. I tolerate an entire day of school and that's enough. I don't know about the others but avoiding Natalie is pretty freaking hard.

But perhaps the worst thing about gym is Natalie. Every single time I was put in the opposite team as I was always picked last. Because of course with my luck Natalie not only was in my gym class but would always target me.

I was completely planning on avoiding her and was innocently sitting at a corner and tying my shoe laces until she came and literally shoved her face in front of me.

I freaked out and backed up a little.

"What?" I asked her not bothering to stammer like I usually do.

Her eyes narrowed, after all this was new for her.

"Where was Alec this morning?" She inquired.

"Do I look like a walking talking encyclopedia on him?" I retort back getting really pissed.

Somewhere at the back of my mind something was screaming WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? But the other part just continued giving Natalie the same bitchy look she had.

Natalie looked kind of surprised and frankly I was too but I wasn't going to go back to stammering Clara any time soon.

"Well, seeing how you drool over my boyfriend every day since you were in kindergarten I would think so yes." She snapped.

I continued to glare at her.

"Who was the black haired girl?" Natalie demanded.

"Someone who you are never going to be able to compare yourself too." I say getting up and walking towards the middle of the gym.

"Lets get one thing clear." Natalie said as she walks up to me, "Just because you are dating Jake who for some reason thinks you are interesting does not mean you can go parading around like the queen bee."

"Yeah as if that title has your name on it."I say.

Clara don't do it, unless you want your entire senior year to be hell in earth don't say anything else.

But of course my mouth thought differently.

"Newsflash Natalie in two weeks by just talking to more people I have made more friends not to mention more popularity than you have in two years." I say.


Natalie gave me one of those evil looks that made her look like a Chimera ready to swallow me whole.

I gulped.

Bad move Clara. You maybe Doctor Jekyll and Mrs. Hyde but she is the freaking incredible hulk.

But one thing was clear no way was I backing down. As if on cue the P.A system blared out.

"This is your Vice Principal speaking. I'm here to announce what you all have been eagerly waiting for. The nominees for the homecoming dance this weekend. The nominees for the homecoming king are"

The voice briefly stopped for a second for the dramatic effect.

"Our ruling king Alec Evans."

I glanced at Natalie whose entire attention was focused on the P.A system.

"Jake Henderson."

Her gaze shifted to me for a split moment and honestly that one look made me want to go curl up and die somewhere.

"Jeremy Hoffman."

That was totally expected I sigh and walk towards the end of the gym trying to get away from Natalie as soon as possible after all the homecoming queen nominees were obvious Natalie and her group of friends.

"Now for the homecoming queen nominees. Young girls cross your fingers because here goes."

I glance at the gym where about 30 or so girls are holding hands and actually crossing their fingers. I never did get the point of it. I mean how can something so trivial mean so much to someone?

"The first nominee is our current reigning queen Miss Natalie Anderson."

Jeez that was a surprise.

"The second nominee is the vice president of the cheerleading squad Miss Melanie King."

Oh my god really I would have never guessed. Its actually ridiculous. The next girl would be another cheerleader.

"The third and final nominee is Miss Cl-"

The announcer stopped halfway through and you could hear him whispering softly.

"Are you sure? Is it her?"

We could hear it through the P.A system. My interest piqued. Who could it be? It had happened once before in our school where a gay guy had been nominated for homecoming queen. It was a prank and it had been very mean but like the teachers had said it depends on the children who decide the king and queen.

"Our third and final nominee for the homecoming queen is Miss Clara Wilson."

Wait what?

I actually kind of pinched myself. Yes, in the past few weeks my popularity had risen up but no way did I did think it had been this much.

But this was definitely not a dream because all 20 girls were looking at her some with absolutely appalled expression like Natalie had or just mild surprise.

"Everyone chop chop." We start with warm ups,"Relay first."

Hold it. We are going to play relay when one of the weirdest things in my life has just taken place?

"Sir can I be the captain?"Natalie asks.

"Yeah Yeah." He then sat down on the chair taking out the latest issue of Guns and Ammo.

"So Clara is captain of the other team." Natalie says, "And Alison, Riley, Megan and Jayden are in my team."

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