《The Guy Next Door (COMPLETED)》Chapter 12: Teenage Girl Pirhanas



"I kissed a girl and I liked it hope my boyfriend don't mind it......"

"Trust me he doesn't" a voice called out breaking my singing session,"He just regrets not being there to see it."

My mouth drops open as I stare at Jake who is sitting on the edge of his window giving me his usual smirk.

Okay can I just say that this is a complete violation of personal space. I mean what kind of perv spies on a girl who is just harmlessly singing to a song?

"Please, harmlessly singing?" he said making me realize that I said that out loud,"I swear to god I could hear the screams of the tortured animals that had to listen to this song."

I glared at him.

"Were you screaming like a tortured animal at my singing?"

"I was about to." He replied with a grin.

"Ha!" I said smiling triumphantly,"You just admitted to being an animal."

"Ha!" he said,"You just admitted to being the worst singer ever known."

"Don't you have better things to do than spy on a girl?" I say,"You know these are the makings of of a pedophile. Oh wait ! You already are one"

"Don't you have better things to than perhaps kill everyone with your crappy singing within 20 miles." He shuddered,"And lets not even talk about those dance moves."

"You're impossible." I said shaking my head.

"Your improbable." He said.

"And you're a fu-" I said before I was interrupted by him.

"Language Ms Wilson." He said in the stern tone that could be associated my mother,"Where are your manners?"

I put on a big fake smile.

"They died along with Mr Henderson's fake chivalry." I said.

"Thats where you go wrong." He said," Chivalry was never my thing."

"Hence an animal..." I broke off confused as to why Jake was standing on the sill.

"Jake what are you doing?" I said panicking,"Do you have a death wish?"

"Clara move-"

"I mean I knew you were crazy but suicide?" I said cutting him off,"Jake if you need help we can-"


I was cut off when a 100 and god knows how many pounds of boy muscle landed on me knocking me to the ground.

"Gettofme." I mumbled pushing him.

His face appeared in front of me.

"You know I was going to tell you to move," he said grinning.

I mumbled something incoherently.

"And really me suicide?" he said acting as if he was hurt,"I thought you knew me better than that, I love myself way to much."

He got off me and I felt like a tractor came off. Who knew boys could be so heavy?

"Aren't you going to help me up?" I ask still lying on the ground.

"Whats the magic word?" he says.

I swipe my feet underneath his and he ends up loosing his balance and falling beside me. I flip myself so I'm on his chest.

"Regretting calling me heavy aren't you?" I said.

He laughed and I suddenly became aware of how close we were. I could smell his typical deodrant which reminds me...

"Achoo." I sneeze.

Great Clara. You're on top of a boy alone in a room and all you can do is sneeze.

"Okay question why do you always sneeze?" He said.

"Question instead of having a bath with your deo why don't you just drown yourself?" I said,"It will make life much easier."


"Only for Alec." he said,"Beside do you know what will happen if the world looses someone like me?"

"Become a happier place?" I say.

"Nope all girls will die of heartbreak." he said "starting with you"

I smirked.

"How about we prove it." I said, "You die and Ill see what happens."

"Umm why do I need to die to prove it?" he said,"It's not me who has been lying on top of you for the past 5 minutes."

I get up as fast as I can.

"So Why are you here?" I asked.

"Your mom invited me for dinner." He said,"She really really likes me."

For the love of god why cant people have dinner at their own house for once.

"You know there is something called a door?" I say.

"And your point being?" He said.

"Well, you tend to be civilized and enter from them." I say.

"Yeah but then unlike you Im nice," he said,"Your mom would have to come all the way to open it. So I saved her the trouble"

"Yeah really then go become her fake boyfriend." I said coldly.

"Now that I think about it -" he was interrupted by me.

"Don't you dare complete the sentence." I warned.

He simply shrugged.

"So when do you expect Alec to finally man up and ask you out?" He said.

The question completely threw me off.

It had been a week since Natalie and Alec's fight. They hadn't officially broken up but they weren't in very good terms in their relationship either.

Well, sooner or later they would break up, hopefully. Better sooner. But on the bright side me and Alec had become close again. We talked like normal people in Calculus, he went one whole chemistry period without trying to spill some acid on Jake. (No, he hadn't tried it before but I could make out that he was thinking about it and Jake hadn't made one sarcastic comment.) So I was happy but I would be happier if they broke up.

Meanwhile with me and Jake things were as it always were. He glued my books to my locker and then offered to share them feeling guilty but I kind of ruined them by having a little "accident" in the chem lab. But I promise that I didn't mean to start the fire but of course I got detention.

We hadn't had anything like the kiss incident or the note incident (I have vowed to never write notes again). We were just a pair of normal people who were fake dating in order to make Jakes stepbrother jealous.

"Dinner" I heard my grandmother shout from down below. My parents had gone back to New York for two days and Jakes mom was due tomorrow for the wedding preparations.

"Coming" I yelled back glad at the fact that I didn't have to answer Jakes question.


"I have 2 words for you." Rebecca said as we entered the school hall,"Football Tryouts."

"I have 2 words for you." Samantha said,"Nobody cares."

But Samantha was wrong of course. In our school the football tryouts were part of the five events in our school you could not miss unless you were a socially challenged loser like me.

1. Prom, especially Senior Prom this year

2. The Winterball, Complete with the Crowning of Homecoming King and Queen.

3. The Valentines day ball.

4. The Graduation after party thrown every year by the seniors.


5. Football Tryouts.

So obviously there was a buzz in the air.Alec as quarterback and captain and Jeremy Hoffman as linebacker there were few girls in our school who aren't fangirling right now.

Obviously Samantha was leading them.

"Well, You have got to come anyway." Rebecca said.

"For what joy Rebecca?" I said rolling my eyes,"I agree with Sam on this why would you like to go to football tryouts which we do our best to avoid. Trust me the guys maybe hot but the girls who are waiting desperately on the stands trying to get the footballers attention are definitely not what I want to see."

Rebecca smirked.

"So you actually don't know?" She said giving me her typical evil grin.

"What?" Both me and Samantha say together slightly scared.

"Oh nothing." Rebecca said slightly," But we should consider skipping last period to get seats considering the fact that the full female population of our school is going to be there."

We raise our eyebrows.

"Oh and Clara you better wear glasses and a scarf." She said.

Okay now she is really scaring me. What the hell is going on?

"What happened?" I said,"Why do I have to wear glasses and a scarf?"

Samantha rolled her eyes.

"You don't have to wear a scarf she is just being stupid." Samantha said,"But the glasses are necessary."

"Oh my god are you guys planning to kill someone?" I say panicking,"If you are then all I'm going to do is help you get rid of the body."

"The only body we are going to have to get rid off is yours after the crazy girls in the stadium are done with you." Rebecca said.

"Huh?" was my great response.

"Unless you want to get mobbed by a hundred jealous girls of our school when your boyfriend is on the field you should wear the glasses." Samantha replied in a frank tone.

"Huh?" I said again.

"Basically Jake is trying out for the football team." Rebecca said,"But its good to know that you'll be loyal enough to dig up a grave with me."


"I cant believe you talked me into this." I grumbled.

"I cant believe she talked ME into this." Samantha said in turn.

"I cant believe you guys didn't believe that I would talk you into this." Rebecca said,"Come on its me Im very persuasive."

"Bet you she said the same things to Jeremy." Samantha sniggered into my ear.

"I heard that." Rebecca said.

Ooh poor Sam she would have to pay very dearly for that.

"Come on guys."Rebecca pleaded,"It's our senior year this is the last football tryouts we will ever get to go to

"You have already guilt tripped us into coming." Samantha said,"You can stop now."

"Yeah you made me wear a scarf that makes me look my grandmother." I say.

"That statement is completely wrong." Rebecca said,"Your grandmother is a very stylish woman you look more like my Great Aunt Gerty."

Her aunt was a stereotypical old woman complete with false teeth a bad attitude and a complete closet filled with scarves.Rebecca is just so nice.

Im about to reply when a girl nudges me.

"Will you guys shut up the guys are about to come." She said her heavily lined eyes wide with annoyance.

I look at the girl quizzical. Mainly because of the t shirt she's wearing that says Go Beavers!

Now thats weird because thats the school mascot of Hill High School which is the only other high school in our town apart from Seaview. But whats weirder is that she has come all the way across town to cheer for the wrong football team.

"You do know that it's the tryouts for the Seaview lions right?" Samantha says.

"Yeah so?" the girl says haughtily,"Im here to check out the competition."

A girl in front of us laughs.

"Puhleez the only competition she's here to see is Jeremy Hoffmans girlfriend, Rebecca Reynolds." She says,"And of course Jeremy."

Okay if my jaw could reach the ground it would. Rebecca is completely frozen with a WTF look on her face.Mainly she should be worried about the fact that we were going to grill her on the fact that she was officially going out with Jeremy.

"But when did it become official?" I say with an expression my face that clearly says that Im enjoying it.

"Oh I have a friend who is a friend of a friend of Jeremy who told me." the girl in front of us said,"The minute I told her she marched right over here completley red and pissed. I hope the poor Rebecca girl is somewhere far away."

By this time Samantha is almost falling down with laughter. i triumphantly start to untie my scarf and give to Rebecca because it turns out she needs it way more than me.

Im almost done untying it when the girl beside me goes,"Oh please like your any better. Youre just like the others in our school here to scout for Clara."


She did not just say what I think she just said. She did not just say that the crazy girl in front had come to see me. But most importantly she did not just say OTHER GIRLS who had also come.

"What do you mean scout for Clara." Samantha said.

The girl looked at her as if she was dumb or something. She nudged the girl beside her who gave her an irritated expression.

"Stop it. I may miss Jakes enterance." she said.

The other girl just rolled her eyes.

"Screw Jake, you have got to see Alec's enterance." she said.

This is a bad bad dream. Im going to wake up any moment and laugh about this because I cooked up such a stupid stupid dream.

"Anyway this girls asking about Clara." the girl said.(Lets call her AlecFan)

The other girl (JakeFan) in turn gave Samantha a weird look.

"Clara Wilson as in the sister of Michella Wilson dating Jake Henderson and Best friends with Alec which basically means future boyfriend." JakeFan said,"I mean she goes to your school you would have to be living under a rock not to know her."

Wait. Just wait. Did the JakeFan just call me popular me the girl with no social life popular?

"So why are you guys here just to see her?" Samantha asks raising her eyebrows.

"There is not a girl in our school who doesnt I mean is she as pretty as they describe?" the AlecFan asked,"I mean the guys in our school think she's really hot I mean she has to be if shes friends with Jake. But we havent seen her upart from the pictures on the Gossip Review. So which is why we have come here."

"To hopefully kill her and get Jake all to myself." JakeFan said.

Okay im in a state of shock.

"Please youre only going to kill her?" the girl beside me who liked Jeremy said,"Once I get my hands on the Rebecca girl.... "

Okay Rebecca was completley white almost as much as me.Great never listen To Rebecca again because levae it to her to find the worse possible place in the entire bleachers in the middle of hungry teenage girl pirhanas.

"Give me the scarf" she said.

"No way I need way more than you do." I whispered back.

"Please the girl just threatened to torture me." Rebecca replied.

"Well if you had told us you were dating Jeremy precautions would have been taken." I say.

Every girls head in about a 5 foot ditance turns to us. Okay that might have been teensy bit loud.

"Oh my god youre Rebecca Reynolds." The girl beside me said.

Rebecca looked panic.

"And shes Clara Wilson." she said anatching the glasses and the scarf. About 3/4th of the girls head turn to look at me with the scariest expression

"Hi?" I say in a small voice.

Samantha simply sat down and smiled,"Start running in 3, 2, 1.."

Rebecca and me sprinted down the bleachers as if our lifes determined on it with a hoard of angry screaming girls behiend us.

If you had told me this even a month back I would just give you a 'Go find an instution look.' But look how things change.


"Football is really not popular here is it." Jake said looking at me and Rebecaa who looked like we had been trampled over by a hoard of screaming teenage girls. Which co incidently we had. We were at my house slumped on the kitchen counter recounting how we almoat died today.

"Oh its very popular." Samantha smiled happily,"But somehow the girls were found running across town for some reason."

"Aww damn." Jake pouted,"You think girls would want to see this."

Trust me they did. More than half of the girls were screaming Jakes name. But noway was I giving him the satisfaction by telling him that.

"So Jake did you get in?" Rebecca said.

"Yeah" he said," I got in. My job is basically to protect the quarterback and then take the ball and pass it ahead."

Wait.Protect the quarterback meaning Alec?

I must have made a face because Jake simply laughed and said,"Dont worry his pretty face will be perfectly intact."

I simply shake my head and bang it on the kitchen counter hoping this day would end. Jake protecting Alec. Alec and Jake on the same team. How did the world get so messed up?

"Hi guys." I heard Alecs voice and my head instantly shot up.

Jake gave Alec a quizical look but just then my grand mother entered.

"Oh Jake, Clara , Alec." she said sounding a bit flustered,"Im so glad I could catch you guys together. Jake your mom is having some difficulties with the wedding so she and Clara's parents have to stay in New York. Alec yours dads going to be there too and I have to go for some work."

My grand mother paused and took a deep breath.

"Since all of us agree that you guys should not miss school and come to New York only when your Christmas Break starts."she continued,"So they all agreed that its best that you move in together in one house with Jakes house keeper for the next one month."

"Wait WHAT?" All three of us shouted in unision.



Sorry this is more like a filler chapter i think...

once again Im sorry for the crappy grammar will get to it as soon as I can. I updated fast now didnt I??

Anyway dont forget to VOTE because they motivate to make me write faster.

QUESTION: Are you guys yet Team Jake or now switched to Team Alec.

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