《The Guy Next Door (COMPLETED)》Chapter 10: Dr Jekyll and Mrs Hyde



Whoever told you that laughter is the best medicine is so wrong. Slap that person right on their face and then you’ll know the joy of slapping someone straight on their face. But the best part is when the person you slapped has been making your life a living hell.




I stop in my tracks. I slapped Natalie now that is something I will not get to do every day maybe I should take another hit before she regains her senses and chases after me with her silicon soldiers with pitchforks and god knows what.

Then the other thing about kissing Jake in front of Alec I mean it’s not that I feel particularly guilty I mean to be perfectly honest I would so that again in a heartbeat but no way am I going to admit it to Jake or Alec or anyone else in the entire world.

At first I plan on going back but then I face palm myself for such an idiotic idea. Sure Clara go back to the cafeteria where you got detention for kissing a guy you are fake dating so that you can save the relationship of the guy you like with the bitch you slapped in front of the whole senior grade. Great idea

So since going back to the cafeteria wasn’t the best option for obvious reasons I decide to eat my sad excuse for lunch which is a squashed up granola bar which I found at the bottom of my bag in the football field bleachers.

I did this for two reasons.

Number 1: I hate sports and any form of activity so looking for me in a football field is probably improbable for the people who are looking for me.

Number 2: If Natalie comes looking for me I can easily dodge her because of her strappy heels that will probably slow her down on the bleachers.

I don’t know how long I sat there jumping at almost every noise thinking that it was either Natalie who was coming to kill me or Rebecca who was coming to "talk". We all know how well that will go.

I look at the newspaper and carefully read through the article.

Ms Clara Wilson sister of Michella Wilson. Yes THE Michella Wilson who has been in almost every issue of the Gossip Review during her time and now it seems that Clara her younger sister is following her footsteps.

Alec Evans and her share a relationship that is probably the reason that there has not even been a single long term relationship with anyone except Michella Wilson and of course the one and only Natalie Anderson.

Natalie Anderson the queen bee of our school when Michella left had nothing to worry about until the younger Wilson sister finally accepted the spotlight in Natalie's party during the Truth and Dare games. She was invited by Natalie herself and some people swear Alec himself carried her up.

I stop.

I mean stalker much. How the hell did she know that Alec carried me up?

Ok it might have been done out in the open in front of hundreds of people but they were all either drunk or passed out.

You know I probably would have felt better if Michella hadn't been mentioned in this article. Seriously what is it with people who compare me to Michella? News flash we look nothing like each other and we hate each other. Absolutely HATE each other. So just get a clue and help us try to forget we are related to each other. I simply sigh and continue reading.


Sources are not sure on what exactly happened but there was some definite commotion which ended in Clara leaving the party. Alec went on a mad search to find her which ended in a huge fight with Natalie, After all who can blame the girl to feel in secure of the Wilson genes which Alec definitely had a soft spot for which he proved two years ago when he broke up with Natalie due to Clara.

Now all we can expect is for history to repeat itself. Our poor head cheerleader left out in the cold just like when Michella Wilson stole line-backer Jeremy Hoffman from right under her nose and now there is Clara who will definitely keep Alec once she gets him. After all it’s only a matter of time.

I literally flung the paper from me and started dusting myself off as if I was covered in something dirty.

How had I not seen this when I did a quick read in the cafeteria. Right now looking back at it was perfectly fine that Natalie had slapped me. Ok maybe not perfectly fine but after reading that article I wanted to slap myself.

No I wanted to slap Sally. The person who wrote this article. The person who made me sound like....

The person who made me sound like my sister.

I mean I swear to god it’s like a tribute to her through me. Not kidding. I was portrayed as a slutty bitch that was going to steal Natalie’s boyfriend. Not "trying". After all when did Michella ever try to get guys?


For Jake. Oh I yet couldn't get over the fact that however had she had tried so much so that she also unleashed eye batting at which point all Jake had said, "I think you have something in your eye."

That memory cheered me up enough to give me the courage to go back to school slowly. I gently tip toe to the Chem Lab rechecking twice thrice no one was there to ambush me while completely forgetting that there was a keen Alec waiting there to ask me questions.

"Ms Wilson is there any particular reason. You are late." Mrs Yetern says with her dark brown eyes narrowed as if I had committed some terrible crime.

Well in her defence she wasn’t very far from it.

"Ummm." I say while mentally trying to cook up an excuse.

Come on Clara think.

"Umm I had gone out to eat." I say quickly, "And my car broke down so I had to walk."

Ok that wasn't bad. I mean she wouldn't know that I hadn't come to school in my own car.

Her eyes narrowed but she simply sighed and said," Please go to your seat."

I nod happy that I had made up a good excuse. I’m about to step forward when I catch a glimpse of my desk. I let a squeak out despite myself and freeze in position.

"Ms Wilson is there a problem?" Mrs Yetern asks.

Are you kidding me!

Is she blind? I mean can’t she see the problem.

"Mrs Yetern weren't you supposed to change lab partners today." I say quickly.

She raises her eyebrows as she says, “You do know these are your permanent places for the rest of the year right?"

"But-" I say before I’m interrupted.

"Go and sit in your place Clara unless you want detention." then she adds softly, ‘Besides girls would kill to have that spot."

My mouth hangs open. Really Mrs Yetern who is happily married is saying that. Okay clearly she wasn't "happy" or else she wouldn't behave like an eighteen year old. But then who could blame her after all the place I was given was right in between Jake and Alec.



Are you all right?

I look at the note and a million different emotions pass by me. Mainly confusion as to what all right meant.

I mean it was totally alright that I was sitting in between Alec and Jake right? Alec poking me every second and Jake sitting there perfectly find as if the kiss had never had happened.

For some reason it was the last thing that bothered me. I shook my head and thought.

What the hell is wrong with you? There is nothing between you and Jake. Never was and never will. Stop being a Michella and focus on one guy.

Wow! My inner self is a bitch.

I pick up the pencil thinking about how to reply to Alec's note meanwhile completely ignoring all the instructions the teacher was giving about some dangerous experiment we were about to perform.

I’m about to write OK but instead I write:

Do you honestly think I am "all right”? I mean you can’t be that thick skulled, can you? Let’s get one thing straight regardless of what the article makes you believe I AM NOT MY SISTER and I are not a replacement for her either. She is a BITCH. I am NICE. I am NOT HER. I actually stick by everything I say. So if we are whatever we are because I’m a replacement then GO TO HELL. Because I get it that I’m not your type but IM NOT GOING TO BE MY SISTER to become your type. Sorry I’m not smart pretty and outgoing like her but I actually have values and if you can’t see that then like I said before GO TO HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay so that note might have been tad bit mean. But it wasn't my fault I was very angry at that time and I just had to vent it out somehow. In fact I’m not sure if the note was even meant for Alec I was just too angry and way too insecure to care.

Satisfied I fold the note. I’m about to pass the note when Jake sends one over a note with the same question, Are you all right?

I’m about to write NO but instead with a forced smile I simply write, Just Peachy: D

Ok I agree the smiley face had been too much but I was too mad to care. The funniest part was that I don't even know why I was mad. I was about to pass the notes when Mrs Yetern came so I just quickly shoved them under my books. She glanced at me before moving on and I sighed in relief as I passed the notes.

Then I realized what I had done. I mean Alec did not deserve anything I had written on the note. I had to get that note back. Fast.

I mean what the hell is wrong with me. And what was with me and "What the Hell' today?

I swear to god it was like I was a completely different person like Dr Jekyll and Mrs Hyde.

Or Dr Banner and Hul-

Clara just Shut Up and get the FREAKING NOTE. A voice mentally screamed in my head.

I quickly sprung up desperately trying to think of a way to get the note back which was now in Alec’s hand who was carefully unfolding it. I suddenly see people take out their Bunsen burner and light it and I get an idea.

I snatch the Bunsen burner and quickly light it glancing at Alec who was yet struggling to open the note which I had practically crumpled. I quickly move a bit towards him and deliberately nock it over. He yelped and jumped up letting go of the note which caught into flames. All around people were standing and saying something I couldn't here mostly because of the relief.

A charred piece of paper caught my eye.

I looked at it intently as a feeling of dread overwhelmed me. I looked desperately for Jake who stood carefully away from the crowd near a bin tearing paper in his hands into bits and pieces before throwing it into the bin. He made eye contact briefly and I had a feeling that whatever was in that note he had read it thoroughly.

I look down to see that even though the paper was burned you could clearly see a smiley face on it. Which means if Alec had gotten this note then Jake had.........

Well now THAT was peachy.


"Now I get it why you need so much of time to go to school." Jake says, “I mean you’re going slower than the bike."

Promptly a cycle goes by passing us easily.

"Hey that person is violating all traffic rules." I say defensively," I mean I’m following the speed limit."

Jake rolls his eyes.

"Fine" I say, “Ill speed up a bit but if we are caught by the police for speeding. It’s all your fault."

I speed up just a little barely touching the accelerator. After about two minutes red lights start flashing behind us along with a high pitched siren.

"Look I told you." I say, “It’s all your fault!"

I slow down and as the police car catches up with me.

"I’m Sooo sorry for spe-" I say just to be interrupted by the policemen.

He gives a hearty chuckle as he says, “No sweetheart in fact I was telling you to go a little faster. You’re holding up traffic."

My mouth drops open and Jake starts laughing. By laughing I mean Roll on the floor with tears in your eyes kind of laughing.

"It’s not that funny" I grumble.

In the end I and Jake come to an agreement that he was going to drive but in a humane speed. We continue making small talk about people and Natalie’s face after I slapped her and how I was going to pay for it later.

But there were two things he steered clear of. The kiss and the note and I was so grateful for that. I mean I spent the whole of detention staring at the blank paper which was supposed to be my English Essay about how awkward the car ride would be but he made sure he didn't even go near those topics.

"Thanks" I said getting out of the car when we finally reached my house, “for everything."

I’m about to go up the drive way when he calls out, “Clara?"

I turn around to see him looking at me intently with his green eyes.

"Did you really mean what you said in that to Alec in the note?'

My expression must have changed because he then said," You don't have to-"

"No" I say forcing a smile on my face," It’s okay. I must have not meant it because I tried to burn it afterward, right?"

"Right." He says nodding slowly.

I turn around again before hearing Jake call out my name.

"You know you’re not anything like your sister right?" he says.

"Yup, I know." I say.

But if that was true then why did I believe in it less and less by the passing moment.



This was one of my favourite chapters so far. What about you? Jake is just sooooooo............ well you get the point.

Now my question. What do you think would have happened if Alec actually had gotten the right note and read it?

About the Michella thing I’ll tell you why Clara hates her so much... But that will be later as Michella is a very important character and will come soon: D


-Comment and tell me how you like it.




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