《The Guy Next Door (COMPLETED)》Chapter 13: Brownie Points


"Ha-ha very funny." Jake says looking at my grandmother.

"Young man do I look like I'm joking?" My grandmother says sternly giving him a look that would probably make people cry.

Jake takes a step back and my grandmother laughs.

"I'm kidding Jake." she says smiling, "But I was very serious about moving in part."

Argument breaks out in the kitchen.

Rebecca and Samantha slowly get up and start moving towards the door. Rebecca whispers in my ears as she leaves.

"We are going to be having a sleepover at your new house pretty soon."

Oh that's just great.

"It's my house." Jake shouts, "The guy is eighteen for the love of god he does not need to have a baby sitter."

"Exactly I've been alone plenty of times." Alec says "Why does my dad suddenly think that I need to stay with Jake and his nanny."

"She is not my nanny!" Jake says, "She is my housekeeper you idiot."

"And then he tells me that I need a baby sitter." Alec says.

Jake had turned red.

"Okay look stop complaining and suck it up." My grandmother says with an amused expression, "Your parents have decided it."

"My parents have been absent for 18 years of my life." I say, "So I'm pretty sure I can handle everything on my own."

"Clara" my grandmother says frustrated, "Please."

I look at her for two minutes. There is one thing I can't do and that is saying no to my grandmother when she says please.

"But why?" I say, "Do you really want me to stay with two boys ALONE out of one who happens to be my boyfriend for two weeks?"

"Yes." she says, "I trust you and Jake as to nothing will happen."

Alec makes a gagging face.

"It better not." he says, "I swear to god if you even touch her-"

"She's MY girlfriend." Jake shoots back, "And I can do anything I like."

"I will punch you in the -" Alec replies but is interrupted by my grandmother.

"Boys language please." she says, "But look problem solved I doubt you kids will be able to do anything with Alec around."

"But-" Jake interrupts.

"Case closed." my grandmother says smiling, "Now Jake can you drop me to the airport Alec and Clara have to pack."

I groan and hit my head on the kitchen counter hoping that it will bring me out of this nightmare.


3 hours later I am standing in front of Jake's door with a bag in my hand. I wasn't carrying much. But I had to pack very carefully because my grandmother had taken my keys so once I closed the door to my house she made sure that I wouldn't be able to get back.

"You do know it's for two weeks right?" Jake says inspecting me and my bags.

"Yes." I say slowly.

"Then why do you have only one bag?" he says.

"Because it's only two weeks?" I say unsurely.

"Wow you must be the first girl who didn't get her whole house packed up for two weeks." he says letting me in the living room.

"Sounds like you have experience." I say.

"Not for two weeks but one night sure." he says.

"You're a pig." I reply disgusted.

"That's not what they thought." he says smirking.

I throw my bag at him but he easily dodges it and it hits a vase that shatters into bits on the floor.


"Ohmigod I'm so sorry." I say trying to pick up the shattered bits.


I looked at Jake who had a horrified expression on his face.

"That was my moms favorite vase that was given to her by her great grandmother. "He said.

"Oh my god." I say trying to put the pieces back together.


I turned around to see Alec standing at the door with a quizzical expression on his face.

"Why are you trying to fix that ugly vase together?" he says," I can't believe you finally managed to break it. I and my dad tried for years and then Jeanine had taken it to see if she could do something with it."

I looked at him with my hung open and turned to look at Jake who was laughing like a moron.

"You're such an ass." I say glaring at him as he keeps on laughing.

"But you should have seen your expression." He says.

"Well I'm glad that you could laugh at my expense." I said angrily, "Now can you please show us the rooms?"

He nods.

"There is one bedroom downstairs and two upstairs." he says,"Alec take the downstairs one Clara come up with me."

"Hold it." Alec said "I don't like the idea of the two of you alone in one floor."

"Really you don't?" Jake said sarcastically, "Well I don't like the idea of the fact that you think that I actually care about your opinion."

"Well like it or not I'm in charge." Alec said.

"Number 1. Nobody put you in charge." Jake said, "Number 2. This is MY house and my rules."

"Shut up." I say loudly getting both of their attention.

"How about we do a compromise." I say,"Alec gets to decide which rooms we get to stay and Jake you get to decide what we do tonight."

"So I get to decide what we do tonight?" Jake said, "And he has to do it."

"Yes." I say, "But it shouldn't be physically harmful. Now I'm going to my room to get away from you."

I take a three sixty degree turn and head to the spare bedroom which I had seen before when I had come to the house previously.

The room was modern with a black and white fittings just like the rest of the house. It was huge but not as big as my room but it had a bathroom that was bigger than mine. I threw my bag to one side and collapsed on the bed.

Two weeks. Alone with Jake and Alec. Let me rephrase that. Two weeks all alone in the same house as Jake and Alec. Why am I not as happy as I should be? I'm living in the same house as ALEC! But what I was really unhappy about was definitely Jake and Alec together. They didn't match in fact they hated each other and I was stuck right in between them.


"So how is it living with the Henderson's or wait the Evans going?" Rebecca squealed through the receiver of the phone.

"What she means that have they burned the house down yet?" Samantha asked me her voice sounding strangely metallic through the speaker.

"Yeah I mean I doubt the house can take so much hotness under one roof." Rebecca replied and I roll my eyes.

"You should be more like asking if they have killed each other yet." I say, "Trust me it's scary seeing them fight. They just keep giving each other the stink eye and if looks could kill I would be the only one alive in this house."


I heard Rebecca chuckle.

"Puhleez have you seen the way Jake eyes you when you're with Alec or the way Alec eyes you when you were with Jake." Rebecca asked me.

"No?" I say unsure.

I can hear Samantha and Rebecca laughing.

"Okay meanies." I say, "I have got to go to order some food. The nanny or whatever she is not here. Can you believe that she put a nanny for us?"

"Wait." Rebecca says so loudly that I almost go deaf, "I bet you Jake know how to cook. All hot guys do"

Samantha snorted.

"Puhleez if he tried to cook then the whole house will be on fire and all that will be left of our poor friend will be the ashes."Samantha said.

"Trust me it won't but if it does can I have those really cute shoes with the pink bows?" Rebecca asks.

"You guys are so nice!" I exclaim sarcastically.

"It's what we do darling." Rebecca says in a fake British accent, "but I'm willing to bet that Jake can cook."

"And I'm willing to bet that Alec can too."Samantha chirped in.

There was a bit off a shocked silence.

"Wait did you just bet on Alec?" Rebecca said slowly as if she was trying to process what had been said.

"Yeah." Samantha said, "If you look at it logically then his dad keeps on going on business trips leaving him alone so-"

"You know what I'm going to order a pizza." I say, "because I'm pretty sure they can't cook."

"We'll see." Rebecca said


Jake can cook.

Alec can cook.

I can't cook.

This is the last time I'm going to bet against Rebecca and Samantha. How the hell did they know? I mean I have lived next to Alec for more than ten years and yet I never knew that he could cook.

But the worst part was that I had eaten cold pizza and by the time they had come and cooked up some Michelin star quality food all I could do is think how I shouldn't have eaten the pizza and how hot the both them looked while cooking.

What can I say? Rebecca was right when she said hot guys cook. But what she didn't mention was how hot they looked while cooking. So I was spying on the two of them as Jake made some complicated pasta dish and Alec made tacos like he had been making them all his life.

Samantha was right. Alec must have learnt to cook as his father was always out but what about Jake? The few days I had lived with him in New York at their house it was pretty clear that they did NOT need to know how to cook, I doubt that if his parents knew how to cook either.

It was actually quite funny watching them cook. Even though they were cooking at the same time they acted like they were the only ones in the kitchen. If both of them grabbed the same thing at one time they would simply glare to see who broke first.

So at the end we ended up watching a horror movie as per Jakes choice. I thought Alec would save me from an entire night of keeping the light on and sleeping but he surprisingly agreed to it quickly and we were stuck watching it.

Did I mention I absolutely and completely hate horror movies?

It's not like I'm particularly scared but all the blood and gore makes me want to throw up my food and the cold pizza I ate wasn't helping.

I turned my attention back to thee television where the girl had gotten up in the middle of the night to see what noise was coming from downstairs.

HELLO WOMAN! Some creepy noise is coming from downstairs you don't go to see what it is. NEVER. Unless you want to start a one and a half hour horror movie revolving around some dumb kids who don't get the fact that they should not have watched a video.

"Why does the girl always have to die first?" I whine hoping that my whine will drown out the part coming up next.

Jake smirked.

"Are you scared?" he says," That at night some creepy girl will come and kill you."

I glare at him.

"Well I don't know about the girl coming after me but I'm definitely going to kill you in the middle of the night." I say.

Beside me Alec mutters, "Not If I get to him first."

Jake glares at Alec before turning his attention back to movie. I sigh and decide to go to kitchen looking for some water. I open the fridge to see a big box of brownies in it with Jakes name written in clear cursive. My stomach rumbles and I realize that somewhere down the line I must have digested that sad excuse for a pizza.

I taste the first brownie and I feel like I'm in cloud nine. These are so good. Before I can think I find myself picking up another one.

"Clara don't eat the brownies which has my name on it." I hear Jake call out.

I look down at the now empty box.




Alec looks at me as if he is confused as to what's happening.Oh My God he is so cute. Oh my god he's just prefect - Ooh I have blonde hair.

"What did you do to her?" Alec looks accusingly at Jake who has that same puzzled look on his face.

Jake has the most adorable eyes ever! Not to mention is hair! It looks just like Cory's. Speaking of which I remember the movie where the girl is still running away from the ghost or zombie or whatever.

"I swear I didn't do anything." Jake said, "Trust me no one in their right mind wants to see her drugged. It had happened in camp once and let's just says that it didn't end very well."

I scrunch my eyebrows. Can't they SHUT UP! The girl just tripped and fell and she is going to die a bloody gruesome death. The best part of the movie was coming up and they were ruining it for me.

"Clara" Jake says gently, "did you eat the brownies in the fridge.'

"Yeah" I nod my eyes glued to the television wondering if the girl was going to die today or not.

"Wait" Alec said, "What do you mean brownies?"

I roll my eyes and giggle. Everything is so funny now!

"The brown delicious things that make you want to die and go to heaven." I say.

Alec looked at me for a second and then turned back to glare at Jake.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" he yells, "Who keeps their brownies in the fridge?"

I giggle again. Ooh a fight! Wait isn't a fight bad? Aah who cares?

I'll probably record so I can watch it over and over again. Just like those stupid kids do in the movie. Speaking of which...

I turn my head just in time to see the girl brutally murdered! YAY! Finally I mean that girl had it coming.

"Where else am I supposed to put it?" Jake was yelling, "On my head?"

"Maybe inside it." Alec sneered, "Because there seems to be a hell of a lot of empty space there."

"Let's not even get started on that." Jake argued back, "Go home for all I care, Clara was literally locked out of her house.You're not!"

"And let you and her be ALONE in the same house." Alec says angrily," Honestly she's been here for a grand total of 2 hours and you have already got her high on hash brownies which no one in their right minds keeps in the BLOODY FRIDGE!"

"Yeah well Mr. I'm too good for my shoes, Just BTW you were also here when it happened so don't go thinking you are innocent." he said.

I turned to look at Alec now. For the past few minutes I had been turning from Alec to Jake like it had been a tennis match. Alec looked positively purple with rage when he yelled, "HOW THE HELL WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT YOU KEPT YOUR BROWNIES IN THE FRIDGE?"

I burst into tears simultaneously.

"Great" Jake said, "Now you made her cry."

Alec who looked a bit guilty looked over at Jake and said, "What aren't her you boyfriend? Make her stop crying."

Jake smirked.

"Clara come let's go to your room Ill make you stop crying there." He said.

That just made me cry harder and Jake scowled as Alec grinned somewhat triumphantly.

"Clara are you okay?" He says slowly.

"She's crying like a fountain what the hell do you think genius?" Jake said.

"You guys are so mean" I sniffle, "You just keep on fighting."

They both looked guiltily at each other.

"If we stop fighting will you stop crying?" Jake says slowly as if I was a two year old kid.

I nod and slowly.

He put on a fake smile and then kicked Alec hard on the shin who glared at Jake and then put on a fake smile. I started giggling hysterically. I can't believe how happy I am.

"Can you guys kiss and make up." I say giggling.

They both get a chance to share a horrified look before quickly moving on opposite ends of the couch.

"How about we put you to sleep. I mean look its way past your bed time." Alec says quickly.

"Yes Clara and we don't want to be a bad girl and waste all our energy now right?" Jake says almost as quickly as Alec.

I frown.

"But what about the kiss?" I whine.

"How about tomorrow?" Alec says.

I nod slowly and then say, "Pinky promise?"

Both of them nod. "Pinky Promise."

I must have gone to sleep after that because that was the last thing I remember.

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