《The Guy Next Door (COMPLETED)》Chapter 11: The Automaton Supergoddess


Can you come over?

I look at the text from Alec with my eyebrows raised. It wasn't that I wasn't used to it.But considering our interaction for the last four days this was definitely a surprise. I mean not that it made me any less happier.

I mean we barely talked in Chemistry and I avoided him like the plague all other times because Natalie was with him. Depressing right?

But it surprisingly wasn't. Even with Rebecca starting to spend a hell of a lot of time with Jeremy, if you know what I mean (nudge nudge wink wink) and Samantha was always with Matt, I strangely wasn't alone.

Believe it or not now days it was Jake with whom I spent time with. When I told this to Rebecca she simply rolled her eyes and said, Yeah big surprise you are spending time with a really hot guy who happens to be your boyfriend.

Well she was right.

I mean after the kiss thing and the fact that we were spending a hell of a lot more time together people were definitely buying the whole fake relationship thing.

Just yesterday a Gossip Review came out with a picture of our kiss and a full blow to blow detail of our relationship. I would be lying if I didnt regret missing the look on Natalies face when she read it.

But the plan was working. Alec was getting jealous. In fact me ignoring him and Natalie just made it even better. In Chemistry me and Jake had both arrived late and Alec was already there sitting in the middle seat. Casting stony glances at Jake.

But the weirdest part (yes weirder than the fact that Alec might actually like me) is the fact that it wasn't only Alec who was behaving like that.

Two guys who i had never seen in my life came and asked ne to the winter ball which was like more than a month away but before I had the chance to verify if it was a dare or not, Jake came and the guys vanished into thin air.

I tie my hair in a pony and stare at my reflection for a good five minutes. I put on lipgloss and mascara and am satisfied with the fact that I don't look like I've just gotten out of bed. Which I totally have.

I close the door behiend me with a nice satisfying bang knowing there was no one in the house. I had to go for dinner at the Hendersons as my parents and my grandmother were out and my grandmother knew better than letting me alone in a kitchen.

I knock on Alecs door thrice while checking my watch whose hands showed that it was a little after eight.

I opened the door gently to see Alec sitting on the sofa in the middle of the room looking at the blank TV.

He looked up startled his green eyes almost black like the dark circles around his eyes. I take one step foward slowly.

"What happened?" I say softly.

He looked at me dor a few seconds and my heart started pounding.

"Im sorry." He whispered.

I gave him a quizical look.

"For what?" I say as I sit next to him ont hte couch looking at his tired green eyes.

"I dont know.." he says,"Everything? Acting like a complete Jackass and you know being a jackass.

I laugh.

"Puhleez. Ive known you for ever." I say,"You may be a lot of things show off, Pouty, whiny-"


"Are we ever going to get to the good part about me?" he says giving me a slight smile.

If I did then i would keep rambling.

"Well bottom line is your not a jackass." I say,"Youre just a nice guy who fell of the wagon."

Alec gave a tired smile.

"God I missed your crappy pep talks." he said.

"Hey they are amazing." I say,"It got you smiling didnt it?"

Alec gave a big smile and I could feel my heart pounding faster. I didnt like Alec because he was popular or the star quarterback or anything like that. I mean sure they were a major plus point but I liked Alec because of how easy it is to talk to him or joke with him .

Well atleast it used to be.

4 years back Alec, Natalie and I used to be best friends. I used to be pretty popular in Junior High after all being friends with the two most popular people did have its perks.

Alec was always destined to be the quarterback of the football team and Natalie the head cheerleader after all they were smart sporty and everything in between.Meanwhile I was the smart one in the group like the person definite to get into an Ivy League college be student council president and class valedictorian.

Well as far as I could see they were more or less right. I didn't become student council president but I'm pretty sure that I'm definite to get a scholarship to an Ivy league and the teachers love me so I'm almost 100% sure to be the class valedictorian.

Things were different. Natalie hates me, Alec has managed to go out with half the girl in our school. While I had to try to find an excuse just to talk to him.

"So you and Jake huh?" he says slowly.

I raise my eyebrows and we both burst out laughing.

" Youre a tiny bit late." I say,"I mean after upart from the fact that you acted like my dad"

Alec winced.

"God Im sorry about that." he says,"I was an idiot. Have you been dating him since you were fourteen? I felt like hitting myself after that question."

I grinned.

"Lets not forget am I really such a bad kisser." I say.

Alec flushed but then his frown returned.

"So now enough of this crap." I say,"Now its time to tell me the reason you need to be given a dose of my awesomeness."

"Jake." he says curtly.

I freeze for a second. What did Jake do? Did he tell Alec about my feelings? Did he tell him about the diary?

"What about him." I say hoping my nervousness didnt give much away.

"Umm starting with when the Fuck did you start dating idiots like him." He says his green eyes burning a hole in me.

Alec only curses when he is really pissed. Like Very Very pissed. Which meant that I was screwed.

You know as history dictates I should be a puddly mess of god knows what right now. But Im weird that way. The more pressure applied on me the more calmer I get.

I mean if freaking out in my head but whatever comes out of my mouth is calm and composed but it only happens when I see running is Not an option.

So while Im mentally fainting in my head my mouth which I have no control over simply says,"Im your friend aren't I? so its only befitting that I date your step brother."


God I couldnt pick a worst time to remember the Jane Austen book review I had to do. 'Befitting' I mean I could have just worn a corset and a huge dress with those frilly umbrellas if I wanted to be the next Jane Eyre.

And I wondered why I got a A minus on my orals about Jane Eyre.

"Im serious Clara." he said his tone clearly telling me that he was not kidding.

Okay what happened to the guy who was lauging like two minutes back. He was turning green almost as if he was.....

Oh My God. He was jealous. He was really jealous!

"Its a free country Alec." I say trying to hide my grin,"I can date whoever I like, Its not like someone else was in the picture."

Oh My God.

I just said that. Ha! I should be given some sort of trophy for saying that. I love it how Im an automaton super goddess. People should put me under pressure more often.

"So what Im not your friend?" he said his temper rising,"You didnt perhaps think it wise to tell me that you knew Jake."

Okay now I was angry.

"Yeah perhaps you didnt think it was wise to tell me that YOUR FATHER WAS GETTING MARRIED?" I said.

Alec abruptly sat on the couch as if someone had punched him. I immediatley surged foward and then stopped as I knelt down.

"So all of this was becuase of that?" I ask looking upto him who had his head bent down,"About your dad getting married."

God Im so stupid, not supergoddess but im an automaton idiot.

"She died when I was seven Clara." He says tiredly.

"Okay but I mean you have got to be depressed or messed up or something." I say,"I mean if you dated Melanie King for her charming nature then Im sorry friend you need to go get yourself checked."

Alec gave me the weirdest look.

"When the hell did you become this sarcastic?" Alec said,"You sound a lot like your boyfriend."

I note that he purpousley uses "Boyfriend" instead of Jake's name.

"Well what can I say he's dragged me down to his level." I say grinning exactly how Jake would if he said something like this.

Alec looks away as if he was hiding his emotions. Anger perhaps or just simply on how lame that was.

"But enough talking about my love life." I say,"Alec you have to tell me whats wrong"

"Look I know you are hesitant about the family." I say remembering my first impression of the Henderson family a strict dad a loving mom and a boy who always had a mysterious twinkle in his eyes,"But they are wonderful."

Alec simply stared ahead. I looked at him in dismay. I had known Alec for a long time even before he moved here 10 years back.

When his mother died he had been a mess. He always had the look in his eyes that told you even though he was right in front of you his mind was miles and miles away.

He did get like that time to time. Alecs father joked about it and called the dark ages because all he would do is brood.

"Alec do you remember about how I cried at your mothers funeral more than you?" I said at last when I had enough with the silence.

He nodded.

"And then later I had told you a shitty lie that I had to cry double for you and your mother?" I say remembering how even as a kid i was head over heels for him.

Alec gave me a nod.

"And you spent the whole time consoling me." I say,"Despite the fact that it was your mothers funeral."

Alec nods.

"So what do you learn from that?" I say.

"That I should have brought a lot more tissues" he said.

"No" I say,"Its that your mother taught you well, you are selfless Alec and whenever I need someone to whine about my absentee parents you are almost always there.What makes you think that you wont do the same to Jake and his mom?"

"I know." Alec says desperation ringing out in his voice,"She is perfect and it just reminds me about my mom and I feel guilty."

I raise an eyebrow.

"Why?" I say.

"Because my mom had asked only one thing ever from me and I havent yet gotten the guts to do it." He said passing his hand through his hair.

"What?" I say.

He leaned foward and we were barely an inch upart. Crap, Is he going to kiss me?

But of course I never got to find out because my worst nightmare just walked in 6 inch heels in the form of Natalie.

Alec stepped back so quickly that I had barely time to blink.

Well you should have enjoyed the moment while it lasted because frankly I wouldnt get to get any closer to Alec for at least a year.

Natalie's brown eyes surveyed the situation and she opened her mouth before Alec cut her off.

"Natalie dont.." he said.

"You bloody bitch." she snarled,"What the hell is your fucking problem."

I surveyed her and smirked something I would have never done before but you know after slapping a person your confidence level kinda shoots up.

"Well I know what my problem isn't." I say,"Is the fact that Im definitley not an insecure slut like you."

Natalie lunged at me. I mean like literally lunged at me. Im not even kidding. I missed old Clara.

I cant believe Im saying it. I mean she would have probably sucked it up and gone home and whine about her sucky life. But atleast she wouldnt have her eyes clawed out.

I close my eyes waiting for impact but it never came. I peeked to see Alec standing in front of a fuming Natalie blocking me.

"Thats enough." he said firmly.

Both of them stared at eachother. Actually more like glared.

"So ill get going." I say awkwardly.

Natalie turned and gave me the scariest glare of my entire life while Laec simply nodded as I let myself out.

It was about 2 seconds before I heard the arguement breaking out. I had learned 3 very important things today.

1. Alec jealous of me and Jake.

2. I remembered why I liked Alec so much because frankly I was starting to forget.

3. Alec and Natalie were done.

Authors Note:

So sorry I have been really busy lately. This chapter is the worst I have written grammatical wise but hopefully you like the content. Will give it for editing ASAP.

This chapter has been dedicated to wingsoffire because she is TEAM ALEC and as I promised This was completley Alec based. So My question to you. Have you switched sides?

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